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I love how this rumor is given more credibility than the rumors everyone said were never going to happen but did any way.

To suddenly do a redesign this soon after launching a new console (portable or otherwise) is unheard of. I can only think of one example, and that's Sega in the late 90s.

RUMOR IS RUMOR UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. Armchair speculation isn't helping anything, and most likely just stirring up people that are easily inclined to believe anything they read or hear about the matter.

How about everyone just wait until something reliable and official comes out?


guys guys i herd nintendo is canceling the 3ds and is gonna make a psp with sony and microsoft and theyre making a game called super mario banjo kazooie clone wars and daxter.

it was on [journalistically-suspect game site] so it must be true


LIES! Apple is buying Nintendo and the next portable is going to be the Appendo iGame, which will will do everything the iPod does but play also play Mario and Pokemon (no Zelda, they can't make it work on the new hardware) and only retail for $599 US.

Then it will be replaced with the iGame 3G for online gaming only 8 months later. Then the iGame3GS+ for better connection speeds and finally be able to handle Zelda games. Then a year later, the will announce the iGame 4G and 5G, each one slightly better than the last version but still costing an extra hundred bucks then the last model, despite being nearly identical in design and features.

I have an uncle who works at Nintendo AND Apple, and he told me so himself via encrypted emails, so I can't show them to you just now, BUT TRUST ME.


To be honest, the only thing about that article that I'd readily believe is that Nintendo didn't send out enough dev kits on time, which in my mind is still a huge obstacle for getting out that high-quality 3rd-party software out there. Sucks that so many generations in, console manufacturers still can't get over that hump. The 3DS didn't sell crazy Nintendo numbers because it was overpriced and had a dearth of killer apps at launch, not because it lacks a second analog stick(although it sure would've made me happy as a lefty had they included one originally).

On the subject of beating the PSVita, companies really have to stop thinking that everything is a race. It's pretty much agreed upon that FFXIV was rushed out so it would beat Cataclysm, and look at the giant turd that popped out there. Quality speaks for itself, and there's no reason that multiple things can't exist in the same space. Who would ever dream of putting a time limit on Blizzard? Think the Diablo 3 team is worried about Torchlight? Of course not, because their stuff oozes good fun, and many companies could stand to absorb some of the business culture that makes thar possible.

Also, being able to swap from OoT 3D to DOA: Dimensions on the same handheld just feels so right.


On the subject of beating the PSVita, companies really have to stop thinking that everything is a race. It's pretty much agreed upon that FFXIV was rushed out so it would beat Cataclysm, and look at the giant turd that popped out there. Quality speaks for itself, and there's no reason that multiple things can't exist in the same space. Who would ever dream of putting a time limit on Blizzard? Think the Diablo 3 team is worried about Torchlight? Of course not, because their stuff oozes good fun, and many companies could stand to absorb some of the business culture that makes thar possible.

I think it's the opinion of developers that in the current economy, where people are either watching their money closely or just don't have any, the game that gets out first is the game people will buy.

It's not exactly right, seeing how fans will wait for certain games regardless of money or time, but I can understand why they would think beating everyone else out of the gate would be the deciding factor.

Sadly, until everyone is doing better around the world, companies will still release early and often to try to get more sales.

So I have a Hori screen protector for my system, but one problem: The top screen gets smudgey and I can't for the life figure out how to get it clean. Any thoughts?

I've got one, too.

Just now flipped mine open and wiped a fingerprint with my shirt, came right off. I buy the protectors so I can do things like wipe the screen with my shirt without worrying about scratches, so I don't know if that helps you.

Is it the one that covers the entire top panel (like, not just the screen, but edge-to-edge)?

Posted (edited)

The last five NES games for the Ambassador Program are Metroid, Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link, Wrecking Crew, Yoshi, and NES Open Tournament Golf.

To refresh your memory, the first 5 NES AP games were: Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Jr., Balloon Fight, Ice Climber and The Legend of Zelda.

Edited by ocre

The 10 Free NES games are available right now!

in the eShop, go to Settings, then Your Downloads, and you'll see the option to download them all. I'm rocking some Super Mario bros. right now!

well I guess it couldn't be all gems

Actually, I don't mind Yoshi, it's not the greatest Puzzle game, but it's not the worst. Of course, I do have a bit of an oddball selection for some of my favorite games...

Yeah, that doesn't really bode well for the GBA games.

They should have made them AAA games and not the "meh" to "OK" titles. You want to reward someone, you don't give them copper coins when you're sitting on a pile of gold.

Well, the weakest gba Ambassador title I can recall is Mario vs DK, and I ended up buying that one. I'm hoping for WarioLand 4 and maybe Fire Emblem? = ]

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