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What's with Nintendo and releasing half-baked hardware all the time? They've done it with the Game Boy Advance line, the DS line, the Wii, and now the 3DS. I know they are just milking money out of everyone but doesn't that bother you guys at all? Can't they just release the hardware as they planned it in the first place rather than forcing you to constantly buy upgrades and new models to be able to play the latest games?


Well, I think the GBA SP is the best handheld/gameboy ever, unless you're talking about the micro (which sucks).

And my heart wants to say there's no way that can be real. It's like the marketing geniuses at 90s Sega infiltrated Nintendo and started suggesting all these laughably shitty ideas and they all nod their heads saying "Yes, hmm, yes, that sounds like a GREAT IDEA!"


Haha, it totally DOES look like something 90's sega would think up, doesn't it?

I think it's entirely pointless. I've found the touch screen to be a much more accurate targeting system for FPSs on the DS, and that thing just looks uncomfortable.

The games I buy probably won't even use it. Monster Hunter 3G is the only title I can think of that might use it, so I probably won't buy it.


That's a really terrible solution to a non-problem. If anything, the problem with the d-pad location is way worse than lacking a second circle pad. It's a little uncomfortable to use for me. But even then, it's not all that bad to play all games with the circle pad anyway.

I still assert that the main problem with the 3DS is the lack of really good games. Granted, I like the remakes and Kid Icarus looks fun but there's nothing out or planned that'll pull people off the fence, let alone over the fence. I bought the system because even if it fails horribly, they'll get a number of games on it that I want to play, so it's worth it to me. Even though the Virtual Boy sucks and bombed in retail, I still love playing that Wario game on it.

However, if their main solution is to add another circle pad, then they're crazy.

oh lol it's real

And probably only one game will use it. I find it hilarious that all the game companies are unwilling to release a game on their unless it's a cheap port, or until it sells better. Which it won't do unless there's games on there. Guess you could blame Nintendo for rushing the system, and not getting the thing going with strong launch games.


Introducing the nintendo 32x

just insert it into your DS's GBA slot

And it allows you to play Nintendo 32x3d games!

Mario 32x is launching with the system as well!


I'm sure once by Christmas, all the nay-saying will have subsided, but it's a long way till Black Friday.

On the plus side there's some really awesome DS games coming out! : D


Well Walmart apparently broke street date but has been sold out. Release is tomorrow and I'm pretty excited. After playing through OoT 3D, I think I appreciate the idea of having all these great games in portable form now, and Star Fox looks to be getting much more of a visual upgrade than OoT did and it looks pretty damned great.

I also like the idea of controlling the vehicles using the 3DS gyroscope. That function alone made me use my slingshot and bow and arrows much more in OoT. It just felt more engaging, and seriously raise of hands. How many of you veered your body around while playing any type of racing or flight game at any point in your life. Shit's fun.

It's too bad the battle mode isn't playable online though. It actually looks like a decent addition as opposed to a tacked-on experience like the original run. Oh well... At least it'll support download play.


I turned it off in OoT because I found myself missing too many shots. But the idea is cool, and I did play Mario Kart Wii mostly with the wheel.

I finally found a copy of that Samurai Warriors game. It's fun! But confusing. I really can't keep up with all the japanese names for characters and places, and the manic pace of battles means I only play it every few days.

I'm on the fence about Devil Survivor and Star Fox though. I played Devil Survivor on the DS to death, and I've never been a big Star Fox fan.


My opinion on stuff like Ocarina of Time 3D and Star Fox 64 3D aside, I personally wouldn't buy stuff like Devil Survivor if all it is is a slightly enhanced version of a game that came out on the previous hardware gen, especially if the current gen is backwards compatible with said previous gen. I guess if you're a super fan or just can't find the original DS version(which in your case isn't an issue obviously) it's OK though.

This is why I'm pretty on the fence about grabbing Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns on the 3DS at a friends recommendation because it'll pretty much be the exact same experience as its DS counterpart, save for probably a tacked on 3D effect. It would be my first Harvest Moon since the original on the SNES which I enjoyed, but based on my previous statement, I just can't justify it.

Prepare for a quality game deluge come the next two fiscal periods, starting this month with Star Fox and ending somewhere with Resident Evil: Revelations and/or Metal Gear Solid 3DS(yes it's just an enhanced port, but at least all the games they've chosen to port are proven quality).

I turned it off in OoT because I found myself missing too many shots. But the idea is cool, and I did play Mario Kart Wii mostly with the wheel.

I finally found a copy of that Samurai Warriors game. It's fun! But confusing. I really can't keep up with all the japanese names for characters and places, and the manic pace of battles means I only play it every few days.

Once you unlock Nene and Keiji, the game becomes ridiculously more fun.

Posted (edited)

Perhaps not precisely 3DS news, the Nintendo Channel on Wii updated with a downloadable demo of the DS game, Kirby Mass Attack. Seems like a pretty fun little game from what I got out of the short demo. I thought I'd be turned off by the touchscreen-exclusive control, but it feels pretty good. Check it out! The actual game comes out on the 19th.

Edited by ocre
My opinion on stuff like Ocarina of Time 3D and Star Fox 64 3D aside, I personally wouldn't buy stuff like Devil Survivor if all it is is a slightly enhanced version of a game that came out on the previous hardware gen, especially if the current gen is backwards compatible with said previous gen. I guess if you're a super fan or just can't find the original DS version(which in your case isn't an issue obviously) it's OK though.

Actually, they added voice acting, more demons, and an 8th day for all but the two neutral endings (even the previously-cowardly-bad ending), which continues the story into the aftermath of your decisions back on the 6th day. It's a far bit of new content.


Quick question. So I've realized that a lot of people say the 3D effect on the system makes them a bit dizzy or strained after prolonged use, but I haven't had that problem at all. Then it hit me, maybe I can't see the full 3D effect like someone who not-shit vision. Is shit supposed to be popping out of the screen like crazy or something, 'cause really I can pretty much just see changes to depth and what not in certain games, and in others not too much difference at all.

Example, I could definitely see the difference in depth with OoT, but Star Fox? Not too exaggerated. Are my eyes just not getting it?


I'm pretty sure the 3D effect isn't as extreme as things looking like they're coming out of the system. I pretty much am in the same boat you're in; it just seems to add a little depth to the images. At first, my eyes were weirded out by the dual images, but now I have no problem playing in 3D for fairly good stretches.

Quick question. So I've realized that a lot of people say the 3D effect on the system makes them a bit dizzy or strained after prolonged use, but I haven't had that problem at all. Then it hit me, maybe I can't see the full 3D effect like someone who not-shit vision. Is shit supposed to be popping out of the screen like crazy or something, 'cause really I can pretty much just see changes to depth and what not in certain games, and in others not too much difference at all.

Example, I could definitely see the difference in depth with OoT, but Star Fox? Not too exaggerated. Are my eyes just not getting it?

thank the lord im not the only one

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