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Nintendo 3DS XL... without dual circle pads...

I am disappoint.

Part of me wants to say that it would fuck up pre-second pad games, as anything made before wouldn't be able to use it.

But then another part of me says that since older games couldn't use it any way (as in, they re not programmed for it, it wouldn't even register on those games), it's a moot point and they could still put a second pad any way. Older games would be able to run without using it, and newer games would work just fine. The only problem is people having to get a new 3DS to play newer games (which is normal, as most people tend to do so at some point any way).

Another part of me wants to say things were simpler in the GBA era, as that was the bestest era, and you kids with your analog this and touch-screen that can suck it. 240 x 160 for life!

Anther part of me is asking why I bothered to type all this out.

Posted (edited)
Is it bad that I'm still thinking about it?

Depends on what you're still thinking about.

If you're still on the fence about getting a 3DS even now that Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Kid Icarus Uprising, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D, Resident Evil Revelations and more than a handful of worthwhile eShop games are out, think about whether or not Paper Mario Sticker Star, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, NSMB2 a new Harvest Moon, and Kingdom Hearts DDD coming out this year and Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing coming out early next year are worth buying this new handheld for. Tons of exclusives.

Or did you mean something else?

And some people's obsession with the 3DS needing another pad, how is the system suffering without one? It's not like the Vita is selling like hotcakes and the 3DS is missing out on key, do-able ports. If you like the games available, get the system. None of them require a second stick. Everything will be fine. I don't remember anyone bitching about the GBA needing more buttons because every other system had 4. And I seem to recall the DS had 1 Direction Pad. Did you not buy one of those because you were waiting for a revised model with an analog stick? It's a little pitiful.

Edited by ocre

Sorry for bumping the old 3DS thread. It's finals week and my life is hectic, anyways.

"Just a reminder for those that do Club Nintendo, June 30th is the cutoff for platinum status. I was resting at 580 points (20 away) and just happened to think about it randomly today. "

I bought Pushmo, and it's not showing up on my Club Nintendo account. Suppose I'll try to wait it out and see how long it takes to show up.


I'm surprised I'm close to hitting platinum at all, I honestly don't remember buying many Nintendo games this year. I haven't played my 3DS at all this year either. Last 2 games I got were Mario Kart 7 and 3D Land.


And some people's obsession with the 3DS needing another pad, how is the system suffering without one? It's not like the Vita is selling like hotcakes and the 3DS is missing out on key, do-able ports. If you like the games available, get the system. None of them require a second stick. Everything will be fine. I don't remember anyone bitching about the GBA needing more buttons because every other system had 4. And I seem to recall the DS had 1 Direction Pad. Did you not buy one of those because you were waiting for a revised model with an analog stick? It's a little pitiful.

it's not the obsession with needing another pad it's that a good portion of the aaa games on the system support/play infinitely better on the 2 circle pad peripheral yet they can't be bothered to make that the default control scheme despite so many nintendo games pretty much saying 'well if you want to play this and have controls not suck you'd better have this peripheral'

Posted (edited)

Maybe the 3DS's successor will have 2 sticks, but it's really not practical to add them to the 3DS now. It's like how most Xbox360 games cannot require a hard drive, even though a lot of people have one. The user base is slightly fractured with the Circle Pad Pro, and to include a 2nd stick on the XL would only further fracture the original 3DS's audience.

I'm fine with it not including a 2nd stick (not upgrading to the XL btw), but it's only because I have lowered my expectations considerably with Nintendo portables (that's just a personal thing, not trying to preach). They are just different machines than what many people seem to want them to be.

Also, like Mirby said, there's only something like 8 games in Japan that support the CPP there, and a couple less here.

Edited by Soma
Posted (edited)
actually iirc there's only 7 games that support the CPP.


That's not a good portion at all. :<

which games?

Monster Hunter 3G

Kingdom Hearts

Metal Gear Solid

Kid Icarus

Resident Evil

that wraps up a large portion of the aaa titles that have come out recently or are coming up soon.

i wouldn't particularly care about it if it weren't for the fact that a lot of the best games being made for the system are being made with it in mind. it doesn't kill me that it doesn't have it because i'm not getting one but it's just really silly that they make it an option and then either a) kill off the peripheral with a new system or B) make people buy a second peripheral that will work with their new system.

Edited by The Derrit

i know that in Kid Icarus: Uprising, it makes ZR act like L and R act like ZL (and vice versa), in addition to making the right analog do the same as the left. This makes the game much easier to play since I'm left-handed.

KH3D uses it to make the controls more similar to KH2's, in that the additional Circle Pad moves the Camera and the ZR Button works for locking on to foes. The R Button works like the 3DS R Button for the Camera Rotation. ZL, however, is not used.

All in all it depends on how its programmed. But it doesn't take any controls away; it either complements existing ones or adds more.

I have to assume that he meant to say 3DS instead of DS. There's no way anyone could make that mistake.

Yeah, my bad. I'll change it. I did mean the 3DS's successor. Maybe i should just stop posting stuff this week.


The fact that the 3DS XL DOESN'T have a second circle pad pretty much solidifies my assumption that there was only going to probably be a small amount of games that would even bother to utilize the second slider. Glad I didn't waste 20 dollars on the thing. From what I understood, most places didn't hardly even stock the the attachment.

Now I'm honestly thinking about buying a 3DS XL, and the reason being that my hand cramps like something awful while playing the current model I have. Plus, I'd rather have a larger screen anyways, far too much wasted space on that handheld's panel.

Now I'm honestly thinking about buying a 3DS XL, and the reason being that my hand cramps like something awful while playing the current model I have. Plus, I'd rather have a larger screen anyways, far too much wasted space on that handheld's panel.

I played Pushmo for about 10 minutes the other day and was shocked at how fast my hands cramped up. Not nearly enough to be interested in the upgrade, it's just a very rigid design.

Since it's tied to your download account, you should be able to.

Pretty sure that's confirmed. I saw a bunch of people talking about how cool it's gonna be to have ambassador games on the XL.

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