EC2151 Posted October 26, 2012 Posted October 26, 2012 It's going to be hard to justify buying Ikachan, a 10-minute game that's really actually easy and more or less the Cave Story demo. And while I am excited for Bravely Default, I don't really trust Fatsimu scores anymore. As far as 3DS games go, these are what I'd be interested in: -Resident Evil: Revelations (CAPCOM) -Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacies (Namco; remake of Ace Combat 2, not casual CODfest AC:AH) -Code of Princess (Atlus) -Shinobi 3DS (SEGA) -Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure (SEGA) -Fire Emblem -Kid Icarus Uprising -Ocarina of Time 3D eShop: -Liberation Maiden (Suda 51) -Sakura Samurai (Grounding) Still waiting on that Advance Wars game to get me firmly in the "must buy", but I'm pretty close as is. A decent line-up of worthy games as of right now, and when we get our inevitable Phoenix Wright and Layton games, it'll get stronger. Though seeing Layton without his hat is just... not right. Like I said, I'm waiting on Advance Wars, and maybe some more platforming games that aren't just Super Mario/New Super Mario Bros, which honestly do not appeal to me right now in the slightest. Quote
Kanthos Posted October 26, 2012 Posted October 26, 2012 it's more like ff9 with ff5's job system.also the music is phenomenal, the gameplay is great, and it got 38/40 from famitsu. Pretty much the best of the 2nd and 3rd-gen console RPGs wrapped into a 3DS game; too bad they're not localizing it. Quote
Mirby Posted October 26, 2012 Posted October 26, 2012 It's going to be hard to justify buying Ikachan, a 10-minute game that's really actually easy and more or less the Cave Story demo. And while I am excited for Bravely Default, I don't really trust Fatsimu scores anymore. As far as 3DS games go, these are what I'd be interested in: -Resident Evil: Revelations (CAPCOM) -Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacies (Namco; remake of Ace Combat 2, not casual CODfest AC:AH) -Code of Princess (Atlus) -Shinobi 3DS (SEGA) -Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure (SEGA) -Fire Emblem -Kid Icarus Uprising -Ocarina of Time 3D eShop: -Liberation Maiden (Suda 51) -Sakura Samurai (Grounding) Still waiting on that Advance Wars game to get me firmly in the "must buy", but I'm pretty close as is. A decent line-up of worthy games as of right now, and when we get our inevitable Phoenix Wright and Layton games, it'll get stronger. Though seeing Layton without his hat is just... not right. Like I said, I'm waiting on Advance Wars, and maybe some more platforming games that aren't just Super Mario/New Super Mario Bros, which honestly do not appeal to me right now in the slightest. Well Layton's coming out in the next few days (gonna grab that) and AA5 is confirmed for NA release, so that's always good. Pretty much the best of the 2nd and 3rd-gen console RPGs wrapped into a 3DS game; too bad they're not localizing it. Not with that attitude they aren't! Operation Rainfall recently started backing a campaign to get BDFF localized. There's a Facebook page and Twitter for this campaign already. Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted October 26, 2012 Posted October 26, 2012 (edited) Well now. Thanks entirely to someone really nice that I now owe more than one debt to now because I made a horrible misjudgment of the situation, I can join the ranks of you 3DS owners. Friend Code: 2664-3550-7284 I'm adding everyone as we speak. I don't have much in the way of games right now, but hopefully I'll be able to rectify that soon enough. Edited October 28, 2012 by HalcyonSpirit Quote
Soma Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 I was at Big Lots today and noticed they started selling 3DS games and cases. They had Shinobi, and SFIV for $15 each, seems like a somewhat decent deal. I also noticed they had Dragon Quest 9 for $12. Weird to see actual decent games in a discount store. Quote
Mirby Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 Well now.Thanks entirely to The Damned, I can join the ranks of you 3DS owners. Friend Code: 2664-3550-7284 I'm adding everyone as we speak. I don't have much in the way of games right now, but hopefully I'll be able to rectify that soon enough. is he just buying everyone 3DS's? i mean, he bought me mine, he got you yours... seriously, he's like single-handedly proving that canadians are indeed nice. Quote
Darklink42 Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 is he just buying everyone 3DS's? i mean, he bought me mine, he got you yours...seriously, he's like single-handedly proving that canadians are indeed nice. Guess I should have asked before I purchased mine. Quote
The Derrit Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 guess who has bravely deeefaulltttt also if you've seen screenshots... it looks infinitely better in 3d Quote
Mirby Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 guess who has bravely deeefaullttttalso if you've seen screenshots... it looks infinitely better in 3d now you're just teasin' us Quote
The Damned Posted October 28, 2012 Author Posted October 28, 2012 (edited) Guess I should have asked before I purchased mine. Ugh, way to ruin the secret for everyone, Mirby. Especially Halycon. But most especially Mirby. Disclosure time: For the last several years, I have been acting as a sort of secret Santa for other members of OCR. My job in the oilfield/energy industry not only affords me a tidy income, but also the means to save up and dispose of income as I see fit. This includes acts of charity and good will towards complete strangers. Why? Part of it is simply helping out where it is needed. Part of it is to instill that sense of that "What? Really!?" feeling people get... sort of like when a NPC gives you an item when you talk to them. I guess I'm trying to make real life like video games? So once a year, usually around the end of fall, early winter, I keep an eye out for OCR members that would like a video game or system of some kind, but can't afford one of their own (school, employment, kids, they're in minimum security prison, you know how it is). I'm not going to disclose whom, aside from Mirby and HalcyonSpirit (who blabbered about it ) getting 3DSs, because: 1) They might not like having me say "oh yeah, they were too poor, so I took pity on them" because it would be embarrassing, and not necessarily true. Some of them just didn't have the means due to parents saying so (and you all know how much I like to undermine authority) or they were serving overseas, or other reasons (note that these are made-up examples: no clues for you!) 2) It was supposed to be kind of a secret ninja thing, and ninjas are cool. Like bow ties. But less obvious and more deadly. Past recipients have received a PSP, a DSi, a DS Lite and one person wanted a GBA SP even though they weren't the newest system at the time. Which is cool, 'cause GBA be ballin' yo. 3) I can use this against them ... somehow. Maybe something to do with guilting them into something? I don't know, I really haven't thought this through since I started t. But now the secret is out, RUINED FOREVER by loose lips. Until next year, I guess. Whatever. But don't go around expecting freebies, greedy people. I'm giving, but not a sucker. EDIT: OK, some of the humor I (failed to) use has gone either over a few heads, or completely misfired and is just sitting dead in the barrel. Firing blanks is what I'm good at. Yes, that's self depreciating humor. I suppose it was my fault for using a relatively unknown quote from The Simpsons and talking in overly robust formatting. I'm not outraged or anything by this, I just decided to play it up a bit for my own amusement. And now HalyconSpirit seems to be saddened by this most egregious of betrayals. But worry not, for I am a duckheaded baffoon, playing at things for silliness's sake. No hard, no foul, no problem. Edited October 28, 2012 by The Damned Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 (edited) Ah, crap. I thought it was common knowledge. I'm almost certain I saw someone mention something about you doing this sort of thing last year or the year before. Though, all I mentioned was you helping me; that could've just been pointing me toward a person you know selling one on the cheap! I didn't want to be specific about the details, anyway, only just mention you had helped me somehow... So much for that. Still, sorry. We could all pretend this never happened! Edit the posts, quickly! In the meantime, though, I need to figure out a way to make it up to you, since it was my comment that created the snowball, so to speak. Crap, I feel horrible now. Edited October 28, 2012 by HalcyonSpirit Quote
Bleck Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 Will I like Bravely Default if I thought 4HoL was kind of boring? Quote
CinnamonJihad Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 Ugh, way to ruin the secret for everyone, Mirby. Especially Halycon. But most especially Mirby.Disclosure time: For the last several years, I have been acting as a sort of secret Santa for other members of OCR. My job in the oilfield/energy industry not only affords me a tidy income, but also the means to save up and dispose of income as I see fit. This includes acts of charity and good will towards complete strangers. Why? Part of it is simply helping out where it is needed. Part of it is to instill that sense of that "What? Really!?" feeling people get... sort of like when a NPC gives you an item when you talk to them. I guess I'm trying to make real life like video games? So once a year, usually around the end of fall, early winter, I keep an eye out for OCR members that would like a video game or system of some kind, but can't afford one of their own (school, employment, kids, they're in minimum security prison, you know how it is). I'm not going to disclose whom, aside from Mirby and HalcyonSpirit (who blabbered about it ) getting 3DSs, because: 1) They might not like having me say "oh yeah, they were too poor, so I took pity on them" because it would be embarrassing, and not necessarily true. Some of them just didn't have the means due to parents saying so (and you all know how much I like to undermine authority) or they were serving overseas, or other reasons (note that these are made-up examples: no clues for you!) 2) It was supposed to be kind of a secret ninja thing, and ninjas are cool. Like bow ties. But less obvious and more deadly. Past recipients have received a PSP, a DSi, a DS Lite and one person wanted a GBA SP even though they weren't the newest system at the time. Which is cool, 'cause GBA be ballin' yo. 3) I can use this against them ... somehow. Maybe something to do with guilting them into something? I don't know, I really haven't thought this through since I started t. But now the secret is out, RUINED FOREVER by loose lips. Until next year, I guess. Whatever. But don't go around expecting freebies, greedy people. I'm giving, but not a sucker. Holy..... Shit..... You are a freaking hero dude. That is one of the coolest things I have ever heard. Like ever. Thanks for being a friggen awesome person. People who do this kind of stuff are the best. I know you didn't want anyone singing your praises but... I don't care. Quote
Darklink42 Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 Ugh, way to ruin the secret for everyone, Mirby. Especially Halycon. But most especially Mirby.Disclosure time: For the last several years, I have been acting as a sort of secret Santa for other members of OCR. My job in the oilfield/energy industry not only affords me a tidy income, but also the means to save up and dispose of income as I see fit. This includes acts of charity and good will towards complete strangers. Why? Part of it is simply helping out where it is needed. Part of it is to instill that sense of that "What? Really!?" feeling people get... sort of like when a NPC gives you an item when you talk to them. I guess I'm trying to make real life like video games? So once a year, usually around the end of fall, early winter, I keep an eye out for OCR members that would like a video game or system of some kind, but can't afford one of their own (school, employment, kids, they're in minimum security prison, you know how it is). I'm not going to disclose whom, aside from Mirby and HalcyonSpirit (who blabbered about it ) getting 3DSs, because: 1) They might not like having me say "oh yeah, they were too poor, so I took pity on them" because it would be embarrassing, and not necessarily true. Some of them just didn't have the means due to parents saying so (and you all know how much I like to undermine authority) or they were serving overseas, or other reasons (note that these are made-up examples: no clues for you!) 2) It was supposed to be kind of a secret ninja thing, and ninjas are cool. Like bow ties. But less obvious and more deadly. Past recipients have received a PSP, a DSi, a DS Lite and one person wanted a GBA SP even though they weren't the newest system at the time. Which is cool, 'cause GBA be ballin' yo. 3) I can use this against them ... somehow. Maybe something to do with guilting them into something? I don't know, I really haven't thought this through since I started t. But now the secret is out, RUINED FOREVER by loose lips. Until next year, I guess. Whatever. But don't go around expecting freebies, greedy people. I'm giving, but not a sucker. If they gave person of the year awards, I believe you would be the winner. That is the coolest thing I've heard anyone do for other people in a long time. Quote
EC2151 Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 Will I like Bravely Default if I thought 4HoL was kind of boring? I liked 4HoL a lot, but its problem is its difficulty doesn't stay consistent. Before Rolan, the game is varied and challenging. After beating Rolan, you just set someone to hero, and spam that all-attack special move, and the game becomes a cake-walk. Add that to the ease of getting ribbons in the game, and you have an unkillable party. I'm glad the bosses level up with you, but the game is about half-awesome. It's a step up from the last few Final Fantasy games. Quote
The Derrit Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 what's the verdict on project x by the way? when i was going to get bravely default i saw that was out. anyone heard anything? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 Well it's essentially the same style of gameplay as Capcom X Namco(or whatever that game was called) on the PS2: A sort of cross-over Strategy RPG affair with a bunch of their characters. Never played it myself, but I heard it wasn't bad. Quote
Mirby Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 namco x capcom you were close but yeah it's like that Quote
CinnamonJihad Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 To my understanding, it is actually a pretty good game, in comparison to namco x capcom (which I heard was mediocre). I have always thought that the crossover game type looked fun, but in all honesty, I don't have much hope for them localizing it. Quote
EC2151 Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 As soon as you heard Namco was involved you should have known its chances for localization dropped to about 14%. Quote
Mirby Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 Oh, for all those that took my suggestion to grab The Denpa Men and loved it... The Denpa Men 2 has been announced for localization!! Source Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 I still need to grab Denpa Men. The demo is pretty entertaining, I just have a backlog of stuff that I want to grab from the eShop/Virtual Console. I just grabbed Pushmo, for example, so I'm way behind the times. I can't wait until the late fall eShop push. Totally grabbing Ninja Gaiden and Zelda II. I don't know that I want to actually download retail games, though. Like I said before, I'd much rather be able to buy a physical copy of a game, then install it to the system if I'm spending that much green on it. Oh well... Pipe dreams and all that. I'm still a little miffed that I lost all my previous 3DS licenses due to my own error, but dammit, I'll buy Link's Awakening DX 10 times if it means they'll finally release Oracle of Ages/Seasons on the Virtual Console. I also do really want Mega Man V GB... But I don't know how willing I am to buy Mega Man Dr. Wily's Revenge again... Quote
The Damned Posted October 31, 2012 Author Posted October 31, 2012 I'll buy Link's Awakening DX 10 times if it means they'll finally release Oracle of Ages/Seasons on the Virtual Console. I also do really want Mega Man V GB... But I don't know how willing I am to buy Mega Man Dr. Wily's Revenge again... They should just release my GameBoy collection on VC and be done with it. I had all the good ones. You want to know which ones? Think of a good or better GameBoy game. Got one? Yeah, got it. Quote
Calpis Posted October 31, 2012 Posted October 31, 2012 They should just release my GameBoy collection on VC and be done with it. I had all the good ones. You want to know which ones? Think of a good or better GameBoy game. Got one?Yeah, got it. Heiankyo Alien? It was short, but I loved playing that game. Quote
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