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I don't believe so. The system's VC is supposed to include Turbografx 16, Game Gear, GB, and GBC games, but there hasn't even been a mention of GBA compatibility so far. It seems like something they would address as soon as possible if they have it planned, because the biggest concern for a lot of folks is the lack of GBA compatibility.

Not that I would mind if it turned out to be true. If it did, then Metroid: Zero Mission and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, here I come.


Since I no longer have a DS capable of playing DS games and the only SP i have is a limited edition, I've found myself looking around for my Gameboy Player disc for the gamecube. I can't find it anywhere. I'll probably never play a GBA game again, but I like to pretend I will.

I don't believe so. The system's VC is supposed to include Turbografx 16, Game Gear, GB, and GBC games, but there hasn't even been a mention of GBA compatibility so far. It seems like something they would address as soon as possible if they have it planned, because the biggest concern for a lot of folks is the lack of GBA compatibility.

Nintendo also didn't mention any plans for C64, Neo-Geo and Sega consoles for the Wii's virtual console, either. And yet, there they are.

The system is more than capable of it, by all accounts. It's just a matter of when they will do it.

Nintendo also didn't mention any plans for C64, Neo-Geo and Sega consoles for the Wii's virtual console, either. And yet, there they are.

The system is more than capable of it, by all accounts. It's just a matter of when they will do it.

As much as I'd like it to be true, and can't conceive of a reason for Nintendo to not add GBA to 3DS' VC, there's still no guarantee. Just as it was equally likely that the DSi would have a VC, since after all it had an online shop and had all the capability to play GB games.


local best buy had one on playable display

was pretty neat!

not terribly impressed with the analog nub though

only better than the PSP nub in that it's larger with an indentation


Watched the longer informative video they have on amazon for the system, and was rather suprised that it can perform more than a single task at once (this has likely been brought up before, but it was news to me). Their example was that hitting the home while playing a game would take you to the main menu, and unlike pressing the power button on DSi where it closes the game this simply puts the game on hold and frees you to open another task simultaneously. A pretty minor update, but I think these minor updates add a lot of value.


Just ordered an aqua blue 3DS, Hori screen protectors, Pilotwings Resort, and Super Monkey Ball 3D from the OCR storefront. None of them seem to have a release date shipping option though, so it looks like I'll be getting them a few days after release. :'[


I got the black one from amazon...I'd rather have it shipped a couple days late than go out of my way to pick it up. Didn't order any games, I'll wait for reviews to come in and see if there's anything worthwhile (I'm thinking pilotwings resort if anything).


That's what I love about having a game store relatively close to me. I don't have to go out of my way to get it right at launch. :D

And I don't think I'll be getting any launch titles, either. I might browse the VC to see if they have Metroid II, but that'll probably be it for now.

That's what I love about having a game store relatively close to me. I don't have to go out of my way to get it right at launch. :D

And I don't think I'll be getting any launch titles, either. I might browse the VC to see if they have Metroid II, but that'll probably be it for now.

If I recall, the eShop (or whatever they'll call it) isn't available at launch but after some future update. I hope I'm mistaken though.

That's what I love about having a game store relatively close to me. I don't have to go out of my way to get it right at launch. :D

Yeah, I decided to go through OCR's Amazon store so they could get some commission money. It just happens to be a side-benefit that I don't have to pay sales tax. :3 It really adds up when you get a new console with 2 games!


I went to Bestbuy today to check out their 3DS unit. They had Pilot Wings running. I played the jet pack and hang glider. The 3d didn't give me a headache until after i stopped playing it. Describing it to my brother, Pilot wings doesn't "jump out" at you like all the commercials demonstrate, rather it feels deep. I mean, there is depth, which is less gimmicky than I thought. Even with the slider all the way up I felt like the 3D was rather subtle. I'm pretty unimpressed with pilot wings, I'm way less excited for the system now, but I'll still pick it up, as I sold my Dsi.


that's mostly exactly my impressions

it's neat, but the mere mention of MML3 has sold me any more than any 3d capabilities

the problem with thinking things jump out at you though is that to do that, they'd have to fill up most of the screen


Well, the 3DS screen is capable of making things appear as they are coming towards you, but the effect is not being used because developers don't really like it much.

There's a diagram that shows and explains this better, but basically, focusing your eyes on "depth" 3D is easier because your focal point is "behind" the screen. Anything that pops out towards you forces your focal point in front of the screen, which effectively makes you cross your eyes. Now just slightly cross your eyes and hold them there for as long as you can. yeah, not very fun, is it? I'm not talking about that Magic Eye bullshit, I mean your eyes have to focus closer to each other to look at the 3D effect as it comes towards you.

According to some developers working on 3DS games, they can make games pop out towards you all they want, but it's hard on the viewers eyes, and the shift from front to behind the screen depth was annoying and mood-breaking. Most have decided to stick with using depth because it's less of a stain on your eyes. Not to mention there's this thing about having an object fly towards you only to have it disappear because it gets cut off by the physical edges of the screen. It may look cool, but it also breaks any immersion you have in the game. These two concerns are why you're going to see more games with little or no pop-out 3D effects.

And that's perfectly fine. Pop-out 3D isn't going to make or break anything at all. It's still 3D, it's still a Nintendo handheld, it will still have a good library (which will only grow as time goes on) and it will still be a blast to play, 3D or not.


My local Best Buy had a display unit, and I honestly am not impressed. I tried to keep any final judgement on the thing off until I got a chance to try it.

I even got a headache from the thing. I turned the 3D effect off, but then I thought, what's the point? And walked away from it.

I honestly think this is going to end up a Virtual Boy 2, at least for now.....


I was totally taken aback about the 3DS. I was not expecting to be anything less than impressed. It seems like a huge gamble to me now. The 3d works different for every single person, because not everyone's eyes are the same. I dunno, I'm not really excited for it at all now.

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