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Free/Pay-What-You-Want Album: Flexstyle - Eye of the Storm (Now on iTunes!)

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Greetings, Overclocked Remix-Heads! I'd just like to point you over to a brand-spankin'-new album I just released, entitled Eye of the Storm. If you head over to my Bandcamp.com page or simply click on that picture above, you'll be able to obtain it for whatever price you wish to pay.

The publicity junk:

Eye of the Storm chronicles--in audible and written form--the journey of a brave group of travelers through a mighty tempest. This is the fourth album from Glendale, AZ-based solo electronic artist Flexstyle, featuring a collaboration with up-and-coming Boulder, CO-based house musician (and OC ReMixer) Hollidayrain and a spectacular remix by Norman, OK-based electro producer (also an OC ReMixer) PrototypeRaptor, winner of the Weeping Clouds remix competition. Included as bonus tracks (in the album download) are contest runners-up Moar and The Loopkitchen with their excellent Weeping Clouds remixes, along with a Flexstyle remix of Danish trance producer Airdrift's song "Phoenix," the original of which is available from Dangerbox Recordings.

Please download, share with your friends, and enjoy!


I hadn't heard much of your stuff before, so I took my time getting around to listening to this album.

That was a mistake. This is some amazing work, and anyone not in possession of this already is doing themselves a disservice!


This is really nice! I thought I'd point out though, someone advertised an album with the exact same name on OCR a few months ago. Not that it really matters, I just figured it was worth mentioning.

This is really nice! I thought I'd point out though, someone advertised an album with the exact same name on OCR a few months ago. Not that it really matters, I just figured it was worth mentioning.

Oh whut? 0.o

Well mine actually has a story to go with it, so there! :-P

Thanks for your kind comments so far, y'all!


I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE this album. You have no idea how happy of a person you have made me with this.

I'm really digging Chaos Prime; probably my favorite off the album. I never had any real interest in dubstep, but this was just amazing.

11 out of 10 I love you.


Don't feel bad if you don't have the funds, y'all! I made the pay-scheme this way with full knowledge that people could *gasp* actually get my music without paying for it. It's all about the music, money is only secondary! :grin:

I must say, though, if you pimp it out to your friends, family, and neighbors, I'd be a very happy man. 8-)

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