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My first thought was of VVVVVV -- this is a very good thing.

I love the integration of string instruments into contexts where they don't usually appear -- rock guitar was nice, mixing the strings with the chiptunes was surprisingly even better.

The jazz section was fun, but felt removed from the rest of the piece. I don't know how you'd rectify this, unfortunately -- sorry for my lack of advice here :(

3:20 hahaha wtf. This mix keeps getting more and more fun! At this point, shock value is worth more than smooth transitions :P

String section following was my favorite part of the piece -- the chiptune lead and electric guitar integrate with the strings surprisingly well again during the transition out of the slow portion. Why don't we hear other mixes with this type of amazing voicing more often?

While the transitions might be a little jarring for some, it's really amazing how well the violin, viola, synth lead, and guitar work as a quartet. More please!



This happened so long ago that I pretty much totally forgot that I had any part in this, so you can imagine my face when all of a sudden I see my name on a new remix that I wasn't anticipating getting posted.

Anyways, now that I DO remember my part in this, I was very pleased to be part of Doug's entry, because it is a blazingly awesome song in general. Listening to this is actually a little embarassing for me because I used my old, crappy POD X3 Live rhythm metal tone (then again, the same tone you hear on the versions of Sonic Gargles, Hell March and THPOB on OCR right now). And I'm glad SnappleMan mixed it right, because I knew I probably wouldn't have a year and a half ago! :P


Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback! I worked super super hard on this remix, I'm glad everybody seems to be enjoying it. Once again thanks to Tony (Prince of Darkness), snappleman, audiofidelity, my mom lol, and everyone else who helped me through this one!

This remix references a lot of different things... one of which being one of my earlier remixes. Can you find it? ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

What's up with the vocals in this song? the first half is completely devoid of vocals as far as I can tell, then suddenly you spam-drop a steaming pile of vocals into the song? That's like putting both people on one end of a see-saw and expecting it to balance.


The song is nice though.

  • 1 month later...

Jazz section is awesome. Love the violin, too.

The rap is a very mixed bag, though. While I certainly like the idea behind it, the vocals are too distorted for my taste; it's just too hard to understand what Doug's rapping about.

  • 8 months later...

This track took some time to try and get around my head, partially due to the obscure source material (though I do appreciate the NES-style approach taken to the original score) and the mish-mashing of the themes and styles within, though luckily enough it managed to maintain a cohesive structure. It does tend to show a wide scope of what Doug is all about, and with the additional instrumentation thrown in from PuD and DougMom at various intervals - not to mention those wonderful synth solos at the end - it really shows a spotlight on Doug's attention to detail.

Gotta admit it took me a while to understand the vocals without having to cite the lyric sheet though (most likely due to the extra effects processing), but that's a stylistic quirk that I'm probably pointing at here. Having said that, I really appreciate the direction taken here, and having heard lately that you were to take another music course then I'm all for seeing you audition with that.

Again, good going Doug :)

  • 5 months later...

Nice references in the song's lyrics. I gotta admit, there was a little too much going on with the vocal effects which made it hard to hear, but it was catchy and the music was amazing. Not saying it was bad at all, I just had to look at the lyrics tab to understand them. I like this a lot, and after I got used to the idea of it sounding half vocal half instrumental, it got a lot better. Very nice!

  • 3 years later...

This is a mostrous mix! I'm truly impressed by how you put all the sources into one cohesive song that manages to represent quite a few different genres - there's some electronica, some rockin' stuff, some jazzy/classical things and even a vocoded rap verse (the lyrics are hella catchy). Very cool!

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02170 - Reset Generation "Remix Generation"

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