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I wouldn't use this as a point, because, us British have some fairly irreverent styles of comedy, and don't get me started on American adult cartoon shows.

I played Mario RPG on an Emulator once upon a moon, and to be fair, it is quite different from what I had played at the time, but, I don't think it quite is a true "JRPG", it doesn't strike me such compared to say, Disgaea, or some other game I once had on PSP but I can't remember the damned name of...

yea, the irreverent comment is a pretty crappy example.

What I mean to say is that there is a less of a focus on straight drama in jrpg's. The comic relief is overblown and it seems is often used to take emphasis away on the building of tension. Probably b/c there are a lot of crappy storylines out there that just don't build and keep you interested. With Jrpgs, I always get the feeling, especially in regards to current trend, that the sense of comic relief is Way WAY over the top to the extent that it becomes pretty ridiculous and takes a lot of gravity away from storyline and character developments and situations in-game, in my opinion. I think that quality very much defines a certain trend when it comes to jrpgs. The humor often seems really out of place and takes no care in developing the story. I typify that as irreverence but maybe that wasn't the right word for what I am getting at ..

yea, the irreverent comment is a pretty crappy example.

What I mean to say is that there is a less of a focus on straight drama in jrpg's. The comic relief is overblown and it seems is often used to take emphasis away on the building of tension. Probably b/c there are a lot of crappy storylines out there that just don't build and keep you interested. With Jrpgs, I always get the feeling, especially in regards to current trend, that the sense of comic relief is Way WAY over the top to the extent that it becomes pretty ridiculous and takes a lot of gravity away from storyline and character developments and situations in-game, in my opinion. I think that quality very much defines a certain trend when it comes to jrpgs. The humor often seems really out of place and takes no care in developing the story. I typify that as irreverence but maybe that wasn't the right word for what I am getting at ..

I see what you are saying... based on this I wouldn't still class M-RPG as a jRPG because it's Mario... without sounding like a clueless jerk, need I say more?

But for a proper reason, Mario isn't a shining example of this anyway. There's no real tension or comedy in the game anyway, he just ambles along mindlessly getting coins and rescuing princesses.

Eleven people before me said "Chrono Trigger". It's a game that you must play and beat.

Is it a jRPG again tho? It's the same guys from FF and I never considered them to be jRPGs mainly as the old(er) ones had some awesome story :D

Posted (edited)

I've been really really enjoying Baten Kaitos for GC. The music is pretty amazing. Not usually the biggest fan of Sakuraba but this is definitely great stuff. Gameplay is based around acquisition of cards and it's done pretty well. There are so many games involving cards that make me vomitus

I see what you are saying... based on this I wouldn't still class M-RPG as a jRPG because it's Mario... without sounding like a clueless jerk, need I say more?

Yea dude jeez quit bein' such a jerkface :tomatoface: hah

But for a proper reason, Mario isn't a shining example of this anyway. There's no real tension or comedy in the game anyway

Well I am just curious if you've ever played Mario? Maybe we're talking about different Mario's here. It's pretty goldarn funny. A squat italian plumber jumping on the heads of goombas? I find that idea pretty humorous to base an entire series on, but the games themselves are very funny individually.

Edited by Orion
Is it a jRPG again tho? It's the same guys from FF and I never considered them to be jRPGs mainly as the old(er) ones had some awesome story :D

It's a JRPG. JRPG doesn't always mean "trope-laden railroaded plod".

Brad what games out of these did you actually play?

resonance of fate, ffx-2, tactics ogre on psp, and one or two others. tactics ogre was cool for the first seventy hours or so but just dragged and dragged once i realized how broken some of the combat was. i played through ffx-2 because final fantasy, but i wouldn't call it a great game by any stretch of the word (although the switching thing was cool and i liked that as much as i liked it in FF13 and 13-2, which is to say a lot). resonance of fate got the dunk when i started falling asleep in battles. the rest...eh, i hate anime, dude. the cutesy crap kills me. i just can't stand the acting, which is bad because good acting makes bad games entertaining.

Radiata Stories

thank you for reading anything in my first post


Rofl. I thought it was wierd seeing the opening post from 2011. I am not sure how much it falls under the JRPG realm of games, but if anyone enjoyed secret of mana, they may also enjoy a lesser known gem called secret of evermore.

Posted (edited)

I'm feeling a Skies of Arcadia meh. High encounter rate (even with Legends) puts a damper on exploration, which was the main draw of the game for me. The South Ocean (windy area) was especially ugh.

Put in twenty or so hours then put it down a couple months ago. Kind of want to go back to it because its story is lighthearted and fun, but I've been finding it hard to stick with games that have tedious, anachronistic conventions.

ni no kuni

Anime as fuck and looks amazing.

Edited by K.B.
I'm feeling a Skies of Arcadia meh. High encounter rate (even with Legends) puts a damper on exploration, which was the main draw of the game for me. The South Ocean (windy area) was especially ugh.

To be fair, that part sucks. That's one part where the game design failed, and you were attacked every few feet by shiitty monsters that spammed death spells. And when your Swashbuckler rating goes down when Vyse gets knocked out, you don't want to run into monsters that spam death spells. They could've changed it so those monsters were only past South Ocean, or that the encounter rate was lower there, or whatever. The worst part is there are two discoveries in the middle of South Ocean, and they're easy to miss.

It's still a really good game. In about fifteen more hours of gameplay, you get yourself a giant bitchin' battleship with a huge gun on the front, and then the world opens up to you. It's worth it to stick with it through the Ixa'Taka sequence (seriously though fuck DeLoco and his trap doors and mine carts).

And about Ni no Kuni: it's Studio Ghibli Pokemon. That's the best way to describe it, and yes it is really damn fun.

And when your Swashbuckler rating goes down when Vyse gets knocked out,

I didn't know.. that.

Yeah any complaints about SoA stem from the encounters. I had the hardest time in two of my playthroughs getting Vize to spawn so i could recover my Swashbuckler rating. "Vyse the Fallen Pirate" sounds badass and all but it ain't getting me no Ryu Kan.

At least play to the Dark Rift so you can experience the bliss of temporary insanity.

Is anyone here very familiar with Xenoblade? Would like to hear a bit about the battle system.

It's like MMO + FFXII. It's fun and one of the stronger points of the game. The length, characters, and pacing of the game kinda suck. If you like exploration and item collection; you'll def really like the game.


I don't really like Secret of Mana. Love the music (most of it), but as a game, it gets boring. On the other hand, I adore Secret of Evermore. It's made in the USA so it's no JRPG, but it's captivating. It is most certainly not for everyone but there is something about it for the outliers that is very fulfilling. I can't really explain it. Is it the all-American story of a boy and his dog? The B-movie references? The alchemy? The music (oh my GOD the music!)? I dunno - it just resonates with me.

Just my fyi

I don't really like Secret of Mana. Love the music (most of it), but as a game, it gets boring. On the other hand, I adore Secret of Evermore. It's made in the USA so it's no JRPG, but it's captivating. It is most certainly not for everyone but there is something about it for the outliers that is very fulfilling. I can't really explain it. Is it the all-American story of a boy and his dog? The B-movie references? The alchemy? The music (oh my GOD the music!)? I dunno - it just resonates with me.

Just my fyi

I have to back you up on this. The level of atmosphere and creepiness in the music is amazing considering the SNES sound chip. Maybe it's because I played it first, but I've always preferred it to Secret of Mana. Which puts us in the minority, but there you have it.

I don't really like Secret of Mana. Love the music (most of it), but as a game, it gets boring. On the other hand, I adore Secret of Evermore. It's made in the USA so it's no JRPG, but it's captivating. It is most certainly not for everyone but there is something about it for the outliers that is very fulfilling. I can't really explain it. Is it the all-American story of a boy and his dog? The B-movie references? The alchemy? The music (oh my GOD the music!)? I dunno - it just resonates with me.

Just my fyi

Secret of Mana (and Seiken Densetsu 3) are a lot more fun when you play with friends. You can do three players if you have a SNES multitap/emulator with netplay.

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