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Christopher Tin wins first Grammy for video game music (Grammys 2011)

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http://www.grammy.com/nominees (number 86)

This is a huge step forward for video game music. OCRemix posted this on Youtube:

"CONGRATULATIONS to Christopher Tin for being the first composer to win a Grammy award for VIDEO GAME MUSIC for Civilization IV's "Baba Yetu!" He just won! Head to his video and give your congrats! http://youtu.be/IJiHDmyhE1A - Tell him OC ReMix sent you! Then download http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01843/ !"

I personally love this track. Although I would not have heard it if it weren't for Brentalfloss's track:

In the meantime, post about the track, the 2011 Grammy Awards, or anything Grammy related.


I'm actually pretty certain that the arrangement of Baba Yetu on Calling All Dawns is different then the track found in Civilization. Calling All Dawns is a song cycle and has something of a common motif/theme in a few of the tracks...this appears for the first time in Baba Yetu. So it's kinda a new track because of it.

Not to mention that Calling All Dawns came out this last year.

If you like this kind of choral music you should get this album, it's fantastic. I gotta thank BardicKnowledge for getting for me :)

Huge congratulations to Christopher Tin!

I'm actually pretty certain that the arrangement of Baba Yetu on Calling All Dawns is different then the track found in Civilization. Calling All Dawns is a song cycle and has something of a common motif/theme in a few of the tracks...this appears for the first time in Baba Yetu. So it's kinda a new track because of it.

Yeah, this is definitely the case. I think he may have also redid the lyrics with another choir? (The Soweto Gospel Choir was credited in Calling All Dawns, but not in Civ4). The song was really revamped since (I'd say) he repurposed it for use in an overall album rather than for the opening of Civ4. Which incidentally is why Christopher Tin is pretty awesome--he knows how to fit the song to the medium he's using to convey something.

But anyway! This is great news. I can't remember the last time I actually cared about a Grammy win. KF


I don't see how any song having any religious content would be ineligible or undeserving of an award. If you weren't told this was the Lord's Prayer in Swahili, you would be none the wiser; the song holds merit with or without knowledge of the lyrics. Taking offense at Christianity does not equate to taking offense at anything remotely connected to Christianity, or leveraging well-known material related to it.

As it is, I personally don't quite see what makes the song so special; then again, having not played Civ IV myself, I'm probably not seeing it in full context. Certainly a bit catchy, but not as deserving as some others, I think. Hoping to see this trend continue for other game-based compositions as well!

Yeah, this is definitely the case. I think he may have also redid the lyrics with another choir? (The Soweto Gospel Choir was credited in Calling All Dawns, but not in Civ4). The song was really revamped since (I'd say) he repurposed it for use in an overall album rather than for the opening of Civ4. Which incidentally is why Christopher Tin is pretty awesome--he knows how to fit the song to the medium he's using to convey something.

But anyway! This is great news. I can't remember the last time I actually cared about a Grammy win. KF

Yes, all of the songs were recorded anew for this album.


True, it is different. But I see it as sign of life or at least as a step into the right direction.

I just find so many tracks of video game music much more interesting than the simple pop stuff MTV and the like sells to our youth today. So anything that causes attention (if even partly) connected to video game music is good IMHO.

Flame me all you like, I am nerd enough to not take it seriously :D

with mucho <3,


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