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From a subjective standpoint, the Gamecube offered a lot more games than the N64, and a lot more games of high quality, I felt. A lot of franchises saw some of their better, or some best releases (F-Zero, Wind Waker, Smash Bros.). You can make the same argument for the N64 iterations, but that's why I said from a subjective standpoint.

To be fair, I'd rate the NES right after the GC for me, personally. While all of the great franchises got their start there, the better iterations were to be found on the SNES and beyond (like Mega Man, Zelda, Metroid, Mario- though that last one is debatable, b/c Mario 3 lol). The NES is awesome, yeah, but I just have an irrational love for the little purple box. And a rational love for all of the great games that were on it.

With the N64, the only games I kept after selling the fluff were Nintendo titles, and rare titles.

At least with the Wii, there are a lot of good selections from non-Nintendo companies, despite Nintendo policy with the Wii being absolute and utter shit.

To segue back into the main topic (but feel free to disagree or call me stupid or something), I would like to see Nintendo pursue a path with this next whatever-it's-called that is different from the path that they took with the Wii. I think anyone who bought the Wii for the (and i hate using this term) "casual" games are not going to switch to a new system to buy a new version of WiiSports, so Nintendo would obviously have to do something else to get people purchasing systems.

Can you still buy Gamecube controllers? I haven't saw any but I know the Wii is backward compatible.

It would be stupid not to still sell the controllers.

You still can but they vary in pricing in some areas.

That said as a nice comparison to controller preferences for me.

Out of each iteration of Resident Evil 4, the original GC version I felt had the best control compared to its PS2 and Wii-ports. Yes the PS2 and later Wii editions had more content, but man I find myself always breaking out the original GC edition on account of control preference.

Slightly off topic but it's a similar issue on how awesome Dracula X Chronicles/Rondo of Blood was a great 2D Castlevania with more content, but SCIV had the absolute best control over any Belmont. Hell the only other time I've felt I had that much control was with Gabriel of C:LoS.


Slightly off topic but it's a similar issue on how awesome Dracula X Chronicles/Rondo of Blood was a great 2D Castlevania with more content, but SCIV had the absolute best control over any Belmont. Hell the only other time I've felt I had that much control was with Gabriel of C:LoS.

I think its that whole 'being able to whip in 8 directions' thing that hasn't been repeated since SotN.


I don't know why everyone complains about the loss (nay, the audacity of such a removal!) of being able to whip in 8 directions. Yeah it was neat but Rondo of Blood was designed to where you didn't need to whip in 8 directions and it's pretty much the best of the classic CVs in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, in CV IV it was a nice feature (outside wonky grappling controls), but people treat subsequent CVs like they removed one of the core features of the game!


Castlevania used to be cool man.............now it's all.........not. Lords of Shadow made me go =(

Though I totally went nuts in the whole castle segment. That was EPIC. Other than that the rest of the game was lame. Especially Gabe's fail at speaking Romanian in the ending.

Harmony of despair, now that shit piece made me rage like no tomorrow. That game blew somethin' fierce.

What the hell happened to castlevania?

Castlevania used to be cool man.............now it's all.........not. Lords of Shadow made me go =(

Though I totally went nuts in the whole castle segment. That was EPIC. Other than that the rest of the game was lame. Especially Gabe's fail at speaking Romanian in the ending.

Harmony of despair, now that shit piece made me rage like no tomorrow. That game blew somethin' fierce.

What the hell happened to castlevania?


you just started hating it for no reason

Castlevania used to be cool man.............now it's all.........not. Lords of Shadow made me go =(

Though I totally went nuts in the whole castle segment. That was EPIC. Other than that the rest of the game was lame. Especially Gabe's fail at speaking Romanian in the ending.

Harmony of despair, now that shit piece made me rage like no tomorrow. That game blew somethin' fierce.

What the hell happened to castlevania?

Haters gonna hate.


you just started hating it for no reason

I started hating because LOS had almost no resemblence to Castlevania and the only song they used from the older games was Vampire Killer in the Baba Yaga music box game.

HOD was a great idea but everything was recycled and removed many important features that everyone expected would be in the game. Plus, Charolette was/is the best character. Because if you know a little trick, she's literally invincible.

Back on topic,

I don't know if anyone posted this but some dude is comparing this new system to the dreamcast http://www.play.tm/news/33399/nintendo-s-project-cafe-could-be-another-dreamcast-says-pachter/

Basically he thinks that if the controller has an LCD screen that will kill it because it will cost more.....LOL as if that would stop people. I remember when the PS3 first came out, some dude paid 6000$ on ebay for it.


Yes, but how many people did that? Less than one percent of the total consumer base? The majority of the launch day buyers paid much closer to the MSRP of $600.

Also, there are ways to make touch screens cheaper, like having lower resolutions and larger pixel size. It may not look that great, but it only has to support basic menus and graphics, not play the whole game on your controller.

Also, I don't recall anyone saying that the rumored touchscreen controller was going to be HD. Even if someone did, everything about the controller is still just a rumor.

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