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Basically he thinks that if the controller has an LCD screen that will kill it because it will cost more.....LOL as if that would stop people. I remember when the PS3 first came out, some dude paid 6000$ on ebay for it.

That, boys and girls, is called stupidity.

A high price tag certainly didn't help the PS3 for it's first few years did it?

That, boys and girls, is called stupidity.

A high price tag certainly didn't help the PS3 for it's first few years did it?

Indeed that is called stupidity. Because

81,639 PS3 systems were sold within 24 hours of its introduction in Japan

The system sold about 600,000 units in its first two days in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East and Africa.

It became the fastest-selling home console in the United Kingdom with 165,000 units sold in two days, and became the second-fastest-selling console in the UK overall

50 Million units sold worldwide as of March. It's only been out for 5 years.....

Look around the internet like I did. Even Wikipedia has valid links to back up it's statistics for once. Sony made millions in the first week it was sold. So to say/think that a high price tag like that of the Sony PS3 would prevent a company like fucking NINTENDO from using cash as toilet paper and powdering their armpits with gold dust.....now that is stupidity.

If people want it bad enough. They WILL buy it.

Posted (edited)

Exactly, whereas Nintendo makes profit on all their systems. Slightly different situation.

Also, like I said before, just because 1% was willing to pay multiple times the MSRP through private sales doesn't mean the remaining 99% are.

Also, given the current economic crisis that most countries are still dealing with (and many people are still trying their damnedest to survive), a high price point at this point in time isn't going to help. Just because some people had the extra cash to blow on a video game system five years ago doesn't mean shit right now.

Edit: One thing I would like to see is the month to month sales of all the PS3 versions, and see where significant changes in the number of units sold happened. I have to wonder when the most increases were and if they line up with any models or price drops. That would be interesting to see, as it would show when Sony really started to see sales, and not just launch day numbers, which aren't telling us anything other then when early adopters and Sony fans waited in line.

Edited by The Damned
Actually Sony didn't make millions selling PS3s because they made each console at a loss.

They still wound up selling 50 million worldwide total. That's still impressive cash.

If you have a higer price tag obviously you're not going to sell nearly as a much as a lower priced console would on launch day and you still have to sell enough to make back all the money you put into creating the products.

But that didn't stop the ps3 from being a success in the end and I'd bet Nintendo's new system will not be "another dreamcast" either.

They still wound up selling 50 million worldwide total. That's still impressive cash.

If you have a higer price tag obviously you're not going to sell nearly as a much as a lower priced console would on launch day and you still have to sell enough to make back all the money you put into creating the products.

But that didn't stop the ps3 from being a success in the end and I'd bet Nintendo's new system will not be "another dreamcast" either.

Erm you know that if something costs more to make than you sell it at means they didn't make money on selling the console at all right?


Sony were selling the PS3 at a loss from release until at least 2008: http://kotaku.com/#!5117096/playstation-3-still-selling-at-a-loss-but-a-much-smaller-loss

The $599 model cost them nearly $250 more than that to manufacture at launch. The XBox was in a similar boat for awhile, as well. The only one who made "impressive cash" at launch was Nintendo, since they used last-gen tech and appealed to casual gamers.

Sony were selling the PS3 at a loss from release until at least 2008: http://kotaku.com/#!5117096/playstation-3-still-selling-at-a-loss-but-a-much-smaller-loss

The $599 model cost them nearly $250 more than that to manufacture at launch. The XBox was in a similar boat for awhile, as well. The only one who made "impressive cash" at launch was Nintendo, since they used last-gen tech and appealed to casual gamers.

Yea. Sony was relying on making their profit from PS3 games rather than the system. Everything Nintendo sold was profit. The Wii and the DS were basically printing them money. Virtual Console was just extra icing on the side.

Posted (edited)
What part of 'selling each console at a loss' did you not understand? They made NEGATIVE CASH, no matter how many PS3s they sold.

What he said, Shadowblade.

And saying the new Nintendo console will be another Dreamcast, is just as much pissing in the wind as saying it won't. Even I don't doubt I could/will be wrong. But seeing how the 3DS is NOW getting outsold by the PSP, and even the DS, doesn't make a promising future. But that's a different post for a different topic.

If it's successful, great. If they have good games POST launch, like a year after, maybe I'll change my tune about Nintendo.

Edited by Toadofsky
Posted (edited)

So obviously this is completely fake, but it's just meant to give an idea of what a Wii2 Game could look like:


I guess Samus has some sort of cloak on.

EDIT: a little off topic, but I just wanted to post this:

Say what you will about Nintendo, but at least when they release a game, it's actually a finished game.

Edited by Overflow

Nintendo is quality, without a doubt. I think a lot of Nintendo fans are just afraid to admit that they're getting older and that those kinds of games no longer appeal to them.

When's the last time Nintendo's ever released a software patch for one of their games?

Hint: never.

You may be correct. There is a large thing you are overlooking. There are only about 10 games from Nintendo worth playing. For a console that is about 5 years old, that is anemic. While they may be patched and other things, there is a LOT more games on the PS3 and 360 to choose from that are actually worth your time.

Also let's not fanboy this. Going by numbers, the Wii's games reviews average out to less than 65%. That isn't very good. The Wii has some great titles, don't me wrong. I would be lying if I said I never had fun playing with my Wii (:<). Even though the game may not be "complete," most devs care enough to fix all of the problems in their game, whereas if you get a game with problems in it, say for instance the balence issues in Smash Bros, or the Tripping in Smash Bros, or the terrible stages like Electroplankton in Smash Bros, or the shitty online support like in Smash Bros, they cant fix it. There is nothing they can do.

You may be correct. There is a large thing you are overlooking. There are only about 10 games from Nintendo worth playing. For a console that is about 5 years old, that is anemic. While they may be patched and other things, there is a LOT more games on the PS3 and 360 to choose from that are actually worth your time.

Also let's not fanboy this. Going by numbers, the Wii's games reviews average out to less than 65%. That isn't very good. The Wii has some great titles, don't me wrong. I would be lying if I said I never had fun playing with my Wii (:<). Even though the game may not be "complete," most devs care enough to fix all of the problems in their game, whereas if you get a game with problems in it, say for instance the balence issues in Smash Bros, or the Tripping in Smash Bros, or the terrible stages like Electroplankton in Smash Bros, or the shitty online support like in Smash Bros, they cant fix it. There is nothing they can do.

...Have you played Smash Bros? I heard its an okay game. /troll

I will give Nintendo the chance to prove it's strength in consoles...but if they fail with this new console and only focus on the HD aspect without getting the games to back it up they should start considering becoming a third-party distributor...

...Have you played Smash Bros? I heard its an okay game. /troll

I will give Nintendo the chance to prove it's strength in consoles...but if they fail with this new console and only focus on the HD aspect without getting the games to back it up they should start considering becoming a third-party distributor...

I dunno about the whole giving them a chance. I really dont want stupid gimmicky controls like a touch screen.

Who am I kidding.

Im gonna buy it.

There are only about 10 games from Nintendo worth playing. For a console that is about 5 years old, that is anemic. While they may be patched and other things, there is a LOT more games on the PS3 and 360 to choose from that are actually worth your time.

see the thing is that this isn't actually true

if you cut out every brown samey fps and every rock hero guitar band the list of games worth playing averages out to more or less the same

I dunno about the whole giving them a chance. I really dont want stupid gimmicky controls like a touch screen.

Who am I kidding.

Im gonna buy it.

"If you go down the quick and easy path, you'll join the darkside, consume you it will!!"

And I have to honestly agree with Bleck on his comment...

see the thing is that this isn't actually true

if you cut out every brown samey fps and every rock hero guitar band the list of games worth playing averages out to more or less the same

The averages were for all games on the system. So you can't just cut out something cause it is the same.

All Nintendo games have been the same for like 15 years. Twilight Princess is a carbon, albeit, furry copy of Ocarina.



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