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Yes its funny, but only because everyone kept dying because the lag was so bad. You can learn to compensate for the lag as I did but still. Bloody annoying. I don't care if multiplayer is a feature but to make such a big deal out of it makes me question the game as a serious addition to the library. Of course, it remains to be seen the degree of lag in this game in multiplayer but I would be very cautious about it.

"So what?!" You say about oogling at pre-rendered cut-scenes. So your plan is going to be 'put down $80-100 on a game with just a few new characters and very little enhancements'? It always amazes me how excited people get about a new character. The new characters altogether make up 5% of the game! The environments, the animation, the effects the framerate, the other characters are almost still as choppy and rough as they were over ten years ago. Sorry but why do so many fans not respect themselves enough to demand better from a company that wants them to pay $700 to buy the console and play the game?

Yeah thirded, there wasn't any lag and doesn't make any sense for there to be lag because it's all offline. The funny deaths came from a friend stealing a power-up and consequently being thrown down a pit.

And no I don't know much about the new game and I ain't overly excited about it (granted I don't own the console yet) but I think it looks nice and pretty. I buy a Mario game for those characters and those environments and places.

I think society these days has basically decided change=progress. If a Mario platformer is made as tightly with the same lighthearted colourful fun it's always had, that's what I want from the game. I'm not looking for any radical differences. New set of levels and worlds, and four player co-op in a 3D platforming situation IS still new for them. New suit is a bonus.

I buy Mario for essentially Mario, big demands for major improvements and complaints of Mario getting stale...well I just think that's people going on the assumption there needs to be change. The screenshots look beautiful and colourful enough for me, I don't care overly about graphics and a high framerate isn't that necessary in a Mario game (though I haven't seen any framerate issues) so it just doesn't seem that bad to me.


Speaking of the frog suit!

Also I have to take it back. After watching the trailer for Mario 3D World last night, my hype meters flew through the roof. The game's levels look like they'll eat me alive, there are so many creative things going on from that dragon "canoe"(?) riding thing, the inclusion of 4 characters with actual differences, new enemies, new music, etc.

On Mario Kart 8, going through the trailer again, I can see how choosing to drive along walls can really impact racing strategy from several instances in the vid, but after playing Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, I REALLY hope Nintendo brings back Double Dash or previous levels of competitiveness and seriously tone down the on rails feel and the excessive rubber banding.

I'm pretty hyped for the future of the Wii U now.

Speaking of the frog suit!

Also I have to take it back. After watching the trailer for Mario 3D World last night, my hype meters flew through the roof. The game's levels look like they'll eat me alive, there are so many creative things going on from that dragon "canoe"(?) riding thing, the inclusion of 4 characters with actual differences, new enemies, new music, etc.

On Mario Kart 8, going through the trailer again, I can see how choosing to drive along walls can really impact racing strategy from several instances in the vid, but after playing Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, I REALLY hope Nintendo brings back Double Dash or previous levels of competitiveness and seriously tone down the on rails feel and the excessive rubber banding.

I'm pretty hyped for the future of the Wii U now.

that's false info, the developers were joking about how the green luigi catsuit looked like the frog suit at E3 and everyone there immediately went to OMFG FROG SUIT because journalistic integrity.


The lag in NSMBWii is not noticeable with two players playing simulaneously. However when you have four players playing simultaneously, try jumping on the spot. you WILL notice a tenth of a second delay that will cause you to die on many occasions. Most people would assume they pressed the button too late and that's why they fell. It's funny for a while... especially at parties. But I think it detracts from the experience and I hope the multiple processors in the Wii U mean the lag is gone.

Another thing that really annoys me about the Wii is it fried my Gamecube Memory Card. I rang Nintendo and they did not even want to TRY and restore the hundreds of hours of save game data on there. To add insult to injury, a few months ago the Wii started making a loud buzzing sound proportional to the speed of the disc spinning. I rang Nintendo and apparently they want to charge me for fixing it. I bought 13 games for the console and now I can't play them because the Wii is making a louder sound and I'm concerned about friction and fire safety. Apparently Nintendo only provide a one year warranty on there products. A far cry from the Product Lifetime Warranty they used to offer. Nintendo are not the same company they used to be. They are a shadow of it.

It will take a lot for me to want to invest in gaming with Nintendo again and this E3 just didn't show me anything I HAVE to experience.

The lag in NSMBWii is not noticeable with two players playing simulaneously. However when you have four players playing simultaneously, try jumping on the spot. you WILL notice a tenth of a second delay that will cause you to die on many occasions. Most people would assume they pressed the button too late and that's why they fell. It's funny for a while... especially at parties. But I think it detracts from the experience and I hope the multiple processors in the Wii U mean the lag is gone.

Another thing that really annoys me about the Wii is it fried my Gamecube Memory Card. I rang Nintendo and they did not even want to TRY and restore the hundreds of hours of save game data on there. To add insult to injury, a few months ago the Wii started making a loud buzzing sound proportional to the speed of the disc spinning. I rang Nintendo and apparently they want to charge me for fixing it. I bought 13 games for the console and now I can't play them because the Wii is making a louder sound and I'm concerned about friction and fire safety. Apparently Nintendo only provide a one year warranty on there products. A far cry from the Product Lifetime Warranty they used to offer. Nintendo are not the same company they used to be. They are a shadow of it.

It will take a lot for me to want to invest in gaming with Nintendo again and this E3 just didn't show me anything I HAVE to experience.

Ok man I've ONLY played NSMBWii with 4 players online (party experience) and still not noticed the lag.

Also yeah the memory card thing was a bit of a shame and it happened to mine as well, however I don't expect nintendo to be able to restore what is essentially an experience like that. Everything wasn't logged online like it is nowadays so they wouldn't know what needed restoring or anything like that.

Also one year warranties are the standards on nearly ANY electronic device these days. Products will inevitably break, I remember hearing some crazy theory where products are, worse, designed to break at some point so you have to replace them. They aren't running a charity after all people need to get paid for the work.

It's not that Nintendo is a shadow of the company so much as your expectations of them are comically high.

Posted (edited)

I can't say how the game performs in 4 player mode, but if there is any issues ONLY in 4 player mode I would have to say it is a performance issue with the Wii and not something programmed into the game purposely. Wii U is much better hardware so I would assume this wouldn't be an issue

Yeah, wanting a company to perform free data recovery (which may be impossible on a flash device) and cover a repair outside of its 12 Month warranty is extremely demanding and falls well outside of their good customer service boundaries. (which btw the packaging clearly states warranty information, i think you can get a few more months extenstion if you register it online now to boot). I'm sorry you had some bad luck with your Wii, but I think you are a very rare example and not the norm. Its not like they have a massive issue like 360 did, or even the lessor known YLOD issues PS3 had. Also, good luck getting ANY company to do free data rescue. Depending on what was the issue, that could easily cost over a grand and no guarantee to work, for what? A video game save?

Sony/MS would of done the same, while probably being rude about it :/

Also Wii's are dirt cheap now. It would be cheaper to buy a new one than to probably get them to repair your old one, then you can play your 13 games again. Wii U is also Backwards Compatible and you can tranfer your data over to it, so there is another option

Just saying

The storybook in SMG1 could make a grown man cry, the music is absolutely stunning (Gusty Garden anyone?!), the levels are enormous and the difficulty is pretty significant. That's why I'm really looking forward to a true successor to those games.

SMG1 & 2 are something really amazing. I see some posts here they say "Mario is just supposed to be colorful and simplistic and isn't about graphics" Really? Mario 64 was cutting edge technology at the time, and Super Mario Galaxy looks stunning. They almost looked 360/PS3 level and it was being pumped out of the weak little Wii's hardware. I loved the story to SMG1 (probably the deepest Mario to date, almost unexpected hosestly) and was a little disappointed they stripped/streamlined Galaxy 2 (not much story, simple central hub) but I saw that game as more of "More Levels" than a real sequel anyways. As zircon said the music is simply stunning (SMG2 even improved this!), the levels sprawling, etc.

I like what I see with 3D World, and I definitely want to play it, very excited, but its going to be the more simplistic than a true Mario game. I'm almost 100% positive a real successor to the mainline Mario franchise is coming out though, we just aren't seeing it this year (just like they pushed back showing the next real Zelda)

Edited by Crowbar Man

Yeah, sucks that the Wii disc reader was cheap junk(I went through 3 of them myself), but that's kind of the standard approach to hardware malfunction these days, Sony for instance had to be forced to fix the PS2 DREs by lawsuit. And the save data thing? Kind of an unreasonable request. I'd agree that Nintendo is a shadow of their former selves as game developers, but as far as the hardware failure side of things goes it's not like you're going to do any better with MS or Sony.


The Galaxy games definitely had a lot more thought, imagination, and ambition put into them... Which is why it mystifies me that they never thought of putting any of that imagination etc. into the NSMB, especially when it was literally a system-seller (which the Galaxy games were not!).

Posted (edited)

Agreed. The SMG games were so fucking magnificent, music and all. (Dat SMG1 storyline!). Why didn't they add this much imagination and design into NSMB? Would have taken too much time to put together. AFAIK they just tossed together the code from NSMB Wii with small, easy-to-insert updates (cat suit, anyone?) and called it a day.

Apparently Nintendo only provide a one year warranty on there products. A far cry from the Product Lifetime Warranty they used to offer.

real quick quip about this

I think part (ok, most) of the reason for the removal of Nintendo's Product Lifetime Warranty is the fact that they can't build their consoles like tanks anymore. Not won't, but can't. Too much delicate hardware.

Take an SNES and a Wii. Chuck both at a cinderblock wall. Which one is more likely to start up afterwards?

Point is, they could offer a lifetime warranty because the older products were much less likely to break, and thus less costly to fix (fewer incidents = fewer repairs = less $$ spent). Nowadays such a warranty wouldn't be cost-effective.

Edited by Anorax
The Wii's shell is pretty solid, the disc drive seems to be what 90%+ of peoples problem tends to be-moving parts and all that(but somehow Nintendo had this figured out with the GameCube, which was definitely built like a tank)

I never had a Gamecube but I remember what it looked like. The same kind of disc tray as the original Playstation. I still have one of those that works. It had the lid that opened, you put the disc in, and close it. Not these gratuitous "watch as i suck your disc on command" drives that are entirely pointless and fragile.

Posted (edited)

I'd love another Double Dash in Mario Kart. Double Dash is still to this day my favorite Mario Kart. They are all great and I have no worries about this new one, but Double Dash definitely had the greatest features of Mario Kart and changed the way Mario Kart was from then onward. But I'd love to have two characters on one kart again and the double items and special items and everything. That was just so good. I don't get why some critics thought it failed to live up to Mario Kart 64. Some felt that it was just not what they wanted after a whole 6 years of waiting. I thought that it both lived up to and passed 64. I thought the game was amazing.

As for the new 3D Mario, this was one huge complaint that I have.

Why the frik are we ditching orchestral soundtrack? They're doing all that synthy stuff and I want my big orchestra from Galaxy back in my living room. Of course, that doesn't fit with this type of game, but seriously. Orchestra seriously worked amazingly with Mario.

Or just go back to the latin feel that the GameCube and N64 days had. That was glorious.

The silly synth sound they are doing is fine, but I just am sorta sick of it. I actually wanna hear something new. Something different.

This new Mario is an obvious "well it worked last time so let's not take any risks and let's just do the same thing again".

Come on Nintendo. That's not you. That's never been you. What are we doing here?

I never had a Gamecube but I remember what it looked like. The same kind of disc tray as the original Playstation. I still have one of those that works. It had the lid that opened, you put the disc in, and close it. Not these gratuitous "watch as i suck your disc on command" drives that are entirely pointless and fragile.

Gee, I loved those days. When I actually felt I had control of the disc? I didn't have to wait for the machine to decide to eject. I just popped up the lid and threw it in the game box. That was nice. Let's do that again. Now I don't have to open up my system just in case something gets jammed.

Edited by Garrett Williamson

Another thing I hate about the new Mario games is (ok, I'm sorry for all the ranting, they're fun games)

The time trial for every level. In the HD era, time trials are obsolete, they just manage to rush you along and force you to skip a lot of the content of a level. Trying to play NSMBU, on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL I find myself getting a bit through and then having the clock get low and the "speed up" music start. Then I say screw it and hoof it to the end of the level, skipping everything. This worked in the 80s, but it's an outdated concept to keep shoehorning into the new games.... come on Nintendo, cut that out. Even Mario 3D World has it.


It seems like every post in this thread lately has been this:


why not focus on the positives for once?

I mean, I'm quite excited for the upcoming software lineup; E3 revealed a lot of fantastic games I'm quite looking forward to. The Wonderful 101 is also gonna be incredibly fun; had a chance to play a bit of that last year and it was ohsoglorious.

Also y'all seem to be making assumptions about an entire game based on very little information, and most of the interviews and articles I've read seem to say quite the opposite of what y'all are assuming. Just sayin'.

Trying to play NSMBU, on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL I find myself getting a bit through and then having the clock get low and the "speed up" music start.

maybe you're just bad at video games

Also after just playing NSMBU I can confirm the input lag. It's like running in an ice level for the entire game.

yeah the game is just objectively not laggy

either your TV is crappy or your perception is just wrong either way you're wrong here

Another thing I hate about the new Mario games is (ok, I'm sorry for all the ranting, they're fun games)

The time trial for every level. In the HD era, time trials are obsolete, they just manage to rush you along and force you to skip a lot of the content of a level. Trying to play NSMBU, on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL I find myself getting a bit through and then having the clock get low and the "speed up" music start. Then I say screw it and hoof it to the end of the level, skipping everything. This worked in the 80s, but it's an outdated concept to keep shoehorning into the new games.... come on Nintendo, cut that out. Even Mario 3D World has it.

Err why are they obsolete? The things you complain about them to me seem like exactly what they are meant to do. Create a sense of urgency and hurry you along. The standard 2D scroller Mario games were never that much about exploration, sure there's the Star coins and hidden exits for those who dare but that's still all part of the fun and challenge. Especially in Boo houses where exits aren't always apparent.


It's funny that you bring up urgency, since that's exactly why Boost Rush exists in NSMBU, and Coin Rush in NSMB2 to a lesser extent.

Time trials are also usually seen in racing games, so seeing them in a platformer is rather nice in itself. Instead of just driving to beat a time, now you have to avoid all the obstacles of a platformer to beat that time (and in Boost Rush mode, the obstacles can get crazier and the speed of the scroll more intense)

It's anything BUT obsolete.

Posted (edited)

Brandon: I'd make sure your TV's HDMI channel is on Game mode or something. A common issue with TVs these days is they introduce display lag if the settings aren't correct, display lag can completely destroy a platformer

As far as the time limit: They usually give you a generous amount of time so unless you are just wandering aimlessly it shouldn't usually be a problem. Either way, in 3D Land they even give you clocks to collect to extend the timer.

However, I will note it is a retro element that was cut out of the mainline Mario series, once again pointing to the fact 3D World isn't a mainline Mario.

Regardless, the co-op part of 3D World excites me because while I enjoyed NSMB co-op the collision between players while hopping on the tiniest platforms can be frustrating (I really wish you could just turn collision between players off). However in 3D World this should be easier because of the extra space in 3D.

Edited by Crowbar Man

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