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Oh hell no.

Trust me. They work very well. I took out the boss on Dragon Roost Island in less than five minutes. It's much easier using tilt than the analog. Everyone's different, so perhaps that rule doesn't apply, but the motion controls are kept to a minimum and work very well. And the touchscreen controls make the game a cinch to play.

A game featuring touch-screen controls, traditional controls, and motion controls. And guess what? It works extremely well.


It's not really an opinion - none of the Zelda games have a good story except for Majora's Mask and a tiny bit of Wind Waker right at the end.

Posted (edited)

Gonna agree with Bleck. I don't enter Zelda expecting a great story. Ocarina of Time wasn't a great story, it was a MacGuffin quest with basic "but thou must" dialogue until you save a princess. Majora's Mask only succeeded because it's "story" was more like a book of good short-stories with one slightly bigger story that isn't much more noticeable than the short stories. Wind Waker survived on it's visuals and it's charming characters. TP had pretty much no leg to stand on, I think the story and the game were really empty, and Skyward Sword just...I don't even know. It was okay? It felt the most like an actual story, with Link seeming most human in that game. I'd venture to say the best story Zelda game is A Link To The Past.

Anywho gonna get my girlfriend a Wii U for Christmas, what games do I get? WWHD is a definite

Edited by PixelPanic

I must concur that A Link to The Past had the best story. I don't know why, but the game feels so complete. I'm not saying that I haven't enjoyed later Zelda games, I just feel like they try a little to hard to make the game 50 hours long rather than make a shorter adventure that is packed with awesome from start to finish. I don't really need dungeons that take two hours or to hunt down 100 poes. But with them making a sequel to that game maybe the creators are reevaluating what makes the series work, and I will always check out new Zelda games regardless or my opinion on here.

Posted (edited)

I am just worried that the sequel will focus on Aonuma's trademarks of fetch quests, easy puzzles, and NPC interaction as opposed to LttP's action-adventure focus, but that's a topic for another day. In any event I'm pretty burnt out and skeptical after the awful DS Zelda games.

EDIT: Yeah, now that there is a damn 'Lorule,' my excitement for the game is nonexistent. What a bunch of fucking clowns at EAD.

Edited by EC2151

For the next home console Zelda, I say his crew should get rid of most of the mini-games and padding make a streamlined Zelda game ala Link to The Past. The dungeons didn't take three hours, the heart pieces didn't take forever to collect, and I personally don't feel like hunting down 100 poes or 30 bugs. The game doesn't have to take 50 hours, given that all items are collected and quests completed, to be enjoyable or lasting.

I'm not saying that I haven't enjoyed recent entries but the padding out is obvious and Skyward Sword dragged a bit. I would've been happier to have a connected and larger overworld to explore.

So, maybe it's time to skip on the sky or the water or time travel this time, and put the series back to its roots, aka grab a sword and go stab stuff, run around through woods and caves and try not to die. No cute sidekick, no diving through rings for rupees. Maybe an upgrade system similar to Skyward Sword - but don't make me go collect butterfly semen or bee hives for two hours just to make my bug net bigger. I give you rupees and you sell it to me, or I save your friend and he can temper my sword. Just some woods, some dungeons, a few puzzles here and there and lots of stuff out to kill you. And a princess to save, of course.

Sorry ahead of time if my opinions are a little strong today. :razz:


There were several grating issues with Skyward Sword; probably too linear for most, treating the players like an idiot(rupees, bugs, Fi, etc.) to name a few, but I don't really feel that game had too much padding.

I personally thought the game integrated the items into its design quite well, and aside from maybe the whip, I found myself using them all pretty regularly. I still think the game serves as an excellent demonstration to what really great 1-to-1 motion controls can do for a traditional game. And again I'll just reiterate that it's unfortunate that we got Twilight Princes instead of Skyward Sword(in its current form) when the Wii launched back in '06, because I really think that pairing SS with Wii Sports would make us all be thinking very differently about motion controls.


EDIT: Yeah, now that there is a damn 'Lorule,' my excitement for the game is nonexistent. What a bunch of fucking clowns at EAD.

What's the difference between Lorule and ALttP's Dark World?


Let's try to at least pretend we aren't making a game for 5 year olds (see: the original LoZ trilogy, N64 Zelda games). It sounds like the same kiddy crap like the DS games and is indicative that Aonuma once again doesn't know what he's doing.


Aonuma knows what he's doing better than any idiot at infinityward or EA, I can give you that much.

I am a bit afraid that the difficulty level of this game is going to be for 5 year olds, but look at all video games now.

when was the last time a popular franchise was hard. everything is too freaking easy nowadays. that's why I'm not a huge fan of the most recent Mario games. they're too freaking easy.

Lorule? really? we're going to complain about Lorule? good lord, people. the game looks fine. maybe not great, but it looks fine.


The name is pretty silly, but I'll probably just ignore it as I do with most handheld Zeldas that aren't named Link's Awakening so it doesn't really matter to me

I'm mostly hoping the next console Zelda backs off the hand holding in a big way. No personal assistant butting in literally telling you the answer to puzzles that you haven't even made one attempt at yet, no suggestive camera zooms just to make sure you didn't miss the important thing because there's no way you could ever figure it out on your own, no reminding you constantly what different rupees and items are. Please assume that your players have functioning brains for once, Nintendo

Posted (edited)

Actually, given the high level of sales of pretty much every Infinity Ward CoD game and Battlefield game since Bad Company(I think?), I would think that the folks at Infinity Ward and DICE have a good idea of what they're doing just as much as Aonuma. You might not approve, but that doesn't make it any less so. Are sales numbers an r = 1 to quality? Not necesarily, but good sales numbers DO ensure that studios keep afloat, especially in a time where dev costs are at a record high.

As for actual difficulty in games, I have friends that can't even input a simple punch-punch-kick combo in Dead or Alive 4's training mode, as well as others that have trouble finding their way around doing things in certain MMOs for whatever reason. For whatever reason, plenty of people playing games are actually quite bad at them.

Lorule and Princess HIlda are honestly pretty lazy naming schemes, though. They could have easily called Termina Lorule back when they were developing Majora's Mask, but they didn't. It's by no means a deal breaker, it just displays a lack of creativity in my mind. To be fair though, Light World vs. Dark World in A Link To The Past is just as lazy/stupid, but as far as I know, that wasn't actually something the devs came up with and more the result of players coming up with the names to differentiate between the two. Or it was in the player's guide, I forget.

Edited by Malaki-LEGEND.sys
Posted (edited)

I'm not talking about how much money they're making.

I stopped caring about how much money is made (with every industry) a long time ago.

If the game is good, but it sells poorly, I don't care. I hardly count it. Maybe infinityward knows what they're doing marketing-wise. Or maybe it's the fact that there are a lot of sad, stupid 10 year olds playing those games, or that everyone happens to play those type of games nowadays more than anything else.

But releasing the same crap over and over again and just adding in a few new things is not my idea of "knowing what you're doing".

Aonuma states that he wants to make sure he isn't doing this and that every game is entirely original. ALBW actually wasn't originally planned to be a direct sequel to ALTTP. Overtime during development, they decided that it would make most sense to do so.

Unfortunately, it looks like a lot of Nintendo franchises, including Mario himself, have this idea of "well it worked last time so might as well just do it again".

Edited by Garrett Williamson

Why the hell is their so much bitching about the Zelda franchise in general, and an upcoming 3DS Zelda game in particular, in the Wii U thread?

Seriously though, I'm getting a Wii U when I get home next week. I'm definitely getting ZombiU, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3. I've never gotten into the series before, but I'm also told that Rayman Legends is really good, so I may pick that up. What else should I check out?

Posted (edited)

**Super Mario 3D World <- Probably a Wii U "must have", but doesn't come out until 11/22

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - If you like MH at least. Online with other Wii U users, and local play with 3DS users.

New Super Mario Bros U - If you dont mind NSMB style, this one is pretty decent. Pass if you didn't like NSMBWii

Wind Waker HD - If you didn't get the WW bundle, and don't mind spending a lot for an HD remake

Thats about it if your going for ZombiU/101/Pikmin 3/Rayman Legends those are some of the Wii U's best offerings. Slim pickings unless you delve into 3rd party ports you can get elswhere

Edited by Crowbar Man
Why the hell is their so much bitching about the Zelda franchise in general, and an upcoming 3DS Zelda game in particular, in the Wii U thread?

Eh...a bit of bitching, but to me it's more of pondering where individuals would like to see the series go next. It may sound like people hate the series on here, but they really just want the best for it. I'm definitely going to support the Zelda series and I just finished Wind Waker HD, so no worries dude.

On another note, totally stoked for Super Mario 3d world.

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