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Wouldn't make much sense, the only hardware they've ever dropped was the Virtual Boy, and that thing had a lot more problems than the Wii U.

Wii U will probably have a shorter life cycle than the Wii for sure though, but Nintendo will stick it out until the end as always. Its too early to say how good or bad its doing right now anyways.


Wii U sales may increase close to the release of Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8. That's just a guess, but considering the fact they're always some of the best-selling and most successful franchises, I feel like the sales may increase a bit, at least.

That said, I don't think you can get rid of the GamePad. Honestly, I really like that GamePad. I have the advantage of still playing my game when someone else wants the tv. Not having the GamePad basically destroys the idea of the system in the first place. Without the GamePad it's basically just an upgrade from the Wii, for real.

Honestly, they've--in the past--had more money than Sony in general, they honestly just need to entirely up the console's technical stuff. That's my personal opinion. And Dear God, fix their stupid Nintendo Network. They're like 10 years behind in online gameplay.

Posted (edited)
they've--in the past--had more money than Sony in general

They've made more profit than Sony's gaming division in the past, especially when PS3 was bleeding them dry in a debt spiral. I don't think its accurate to say Nintendo has had more money in terms of worth than all of Sony though

they honestly just need to entirely up the console's technical stuff.

How exactly does one up its technical stuff without releasing another console? :/ But yeah... Nintendo Network needs a lot of work. Better than the Wii but we're still talking baby steps and catch up to what 360 has.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Honestly, they've--in the past--had more money than Sony in general, they honestly just need to entirely up the console's technical stuff. That's my personal opinion. And Dear God, fix their stupid Nintendo Network. They're like 10 years behind in online gameplay.

Nintendo doesn't believe in Network play. They have said several times in the past that they want to encourage couch coop and stuff like that. Now I would love to see more couch coop games honestly, as the industry has been moving away from them, but the nature of the beast is that the internet makes it so much easier to play on a global stage than a local one. Nintendo isnt embracing it as they should be. They kind of did with Pokemon, but even that is years behind the rest of the world. For crap's sake they still dont believe in patching the game like they should. I really wish you did not have to download a seperate patch out of your game from the eshop when it should just do it automatically. Like on every other platform. Even the Ouya does patches automatically, and that thing is made of wafers and toast.

There was a great article by an unnamed 3rd party dev that said that Nintendo's netcode wasnt even finished until about two weeks prior to launch. He or She complained that the WiiU was way behind even the most basic network functions of the others and that Nintendo wasn't allowing the devs to try and figure out ways around their stuff.

Nintendo is big, but they are going to shrink more and more as this not so friendly behavior continues. I feel like they are going force themselves out of the market as time go on.


Oh, I entirely agree.

The eShop digital download bundle thing pissed me off.

But that's exactly it. Why on earth would they not encourage online gameplay and then have a really crappy online? You either go full throttle or go home. You can't just sorta do a mediocre job with online, ESPECIALLY when you've now made so much of the console REVOLVE around it. And to say you don't encourage it? That just seems ridiculous, Nintendo.

Posted (edited)

I think Brush might be transposing his 3DS experience with Wii U. 3DS and Wii U are way different when it comes to patching. That is one thing Wii U does well.

Though, I kinda wish it wouldn't notify me my downloads are finished every time I hit the Home button unless I launch the product that updated. But that is a minor nitpick

not true for Wind Waker. wasn't automatic.
uh.. I'm not sure why they'd be giving free copies of Wind Waker out automatically, that would be awful generous! They were referring to the new feature that automatically downloads demos/features to your Wii U.

And if there were updates for Wind Waker, your Wii U would be downloading them automatically if you have it set to do so.

Edited by Crowbar Man

Found on Reddit. I can agree with most points, but (and this is going to sound ludicrous coming from me) they do need to do something that sets them apart. Just don't make it dumb. That's all.

this basically sums it up, unfortunately. I really like the console, but most of this is true. I can't argue with it.

the only one I'm sorta "eh" on is including a gimmick just for the sake of being different.

I don't know about you, but the GamePad was nevertheless fairly innovative and I personally enjoy it. There's some downfalls to it, but I actually am surprised by how much I actually enjoy the thing compared to what I expected.

Posted (edited)
this basically sums it up, unfortunately. I really like the console, but most of this is true. I can't argue with it.

the only one I'm sorta "eh" on is including a gimmick just for the sake of being different.

I don't know about you, but the GamePad was nevertheless fairly innovative and I personally enjoy it. There's some downfalls to it, but I actually am surprised by how much I actually enjoy the thing compared to what I expected.

The GamePad really was not innovative AT all. It's basically a bigger PSP (minus the features) for remote play, or an attempt at tapping into the smartphone sentiment without ACTUALLY using smartphones, which is something other consoles are doing and Nintendo is behind again.... they just aren't keeping up. The GamePad thing is a fine idea, but it should have been 3DS INTEGRATION, not a separate, useless gamepad specifically for the console. Xbone uses SmartGlass or whatever, which I have no idea what it is but it functions beyond consoles. PS4 and even PS3 used PSP / PS Vita, which is its own console and does stuff outside of the PS4. You can take it with you, you can watch netflix on it, play Gravity Rush on the road, listen to music, the sky is the limit -- stuff you could do on the 3DS, but not on the Wii U gamepad, rendering it a completely useless, gimmicky addon. And without the GamePad, the only real difference between the Wii and Wii U, at a glance, is that one is in HD when rightfully the original Wii should have been in HD.

I think we all know who is to blame for this...


Edited by Brandon Strader

what online would there be in any of the existing first party games and why

like i literally can't think of a game i would want to play less than an online, multiplayer platformer with people i don't know. there is no way the experience of any mario game (note rayman is ALSO not online) wouldn't be ruined for pretty much everyone except people who want to troll. pikmin online? can't wait for someone to camp at the onion and throw all the new pikmin into the water. nintendo land? yeah not gonna be fun online. Wind Waker HD? Yeah figure that one out.

mario kart will have online and smash brothers will have online. what other nintendo games are built for competitive multiplayer except f-zero, which probably isn't coming anytime soon? other than those three, any multiplayer aspect is strictly speaking, not a zero-sum game. shooters and racers and whatnot work online because when you win your opponent loses. in cooperative games, when you lose, your team loses with you. it's the same reason MOBAs have such shitty communities, and the same reason shooters don't really have communities at all. because despite being team games, people online disregard teamwork to do whatever they feel like.

adding in 'hey play online' to mario or pikmin or really any of them would not make it more fun. i don't think you really get what you're asking for.

I WILL SAY that there needs to be a much better online infrastructure, for other companies whose games pretty much run on multiplayer (read: EA, Ubisoft, Activision, every major 3rd party developer)but the majority of 1st party games do not, and should not, have online tacked on as a feature.

what online would there be in any of the existing first party games and why

like i literally can't think of a game i would want to play less than an online, multiplayer platformer with people i don't know. there is no way the experience of any mario game (note rayman is ALSO not online) wouldn't be ruined for pretty much everyone except people who want to troll. pikmin online? can't wait for someone to camp at the onion and throw all the new pikmin into the water. nintendo land? yeah not gonna be fun online. Wind Waker HD? Yeah figure that one out.

You could play with people you do know? All of those games I could imagine playing online with friends and family pretty easily. My nearest family member is almost 4 hours drive away, and my nearest gaming friend lives in Boston (me being in Texas).


Friends-only online would probably work better for cooperative games so you don't have people killing you endlessly because "LOL WHY NOT HURR"

And the games that are coming with online rightly deserve it (like Mario Kart and Smash).

I know the online for Kid Icarus: Uprising was pretty solid, so I have no doubt they'll make it work well for Smash and stuff. They can do it if they take what they've learned about doing it right and don't half-ass it.


no, nintendo land would NOT be fun online because any game that allows one person to lose the game for their team is not a good online game. the only one that would really work is mario chase because if someone doesn't chase, you can still have fun and do it yourself. all of the other multiplayer games have shared lives, meaning one person can just keep killing themselves until someone loses. and yes, they will do it.

while i hate it, this is why nintendo does friend codes still. because they don't want trolls to ruin the experience of a game for anyone, especially their younger audience.


Honestly, after buying the Wii U, my only complaints are the somewhat empty install base (which is now remedied by games such as Pikmin, SM3DW, WWHD, W101, etc.) and the shitty marketing they did. People still see my Wii U and try to make the ps3/ps3 slim comparison, or even 3ds/3ds XL.

I think if after this long people are STILL confusing your new console for an update of the old one, then you need to rethink your advertising campaign.

Other than that, however, I think the Wii U is a quality piece of hardware and that picture complaining to nintendo was written by someone who doesn't even own the console or really know what they're talking about.

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