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So I got Child of Light and man, it's a lovely little game. You use the right stick to control Igniculus, a small firefly fairy thing, who can gather orbs, open special chests, and emit light (useful in solving puzzles). But in battle, he can also slow down enemies' time bars, letting you edge in extra attacks and interrupt theirs with more control. It adds a cool extra layer of strategy.

Does buying it physically or digitally change the amount of space it takes up? I wouldn't think so, but just curious.

The only game I didn't buy physically was Wind Waker and that's because it came free with the system (and that whole system back at Christmas was a nightmare hahaha)

If you buy a game physically, it's stored on the game disc. The only thing saved to the system will be your save data, which is pretty negligible. Or did I misunderstand the question?

If you buy a game physically, it's stored on the game disc. The only thing saved to the system will be your save data, which is pretty negligible. Or did I misunderstand the question?

No that completely answers it.

Which helps, cuz I'm planning to get it physically.

I like to get things physically. It keeps that magic of still going out and buying a game. Digital just feels too... different and out-of-place for me. I have to get it physically.


In addition you can take the game over to your friend's house without taking the entire console. I suppose it would be fair to mention that having the game downloaded saves one from having to change discs but pick your poison. I wish I would've bought 3d world on disc but the e-shop got the best of me.

In addition you can take the game over to your friend's house without taking the entire console. I suppose it would be fair to mention that having the game downloaded saves one from having to change discs but pick your poison. I wish I would've bought 3d world on disc but the e-shop got the best of me.

Yeah see, physical purchase is like a no-brainer for me haha

Posted (edited)
Doesn't Wii U have a system like the Xbox360 had early on where if you take your user profile with you, you can play whatever games you downloaded on a friend's system?

Couldn't you log into your friends' Wii U with your profile and have access to your game? o-o

...what if I enjoy just staying stuck back when all you could do was get discs or cartridges. Digital downloads are poopy. I don't like them.

I also got frustrated with the whole user account/profile (whatever) thing the other day because I got memory stuff switched up. Ugh.

Yes. I just want to go back to when you put in a dad gum cartridge and just flipped the switch on and played the freaking game. Let's do that again. All these updates and softwares and profiles and additional features and stuff. Too complex. I want a game console completely for games.

On the subject of Mario Kart 8, I just watched the Direct, and I am flipping out. I nearly cried at the part where they showed how the soundtrack was recorded in a studio with professional studio musicians. I just about lost it.

That is all. This game shall be heaven on earth. I played Mario Kart Wii and then waited 6 years for the next release. It is finally about to be here, and I am going out of my mind waiting for it. This game and Smash Bros: I have not been so excited about any game like I have been with these two in *years*

Edited by Garrett Williamson
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Doesn't Wii U have a system like the Xbox360 had early on where if you take your user profile with you, you can play whatever games you downloaded on a friend's system?

Unfortunately I do not believe this to be the case :/ One of the reasons as much as I like my 3DS and Wii U I don't often buy digitally because my games/accounts are tied to the system.

That and they are often priced higher on the eShop than what I can buy them for physically.

Edited by Crowbar Man

I have yet to see a game that's more expensive on the eShop than it is at retail for a physical copy. Not sure where you're getting that from.

And yeah, NNIDs are tied to a system. If you register it on your system you can't log in with it on another.


So um....Who is ready for Mario Kart 8? I am. I'm crossing my fingers for custom groups for online play. I think an OCR MK8 team would be awesome. Anybody up for that?


on the one hand the koopalings are fantastic

on the other hand metal mario and pink gold peach are dumb as heck and I'm so sick of all those babies


Yeah I'm not a fan of the babies. I remember playing Mario Kart Wii online and I always had a hard time not straying from my path to run them over. I know that's really bad, but to be fair I hated the piranha plant on Double Dash. I miss King Boo though. He was awesome.

Yeah I'm not a fan of the babies. I remember playing Mario Kart Wii online and I always had a hard time not straying from my path to run them over. I know that's really bad, but to be fair I hated the piranha plant on Double Dash. I miss King Boo though. He was awesome.

Petey literally blocked the site of everything he was so large. I couldn't tell what was going on right in front of me cuz he was huge. lol

Double Dash is my favorite Mario Kart game and I heard that they're bringing in some elements from Double Dash in this new game. If that's so, I'm really freaking excited.

Posted (edited)

DD is my favorite Mario Kart game as well. Nintendo went crazy with the co-op during the Gamecube era. Although I doubt the double-kart feature will appear in MK8, characters can bump off each over to accelerate while in anti-gravity mode and this makes me think that this will create an extra layer of strategy to the gameplay.

So, I foresee a lot of players taking advantage of this and forming bands by this new feature, making nonchalant teams. If you haven't watched the latest Nintendo direct presentation, you probably don't know what I'm talking about. (http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/04-30-2014/#/video-ndirect)

Oh, by the way, if any of you buy MK8, please register your copy. You get a free downloadable Wii U game for doing so. You can dl Super Mario Bros. U, Pikmin 3, LOZ Wind Waker Wii U, or Wii Party U. That's just for Americans. You PAL folks get to choose from 10 I think. Just want to make sure you folks are aware of that. :razz:

Edited by megadave
word clarity
Posted (edited)

I would really like for the next HD release Nintendo does would be either Mario Kart DD: HD or F-Zero GX HD, and add some online stuff to them.

Mario Kart DD supported 4 GCN LAN, so other than match making server resources it wouldn't be out of the question to add.

Only problem is we probably wouldn't see MK:DD for a while since they are releasing MK8 here soon. Ah well. Still hyped for MK8!

Oh, by the way, if any of you buy MK8, please register your copy. You get a free downloadable Wii U game for doing so. You can dl Super Mario Bros. U, Pikmin 3, LOZ Wind Waker Wii U, or Wii Party U. That's just for Americans. You PAL folks get to choose from 10 I think. Just want to make sure you folks are aware of that.

Yeah this is a GREAT deal for those who are getting MK8 (which should be everybody honestly):

North America Gets One of These Games Free:

Zelda Wind Waker HD

Pikmin 3


Wii Party U

Europe Gets One of These Games Free:

Zelda Wind Waker HD

Pikmin 3

Wonderful 101

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Nintendo Land


Sonic Lost World

Mario & Sonic: Sochi 2014 Olympics

Wii Party U

Game & Wario

I have yet to see a game that's more expensive on the eShop than it is at retail for a physical copy. Not sure where you're getting that from.

Need to bargain shop more!

Wii U:

ZombiU: physical ~$12-15, eShop: $29

Wonderful 101: physical~$20, eShop $29

Right now 3D World, Pikmin, etc are on sale on Amazon for $47, eShop $59.99. <- BTW everybody, Amazon is having a pretty good sale on Wii U games.


Kirby: Tripple Deluxe: Multiple places were preordering physical: $29.99, eShop: $34.99

I got Fire Emblem on sale physical $30, its $39.99 on the eShop right now.

On average, I'd say you can easily find physical copies of games for $5-10 cheaper than eShop, and even more when on a sale. eShop has sales some time, but they are pretty rare and rarely as good as what you can get a physical copy for.

On top of that, I can just give the physical copy over to Gman or just bring the game to a friends, where as if I bought it digitally I'd have to lend/bring the entire 3DS/Wii U (and if anything happens to the 3DS/Wii U, good luck :/).

Edited by Crowbar Man
I would really like for the next HD release Nintendo does would be either Mario Kart DD: HD or F-Zero GX HD

I think MK8 is going to make all the old MKs obsolete, just like X/Y did for Pokemon (for me at least) Nintendo is on a roll updating franchises to feel fresh.

I'd prefer Star Fox 64 HD or a Pokemon Snap sequel. Snap is ripe because while it was fun, it had underdeveloped gameplay and the Wii U tablet would be perfect.


I hardly count bargains as indicators that eShop games are more expensive. If you find a deal, then yeah, technically that makes the eShop prices more expensive, but that isn't an indicator that the eShop prices are always more expensive when you're comparing the sale price instead of the MSRP which the eShop goes off of.

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