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It was an exclusive for a long time, so it sort of was.

But let's not forget another GameCube horror game, Eternal Darkness, that was a Nintendo exclusive and a second-party IP.

Plus there are other games, like Star Fox, that while they have "cute" animal-based mascots, are still about spaceships and battles with decidedly non-cute designs and action.

Posted (edited)

I don't mind the 'cute' and/or 'cartoony' styles that Nintendo uses for their games. For games like Kirby or Yoshi, it seems absolutely necessary. That said, seeing so many upcoming Nintendo games in HD like Mario Kart 8 (which looks awesome), it makes me wonder what Nintendo could do with its lesser utilized franchises. I wouldn't mind a "realistic" looking Punch-Out or F-Zero. And I definitely wouldn't mind a Zelda game doing that either. Still, Skyward Sword was a pretty game. Hell, every Zelda game Nintendo puts out looks great, cartoon-like or not.

So I guess it's really not an issue, though I will likely be holding my breath for "dark Mario" into my final days.

Edited by megadave
Posted (edited)

Skyward Sword was a medium between those two styles and I thought it was pretty amazing on its own. Nothing wrong with WW style though, I wish they'd do something like that on Wii U (not just an HD update of the GCN game but a full new game using all the Wii U's horsepower)

I could go either way. As long as a game is great, I don't care what style they use. Graphics don't really do anything for me anymore. People focus too much on looks and that is why games are generally becoming pretty things to look at rather than fun things to play.

Stuff on Wii U looks pretty great though. Heck, I thought Wii despite being super weak compared to 360/PS3 managed push out some nice visuals (especially Galaxy), the thing that really hurt it was the 480p resolution making everything jaggy as possible. If you pop them in emulators and jack those native resolutions up those games look great.

The 720p on the Wii U is slick and the GamePad with its great quality screen really makes things look nice too

If i want to look at gritty realistic brown games, I can those in boatloads on other platforms anyways.

I wouldn't mind a "realistic" looking Punch-Out

I think this would destroy the entire concept of what made Punch-Out fun.. if it was "realistic" instead of stylistic/cartoon-like it would just be a boxing game. There are plenty of those

Edited by Crowbar Man
The 720p on the Wii U is slick and the GamePad with its great quality screen really makes things look nice too

If i want to look at gritty realistic brown games, I can those in boatloads on other platforms anyways.

Graphic quality isn't so black and white, it's not a jump from Nintendo's bland and undetailed graphics to brown shooter graphics.

Having brown shooter graphics is not the only other option for Nintendo. You can't rationalize Nintendo's games looking bad by saying "Oh well at least they haven't gone brown."

Honestly. It's like you people give Nintendo an excuse for anything.

Posted (edited)

I shouldn't really bother responding since its obvious you've reverted back to trolling, but I don't have to rationalize Nintendo's games "looking bad" because they do not. They look great? What is so terrible looking about SMG1 & 2, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, DKCR& TF, Skyward Sword, Mario Kart Wii & 8, Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3, Super Smash Bros (Melee, Brawl, 4), heck even though it isn't SMG level from an art direction standpoint, Super Mario 3D World looks really great.

What "Bad Looking Games" that Nintendo has made that you are you referring to exactly? There aren't really any games Nintendo makes outside of the "Mii/Wii" series and maybe NSMB that have "bland and undetailed graphics" They are all either fairly detailed or stylized or both. They just aren't brown gritty realistic.

Edited by Crowbar Man

Although, again, I don't really care about graphics in any circumstance, I look at Wii U graphics and Wii graphics and if done right, they really are not bad at all. They're pretty decent. Even with the Wii being in SD, SMG looked really nice on that system. Even games like Sonic Unleashed looked good on Wii. And with HD graphics for the Wii U now, it seriously seems really great. I don't know what we should have against any Nintendo graphics.

And also, why are we all so concerned about graphics anyway? How about... "gee will this be a good game or not" rather than "gee will this have good graphics because if it doesn't then screw the game"

Posted (edited)
And also, why are we all so concerned about graphics anyway? How about... "gee will this be a good game or not" rather than "gee will this have good graphics because if it doesn't then screw the game"

Exactly. I wouldn't care even if they WERE "bland and undetailed" as long as the gameplay is solid that is all I care about. But Nintendo generally makes really good looking games on TOP of solid gameplay. I can't really think of any Nintendo games created recently (or ever) that have just flat out "bad looking" graphics, and outside of the Mii/Wii series and to a far lesser degree NSMB series none that have "bland & undetailed graphics" (NSMB, especially NSMBU still looks good though)

But even if they did make "bad looking games" wtih "bland and undetailed graphics" as long as it had that awesome gameplay magic who cares? Why focus only on one element?

Brandon just seems really focused on flash and not substance.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Dude, Everything on the 64 looked like ass.

I accidentally looked at the hind side of my self after getting out of the shower this morning, and guess what....It looked like ass. Although the amount of polygons was quite amazing. There's no telling how many they're using while rendering it. :razz: Still, much higher resolution than the N64, the PSone, and the original xbox. Just sayin'.

Dude, Everything on the 64 looked like ass.

And yet it had extremely good games, so honestly I don't care.

The funny thing is that technically, the N64 had the PS1 and Saturn beat, except for one extremely important factor... memory. Cartridges weren't as powerful as discs at the time and memory on a disc was larger and allowed much better graphics... even if the PS1 and Saturn were half the bit rate of N64's bit rate (PS1/Saturn were 32-bit, and obviously N64 was 64-bit).

If memory was larger on the N64, it would've obviously had much better graphics. There were still times where developers tried the best they could to make a game for the N64 look decent. There was a Star Wars game I remember playing that actually was pretty decent for the limitations they had at the time. Of course, the frame rate seemed a bit slower, so obviously graphics had taken up a lot of the RAM power.

Posted (edited)

Brandon: You either haven't seen previews of ANYTHING they showed at E3, you have very bad eyesight, or you are trolling.

We will also definitely have to disagree on Mario 3D World, because that looks awesome from a graphics/style/aesthetics viewpoint. Not Mario Galaxy level of awesome art style direction, but awesome none the less.

If you are going to tell me that:

Nintendo Land

Mario Kart 8

Mario 3D World

Super Smash Bros Wii


or what they are publishing with:

Wonderful 101

Bayo 2


All have bad/undetailed/bland graphics: You are wrong and/or you have bad opinions. Sorry.

You also think Pikmin 3 looks good yet you've told us you have no interest in it.

So what the heck do you want?

Brushfire: I am going to assume you are joking =P

Edited by Crowbar Man
From what I've seen, most people liked Zelda best (graphically-speaking) with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. The more realistic-ish approach is what most people enjoy, I think. Toon Link is a whole other monster; I don't really count that.

I wouldn't classify OoT/MM along with TP at all, those games are much more colorful, maybe not quite SS/WW/LTTP but maybe more of a happy medium. I find 90% of the games that try to be "realistic" to simply look boring to me, I get enough realism from real life, I like video games to have something more fantastical about them.

Personally I think SS' art style is close to perfect, the character style maybe being it's one imperfection(some of the faces...) but the environments in that game are gorgeous.

Graphics/art style are the last things I would criticize Nintendo for, there is a lot to criticize with the controller gimmicks or the narrowed focus of their first party lineup or the terrible online or Wii U's awful OS...but dammit they need to be COMMENDED for being one of the last major devs out there that still has some color in their games, most AAA games at this point look like shit to me.

Graphics/art style are the last things I would criticize Nintendo for, there is a lot to criticize with the controller gimmicks or the narrowed focus of their first party lineup or the terrible online or Wii U's awful OS...but dammit they need to be COMMENDED for being one of the last major devs out there that still has some color in their games, most AAA games at this point look like shit to me.

^^ This

The Wii U is exactly opposite of PS3/360/PS4/XBO in this respect. I am looking forward to all the happy colorful beautiful games coming out for it, which I know will play awesome because Nintendo is one of the best in the business.

I will get all OTHER types of games elsewhere (PS3/360/PS4/XBO) but I can't find many colorful games on a AAA level on those platforms. Indies generally are the only ones making colorful games and most of those don't even come to consoles.

Posted (edited)

Try naming a couple Brandon. And we're talking A+ material, not licensed crap or bargain bin games nobody would play.

I play a crap ton of games on every single platform. Do tell me where all these wonderful colorful top notch games are

Edited by Crowbar Man

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