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I kinda get a 'Neverending Story' vibe from this song, a song that always made me feel warm inside. Really great, airy/heavenly remix that stretches out this short source with no signs of repetition in sight. Interesting and feel-good through the whole thing, great job!


This is complete poop, pure and utter poop. I wouldn't print this out and feed it to my dog.

It's way too libertarian. Needs more tea. I'm very dissatisfied with the lack of Constitution party mixes being posted to this site.

Well the TRUTH is it seems kinda muffled during the break up to 1:39 but then with the drums fading in (a bit odd! why did they stop to begin with?) it opens up a lot. It's a solid mix, definitely a bit vanilla with the sound usage, and the transitions are pretty rough :whatevaa: Not a bad first post for neblix! :nicework: The silent drop at 3:40 is also super weird. There's not much of a flow to the song which is kinda weird for dancy tracks. It seems very disjointed to me.

This is complete poop, pure and utter poop. I wouldn't print this out and feed it to my dog.

It's way too libertarian. Needs more tea. I'm very dissatisfied with the lack of Constitution party mixes being posted to this site.

Well the TRUTH is it seems kinda muffled during the break up to 1:39 but then with the drums fading in (a bit odd! why did they stop to begin with?) it opens up a lot. It's a solid mix, definitely a bit vanilla with the sound usage, and the transitions are pretty rough :whatevaa: Not a bad first post for neblix! :nicework: The silent drop at 3:40 is also super weird. There's not much of a flow to the song which is kinda weird for dancy tracks. It seems very disjointed to me.

Love you too :3


allllllll shit he final got his Remix on the front page next thing you know his going to be a judge and have 20 remix on the site. kids grow up so fast;-)


wow darkesword's little brother got posted! i don't even know the guy but i felt the compulsion to log in and congratulate him on his achievement.


Overall, an enjoyable remix and definitely beyond what I can produce at the moment, but I don't know how it got past the judges with that same shrill reverse cymbal again and again and again... vary it up a bit and keep it just a little more muted next time. Gotta go with strader: a lot of the synths are pretty vanilla, and I wasn't a huge fan of the bass guitar in such a dancy mix, would have preferred to hear something more synthetic. You're what, 15? At 15, I still hadn't even beaten FFVI, and at 22 now, I haven't been posted on OCR. Killin' me...:<

I believe it's called a MIDI-Chlorian.


Anyway, all bad puns aside, the only criticism I would have is that the silence in the middle is a bit of an awkward transition. It works, but not as well as it could. It's not a big deal, though - it probably comes down to personal preference.

All in all, I was pleased with how true you stayed to the original melody while still making it into something new. The Prelude is one of the most recognizable tunes in the video game industry, so it definitely takes skill to create a re-imagination of the piece that still holds its original magic. Good job!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This sounds like it could be a newer Final Fantasy menu screen song. Not in a bad way. I think the strength of the song is that it flows very well, and has good dynamics.

Also glad they fixed the attributed source tune lol. That could have wonky lol. Good job neblix.

This sounds like it could be a newer Final Fantasy menu screen song. Not in a bad way. I think the strength of the song is that it flows very well, and has good dynamics.

Also glad they fixed the attributed source tune lol. That could have wonky lol. Good job neblix.

Thanks :D

I can make much stronger electronic music now though, fatter, tighter, etc. So keep an eye out for my next sub.


Personally, I find the arpeggio to be a little too prominent in the remix; I would have liked some parts without it, as it seems to be around for pretty much the entire remix, in the foreground, and that's a little grating.

2:55 onwards is nice; gives it more of a harder electronica feeling (same goes for the outro). Too bad this part is so short, though. The silent drop at 3:35 is, as others have already stated, rather weird.

Promising start. Let's see what else you can come up with.


A nice take on the source, and I very much enjoyed listening to it. I found it both lively and relaxing, which was certainly an interesting combination.

Also, I seem to be in the minority here, but I actually quite like the silent drop. Not sure why; for me, it just seems to work.

  • 4 months later...

So Neblix tells me this mix sucks :lol: . It can't be too bad though...or can it?

I think some kudos is deserved for getting a Prelude song on OCR - the source is done to death if you think about how simplistic the source is as a whole. It definitely forces you to delve deeper for some creativity, and I feel Nabeel does so here. It is a bit reminiscent in feel to Trenthian's mix in VotL to start albeit with a different set of instrumentation, but Nabeel branches out and expands upon his take to make it fuller. As noted in the judges comments, I don't like the transition closer to the end where the song ends and then picks up again, but otherwise the song ends up alright.

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