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I recommend you turn down the volume on every track. About -6db on each. This should bring out the dynamics that aren't really there.

I also recommend you create a melody for this. Just a random rhythmic beat looping over and over does nothing musical unless it has a melody to back.

Change up that boring bassline. Add some more notes man. That's just 4 notes played over and over. Arpeggiate some chords in this bitch.

The drums need variance. It's very repetitive and not very creative. I mean, if you're gonna repeat something over and over, make it good.

The song is too repetitive overall. I recommend you not concentrate on adding length, but adding a melody, and structure.

The main piece of advice that I can give you, is to make something musical. This just sounds like a boring techno track that some stoned kids would dance to for 15 hours straight. You need to think about creating something that people want to listen to, something melodic and musical.


My synth died on me the other day, been used to death basicly.. Im now fresh out of synths since i just sold my triton. Witch means, basilcy, musicproduction is on halt. Working on getting a hold of a new one as soon as possible. I have no intention of dropping out! Later//steve

Mind, in terms of general arrangement, I felt that much of the compositional foundations have done well to add a more reflective side to the Chrome Gadget status (which in turn got more frantic as time managed to go on). I can still sense the theme there - a very thoughtful variation on the source by that aspect. It may be argued that it seemed to go against the frantic nature of the racing stage, however given the basic landscapes of the level itself I can easily imagine one of those reflective moments while residing within that zone itself. :)

But I have to agree with Sithlord that the quality seemed to be rather ridden with noise. I think the problem with that might have been that you ended up recording the track, then normalising it to its peak straight afterwards - big mistake, and that's what I learnt with my initial variation on Tomorrow's Wake. I suggest that before recording you test the mic input - make sure that the input levels are as high as they can go without clipping or peaking, and once that's done you're ready to be able to record.

I hope that helps you. If not, let me know.

Well, thank you very much. :D Actually I wasn't thinking of any of your comment when I was composing, I was just doing it as to make it the most different of the original and similar to a piano composition possible without losing its basic form. :oops:

I really would like to comment on your mixes (you all) too, but I'm too inexperient, probably I'd say a lot of things but nobody would agree... :cry:


A bit of news for people.

I've been actually working on this project for a little while now. Trying to get things straightened out, since I didn't think KFC was doing a good job.

I've gotten some people to work on the project, zyko has agreed to do a track with me, also, housethegrate, who you all should know from VGmix, has agreed to take a track or two (big thank you to him). I got a couple more maybes, but don't wanna disclose their identities till it's a yes. I'll also be doing a couple tracks for it.

Per KFCs request, I've kinda assumed the role of a co director of the project for a while. I really like these two games, and the music is some of my favorite game stuff around. So I wanna make sure this thing goes off well, and we get some real good quality stuff out of it.

I strongly suggest people start helping one another out. Try to do the best that you possibly can. We've got people from both extremes of the spectrum working on this, the seasoned veterans won't really need much help (and most likely wont be around much for discussion) but I urge all the moderately experianced people to help the new guys produce high quality stuff.

Also, if you have a few arrangements under your belt, and are comfortable with the process of creating music, please consider taking on more than one song. Getting multiple versions will ensure that we have a higher level of quality on the finished product. And, if you see someone doing the same track as you, talk to them and see about collaborating. Two minds usually work better together than opposed.


What program do you use, I might can help

FL4 duh. I told you that already. And I was gonna just ask you anyway.

the second lead here is wrong because it plays always the same notes while it's supposed to change.

here, I made a pdf for you with the correct version (of course, you must transpose it to your key): http://digilander.iol.it/sambevolley/skysanctuary.pdf

this should be right because it's a rip/conversion/transcription/etc of the original Gym.

however, this is only a technical issue. I'm not saying I like or I don't like your song (as style/interpretation...). The voting stage isn't begun yet. :wink:

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