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Hadyn, I love your work, but I'm sadly going to have to pull you from the project. PM me for comments or anything of that nature and we can work somehting out, but as it stands, my decision is final. :cry:

If it's final, then it means nothing I can say will change it...

Comments can come out here, in the open. You can't just tell me I'm pulled and then give me no reason.

I've worked DAMN hard on this, so let's hear it. What's going on?

Hadyn, I love your work, but I'm sadly going to have to pull you from the project. PM me for comments or anything of that nature and we can work somehting out, but as it stands, my decision is final. :cry:

If it's final, then it means nothing I can say will change it...

Comments can come out here, in the open. You can't just tell me I'm pulled and then give me no reason.

I've worked DAMN hard on this, so let's hear it. What's going on?

The reason is, you haven't talked to me in the LONGEST for one. And second, I haven't heard your Carnival WIP, and also, you said you wouldn't be able to finish it cause of your computer (Final Boss). Besides Final Boss, you haven't given me any reason to keep you on, and with the removal of ellywu.. hell, who knows. Like I said, just talk to me dude. :( You are the last person I wanted to remove.


I have talked to you, but every time I try you end up busy or just plain non responsive. It doesn't help that we live in completely different timezones, either...

If you haven't seen my WIP's then it's your own damn fault for not being involved enough in this topic or project at all. Hell, people who aren't even part of the project have been more involved than you. Plenty of people have heard my work.

I even finished final boss. I whacked on an ending and at the very least I showed it to snapps. You know what happened when I tried to send it to you?

"please, no, send it tommorow i gtg"

Yeah, that really sounds like my fault, huh?

and your reason for not accepting the transfer was... drumroll...

"nah, i was just lazy".

And then out of the blue you say you're removing me and it's final. No warnings or suggestions, nothing.

I don't want you to take me back, I just want everyone to see that you're the most hopeless project leader in the history of OCR. Thank god for Snappleman, or this project would be entirely screwed.

Oh, yeah, and about the website I offered to make... screw that, you can make you're own. Same with the album cover art. As long as you're leading this project, doing you're own stupid little things like this, I want nothing to do with it.

You don't need to fire me. I quit.

And for those out there who support me, don't worry, I'll be submitting my finished works to both OCR and VGmix when I'm done.

Cheers for the support, if I didn't have you guys I'd be even more pissed off with KFC...


Oh, and yeah, for those of you fortunate enough to still be on the project: if you need critiques I'm still glad to have a listen and offer any advice I may have. Just PM or whatever if you want to :)


Even though you twisted my words, hey, I can't make you stay. I just wanted to TALK to you is all. I even was the one who was shooting to put your song in the project as final boss 2. But you only messaged me ONE TIME. You never pmed me or anything H. But, like I said, I want to talk to you. And don't you DARE say I'm not involved with the project. I have plenty of people who can prove you wrong. Don't even go there with. I'll say it again. Just talk to me. OH AND I GAVE YOU WARNING, I PUT A SIGN RIGHT BY YOUR NAME FOR THE PAST WEEK OR SO SAYING MESSAGE ME, BUT ALAS, I DIDN'T GET A MESSAGE. I EVEN SAID I WAS DOING CUTS. BUT YOU WEREN'T HERE TO SEE THAT WERE YOU?

but obviously, if you run anything, there will be disagreements. Good luck with life Hadyn.


Actually no. Know what, we gonna do it like this.

Two things gonna happen. You either talk to me about this one on one, and lemme hear your tracks (because I haven't heard Carnival Night at all) and then I can work with you and there is your *CLOSED* spot on the project.

OR- You can continue to act like you are now (cause talked to me once or twice is NOTHING) and go off telling people how bad of a person I am. It will not effect this project, minus the fact that we lost a mixer that I had high respect for.


Jesus...now haydn is off the project? How many people have been kicked off now? Im surprised im not off considering i havent posted in ages...

Anyway, ill have the FINISHED (FINALLY!!!!!!!!!) sky sanctaury in tomorrow...no more boring intro :D


Hmmm... as the S3&K Project turns indeed. Anyway, I'm currently tweaking my mix with the suggestions I got from the higher ups... as well as lengthening it because a good 40 seconds of it is now out, & I don't want it ot be under 3 minutes. I hate short songs, they irk me.

And Hadyn. Man just get back on the project. Your track will be killer. And hey since ellywu is off I could help you out. Anyway, yeah. Do it.

Even though you twisted my words, hey, I can't make you stay. I just wanted to TALK to you is all. I even was the one who was shooting to put your song in the project as final boss 2. But you only messaged me ONE TIME. You never pmed me or anything H. But, like I said, I want to talk to you. And don't you DARE say I'm not involved with the project. I have plenty of people who can prove you wrong. Don't even go there with. I'll say it again. Just talk to me. OH AND I GAVE YOU WARNING, I PUT A SIGN RIGHT BY YOUR NAME FOR THE PAST WEEK OR SO SAYING MESSAGE ME, BUT ALAS, I DIDN'T GET A MESSAGE. I EVEN SAID I WAS DOING CUTS. BUT YOU WEREN'T HERE TO SEE THAT WERE YOU?

but obviously, if you run anything, there will be disagreements. Good luck with life Hadyn.

"Make me stay?"

Yeah, right.

You said I was out and it was final. You don't want to make me stay...

And I didn't twist your words: I paraphrased a little, but that's still what you said, and it's still what you meant. You didn't want to talk.

According to msn logs I've messaged you six times, which is a bit higher then your count... And it's not my fault that I never saw you online incredibly often. Like I said, different time zones.

You're the project leader. You're the one who needs to go out of your way to talk to me. I know you've been making cuts, I've been posting here, but I don't check the first post every time I visit... That would be ridiculous. You have to make an effort to talk to someone before just cutting them. Send a PM, maybe contact me on MSN, but don't just cut me and use a message on the first post as an excuse for doing it.

Actually no. Know what, we gonna do it like this.

Two things gonna happen. You either talk to me about this one on one, and lemme hear your tracks (because I haven't heard Carnival Night at all) and then I can work with you and there is your *CLOSED* spot on the project.

OR- You can continue to act like you are now (cause talked to me once or twice is NOTHING) and go off telling people how bad of a person I am. It will not effect this project, minus the fact that we lost a mixer that I had high respect for.

Here's how it goes. If Snappleman wants me on, I'm on. That's it.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I tried to show you my carnival night piece too.

Me: "have you heard my latest carnival night WIP? I want to see if you think i'm going in a good direction"

You: "It needs more percussion, blah blah blah"

Me: "I think you're listening to an older wip, I posted a new one about half an hour ago."

You: "Oh, Ok. Give it to me tommorow though, I gotta go soon"

And I even posted it a few times in these forums, so yeah.

I don't know. Maybe I'm being too harsh. I just really haven't had a good past 24 hours and being cut from this project really isn't helping that...

Like I said, I'll see what Snappleman wants to do. He runs this project too. I think cuts should be discussed with him.



Come on, now, this is starting to be reminiscent of the old thread. I say you guys just discuss it on AIM or messenger or whatever.

(This isn't like a command or anything, it's more of a plea.)


As for DJ Nova, good luck with your music, but I feel that your WIP isn't up to par with this projects standards. Sorry, but I have decided to pull you as well.

It's ok... I didn't really like how my remix was coming along and you are right with it not being up to par with the rest of the project. I am still a bit disappointed though...well anyway, good luck to everybody still on the project!

(sorry for the late reply btw, I was on vacation for a week)


No, please do not post WIP one any site, send them directly to me or someone involved with the project.

As for Hadyn, man, I have analyzed the situation and you are right, are timezones conflict. Therefore, I have decided to put you back on. Since Snapple is on vacation, I will have to make the choices, and I think that this was a big misunderstanding. How about from now on, you get your WIP to someone who you think talks to me at a normal rate (for example, Joker) and then they will feed it back to me.

Also, I'm sick of people using Snapple as a scapegoat. People seem to forget that we are of the same lvl of power in this project. But I'm going to leave that there.||| Hadyn, welcome back, and hopefully, this will not happen again. I look forward to your work.

Is it ok to post wips on here?
According to the first post, WIPs can't be shared publicly (that includes here). Try messaging one of the coordinators and have them look at it.

As well:

Trading songs between project members is not only okay, but encouraged! No better way to learn than to compare, says me.

As for Hadyn, man, I have analyzed the situation and you are right, are timezones conflict. Therefore, I have decided to put you back on. Since Snapple is on vacation, I will have to make the choices, and I think that this was a big misunderstanding. How about from now on, you get your WIP to someone who you think talks to me at a normal rate (for example, Joker) and then they will feed it back to me.

Also, I'm sick of people using Snapple as a scapegoat. People seem to forget that we are of the same lvl of power in this project. But I'm going to leave that there.||| Hadyn, welcome back, and hopefully, this will not happen again. I look forward to your work.

I guess I'll have to accept, then. Thanks, it's nice to be back.

I wasn't really using Snappleman as a scapegoat, it's just that I know he's heard all of my WIP's, and I've had more luck getting into contact with him then I have with you, so he knew a little bit more about where I stand then you did. He seemed fairly keen to keep me on the project, so I thought I was pretty safe.

All of this said, I may not have a new WIP for a while. I'm sitting on three major assignments right now and one of them's an animation project which is taking up a hell of a lot of my time. I won't be free for a month or so. That said, I may still find some time in that period, but realisticly I should be spending more time on homework. It doesn't matter a whole lot though, my Final Boss thing's practically finished, so I can send that one to you soon (i'll use e-mail). As for carnival night... hmm, since ellywu left me, I guess I'll be doing my own drums. If anyone has some decent industrial or rough-break kits, they could really come in handy. Like, seriously. It'd be awesome.

Cheers people. I'm a little bit happier today =P


In other news, I just have a general appreciation I wanted to throw out - I've heard a good number of recent WIPs, and I wanted to say that this is just awesome. Like, it's gonna make my whole month when this project comes out. Good work to all.

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