k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted September 23, 2005 Author Posted September 23, 2005 Namely mr shariq lol. Love you Sword Anyway, alot of tracks are near completion, we are almost there
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted September 23, 2005 Author Posted September 23, 2005 LMX, I understand Snapple had some comments about those synths, I think he can help you better in that area maybe, cause he latest remix in paticular had awesome synthwork.
-RK- Posted September 24, 2005 Posted September 24, 2005 LMX, I understand Snapple had some comments about those synths, I think he can help you better in that area maybe, cause he latest remix in paticular had awesome synthwork. Yeah, I'll be sure to contact him about those.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted September 30, 2005 Author Posted September 30, 2005 UPDATE!!!!!!!!! Deadline is tommorow at midnight. Please try your very best to get your tracks completed by then. I need to hear from Sir Nuts specifically, and failure to get in contact with him on time will result in Kanjika getting Hidden Palace for himself without me and Snapple's judging (although Boss 2 is his period) . ALSO! I am featured on two new tracks now. Ending Credits with Kanjika (I will be playing guitar), and Flying Battery with Sixto (this will be more of a full blown collabo, as He will be teaching me a thing or two about rocking out while I teach him a thing or two about arrangement and style ). It's going to be sick folks . Almost there, we are in reaching distance. Hadyn is hard at work on the killer looking website, and everyone has submitted great work so far. I'd like to thank in advance all the parties involved in making this project successful. P.S. if anyone at all hears from zyko, sees him online, whatever, please contact him and notify me of his appearence. He has been MIA for quite some time, so my prayers go out to my dear friend.
Hadyn Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Info update about the site: It's almost fully functional - I just want to add some more content, make it look a little shinier, and add sound effects. I'm still yet to add the bonus feature, but I should have it done in time for the project release. The site still needs it's own unique soundtrack. I have one or two artists who have finished their other tracks who are going to write some stuff for it, but I could do with some more. If you're interested in writing a short, background-music-ish track, let me know via PM. It will be used on the site, and (as long as KFC's okay with it) it will be featured in the Bonus Tracks section of the page. Cheers everyone, keep rocking.
The Joker Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Already! KFC, I'll send you a mp3 & remastered (slightly) source file. Hadyn, I'll send you a wirte up asap. Edit: Check yo pm's dood.
-RK- Posted October 1, 2005 Posted October 1, 2005 Ok, KFC, I've talked to you about my situation with my song, and, I've almost got it there (between comuter crashes ). Hadyn, I'll send you my write up as soon as I can get some time, and as soon as I get my harddrive to stop being an asshole. No worries, I'm almost there. Sorry for any troubles guys, and drop me a PM or AIM if you need me.
jmr Posted October 1, 2005 Posted October 1, 2005 UH OH! Hey KFC: Looks like I can't do anything to the drums in my remix (or anything else involving a PC for a while). My computer went BEZERK last night, and I'd say that 80% of my programs no longer work (Photoshop, Audition, FL, MS Office, Winamp, Nero... and the list seems to get longer). Looks like a re-format is in my computer's near future. So, I guess you'll have to use the version I sent in last night, at least until I can get the computer working again... I really hope this isn't a problem. I *SHOULD* have everything up and running again around the middle of the week, but I can't make promises. Wish me luck, guys. *contemplates bashing computer with sledgehammer*
GaMeBoX Posted October 2, 2005 Posted October 2, 2005 i pm'd you dudes over at vgmix with the details on how to get mushroom hill...
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted October 2, 2005 Author Posted October 2, 2005 Updated first post, if you have clear by your name, that means you are cleared for the deadline that was today.
Rexy Posted October 2, 2005 Posted October 2, 2005 As far as I know the composition on my Competition Menu mix is clear. If I have time I might do a new production set today; if not, consider the last version I sent you as final.
Sixto Posted October 2, 2005 Posted October 2, 2005 Project deadline?! Or just another WIP due date? I must know!
SnappleMan Posted October 2, 2005 Posted October 2, 2005 This was the deadline for final/pre-final arrangements. You're safe, Sixto, no worries. I'll talk to you on AIM later and fill you in on things you should know.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted October 3, 2005 Author Posted October 3, 2005 Project deadline?! Or just another WIP due date? I must know! lol, dude, we are collabing on it, so don't worry, it's all good.
jmr Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 This project looks to rock.Quoting a friend from school, "You know it!".I can't wait either. Everything I've heard up to this point is ... well, kickass. (as for my computer issues, I have some of them solved. I still think I'm gonna need to reformat the damn thing ... it won't let me reinstall or uninstall MS Office, my Printer/Scanner software, or AIM... but hey, what can you do?)
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted October 4, 2005 Author Posted October 4, 2005 No, it wasn't meant as a donation, it's just to tell you guys MY status in getting the guitar. I might not need it yet after all though as my problem is getting fixed. EDIT - Posts were deleted concerning the so called "donation request" that I "supposedly" made. DarkeSword, if you are reading this, please contact me, I need to talk to you. BTW, please send all of your wav files to Snapple, as he will be doing the rendering.
Murmeli Walan Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 This project looks to rock. Can't wait. I've been avoiding every WIP from this project like the plague just because I want it to absolutly rock my face off.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted October 5, 2005 Author Posted October 5, 2005 I must say, the mixers did a swell job.
Heyjohnny Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 This is the project that I've been waiting for, and as it draws to an end, I'm beginning to feel obsessive. I just can't wait for this one, because Hedgehog Heaven.....wasn't the best out there (IMO). Thanks for all the contributors, I'm truely looking forward to this with a passion.
SnappleMan Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Okay people, I got something to say. I FINALLY was able to talk to sadorf and get to the bottom on the problems that we've been having here. In the end, sadorf did nothing wrong, everything was due to communication errors and other bullshit that's no longer important. It's unfortunate that all this shit had to take place, but now that I know what really happened, it's not a problem and I hope everyone can drop any and all negativity towards this. This topic is not open to discussion, so please, don't start any arguments as they will be deleted from the thread. Thank you.
Hadyn Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Good to see it's finally resolved. As for the website: It's pretty damn close to completion. Well, the fancy flash part of it anyways. Obviously it still needs some background music, and there are a few things that I could improve slightly (depending on time constraints, etc.), but it's pretty much there. I still have to work on the bonus feature though, which might take quite a bit more work... But hopefully I'll get it done in time for the project release. It doesn't really matter if it comes out a bit late anyways (the bonus stuff, that is) - it relates to the bonus music tracks, but not the actual main project and so it won't hold up the release or anything. I haven't created a downloads page yet either, which is probably the most important part... Before I work on that I'll need to recieve comments from everyone about their tracks (if they want to give them, that is), and I'll also need to get the download locations list from KFC, and I'm assuming that doesn't exist just yet. As a note, I'm pretty sure both project leaders already know, but I better point this out just incase: I'm making the site, but you guys are going to have to organise finding a server to host it yourselves. I'm purely the design guy, I can't host any of it. Hope that's no problem. Well, that's about it... Stay cool people, ~Hadyn
Hetcenus Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Quick question: is Eon_Blue going to finish this great cover or is someone else doing another one?
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