Dexie Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 The ultimate skin for Udyr is pretty damn awesome though. Makes me wish he wasn't so outclassed by the other junglers. Quote
prophetik music Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 to be fair this can be said about any jungler that isn't zac well, it's notable that he's one of the few junglers without a gap close. he has a speedup, but it's not a dash, teleport, wall, or launch of any kind. like, jarvan has his dash, vi has a dash, zac has his jump, noc has a dash, diana has a dash and a stun, wick has a teleport. trundle also has a speed up but has that pillar. voli's got the speedup but he actually displaces people rather than just stuns them for a second. Quote
zircon Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 WOW. I just won another 4v5. This time it was... Cait (me) Nidalee (AFK at level 5 after feeding 3 kills to enemy Draven) Aatrox Garen Teemo vs. Jax Nautilus Xerath Draven Thresh So my team fed kills immediately. Nidalee died 3 times and AFKed. Teemo mid died 3 times. At one point he was 0-5. Top was getting ganked hard. Jungle Aatrox had no good ganks at all and was WAY behind in jungle after messing up his lane. We had towers down early of course. Everyone thought we would lose and kept calling GG. They were already throwing blame around. But just like the other game, I told everyone we were going to win and that Draven was my bitch. Even though I had no early kills I was getting good farm and contributed to defending our inner towers. Before long I had an IE and with that I started getting kills. As the game went on, despite being outnumbered, I carried so hard (300+ CS, totally maxed build, 14+ kills) that we obliterated them in every teamfight. I also had tons of ridiculously good plays and kills with my ult. Yet another perfect example how you can turn around any game. I was even thinking to myself that this was a sure loss considering how much we fed Draven and Xerath, but we played so fiercely (namely me, cough) that we simply dumped all over them. Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 I tried playing this game today. Mostly it was just people typing incredibly pissed off messages about a bunch of things I don't understand. Aside from the Co-op vs AI games, I never got to play against other people because people were always writing angry comments to each other before the game even started and then someone would leave and I was sent back to the match-making screen. Also, in the chat room before the game begins people were typing out whether they prefer top or bottom and then I typed "doggy style" and got booted. I tried to play one more game and when I picked some spell, a person started typing pissed off messages at me using an alien language I believe is unique to the game. Then someone left and it kicked me out the chat room. I then logged off and uninstalled the game. =/ Quote
Brushfire Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 I tried playing this game today.Mostly it was just people typing incredibly pissed off messages about a bunch of things I don't understand. Aside from the Co-op vs AI games, I never got to play against other people because people were always writing angry comments to each other before the game even started and then someone would leave and I was sent back to the match-making screen. Also, in the chat room before the game begins people were typing out whether they prefer top or bottom and then I typed "doggy style" and got booted. I tried to play one more game and when I picked some spell, a person started typing pissed off messages at me using an alien language I believe is unique to the game. Then someone left and it kicked me out the chat room. I then logged off and uninstalled the game. =/ Don't play league without friends. Otherwise, you're gonna have a bad time. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 I tried playing this game today.Mostly it was just people typing incredibly pissed off messages about a bunch of things I don't understand. Aside from the Co-op vs AI games, I never got to play against other people because people were always writing angry comments to each other before the game even started and then someone would leave and I was sent back to the match-making screen. Also, in the chat room before the game begins people were typing out whether they prefer top or bottom and then I typed "doggy style" and got booted. I tried to play one more game and when I picked some spell, a person started typing pissed off messages at me using an alien language I believe is unique to the game. Then someone left and it kicked me out the chat room. I then logged off and uninstalled the game. =/ LoL players can be harsh but here's some general advice, if you're going to play a team-based game you should do research on how to play the game. Otherwise you'll be wasting other people's time and of course they will get pissed off at you. Some communities are worse at this than others, and LoL is definitely on the harsher side. Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 (edited) LoL players can be harsh but here's some general advice, if you're going to play a team-based game you should do research on how to play the game. Otherwise you'll be wasting other people's time and of course they will get pissed off at you.Some communities are worse at this than others, and LoL is definitely on the harsher side. Team based I tried again and yeah, in every game it's mostly just everyone thinking they're the best at the game and fighting for who gets to tell everyone else what to do. Just about every message that goes through while in game is the "team" fighting among themselves. It's total anarchy with zero sportsmanship. Die once and they act like you kick puppies and pour sand in kittens' ears. They should really call it "League of Extraordinary Douchebags". I can honestly say I've never seen online gamers sink so low. Even the 13 year olds on Halo get along better. I should show the game to my sociology professor. Wonder what he would say... Oh well, I tried it and saw what all the fuss is about. It's a pretty basic and bland concept of a game to me anyway, so I guess I'm not missing much. Still, it looked cool and I was hoping I'd like it. EDIT: Brushfire is probably right, though. Oh wait. Apparently you can mute people. Fucking perfect. Edited July 1, 2013 by AngelCityOutlaw Quote
prophetik music Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) i am going on a limb here. please don't be offended if i'm wrong, but this doesn't actually sound like LoL's community. it sounds like a caricatured version of LoL's community. since i've done a ton - a TON - of smurfing, i know what the game looks like to newbies. this isn't what happens until roughly level 20, when people know the basic champs but still don't really have a clue how to do anything. are you sure your view of the game isn't influenced solely by what penny arcade and ctrl-alt-del say? because, when you're under level 5, no one really understands the lanes at all. LoL's community has been commented and reported on extensively...are you sure you actually played and aren't just reading those articles? because in probably three hundred games of below-level-10 play, i've never ever experienced that kind of behavior. especially if you do coops. those are tons of fun and people never say a word most of the time. edit: also, unless you're doing customs, no one can boot you. customs are for people looking for specific matchups, and i doubt they'd want a brand-new pubbie in there. so don't know where you came up with that. edit 2: what sir nuts said is exactly right. in a game with the depth of strategy that LoL has, don't go in expecting to pick up a gun and get a few headshots your first game. it's a game that rewards delving into the strategies for each character, and behind team compositions. it's not for someone who has a bad first experience and then says "i quit". i mean, the whole point of the game is to deny someone else the ability to have fun for 20-45 minutes. you weren't expecting hearts and YOU WIN messages, were you? when it works, it's awesome and exceptionally entertaining and there's a great thrill of knowing you not only did a great job of working as a team and individually, but you prevailed over someone else doing their best to be better than you. that's a great feeling. it also means that you've gotta lose often, and i know my w/l record early was terrible as i got through that. Edited July 1, 2013 by prophetik music Quote
sylverfyre Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 I play quite a bit of LoL, and I also contribute to articles on analyzing LoL's tournament scene. I definitely greatly enjoy the game, though it does sometimes bring out the worst in people, it's improved massively over the few years I've played. The tournament scene has also grown, and it's a pretty fun game to watch once you get into it (though the quality of some shoutcasters comes into question at times.) Co-op vs. AI and ARAM are both pretty stress-free ways to play until you are more familiar with the game (shit, I've played over 1000 games and I probably play more ARAM than I do summoner's rift now.) If that's not enough, playing with friends is another great option - friends are a lot more likely to give criticism in a constructive manner. I'd certainly be willing to lend a helping hand if you want to give it another shot, this time with friends guiding you rather than jumping alone into the deep end. Quote
Moguta Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Pretty fun game. After trying a couple heroes, I'm enjoying Singed and Sivir. Boomerang of death! Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) i am going on a limb here. please don't be offended if i'm wrong, but this doesn't actually sound like LoL's community. it sounds like a caricatured version of LoL's community.since i've done a ton - a TON - of smurfing, i know what the game looks like to newbies. this isn't what happens until roughly level 20, when people know the basic champs but still don't really have a clue how to do anything. are you sure your view of the game isn't influenced solely by what penny arcade and ctrl-alt-del say? because, when you're under level 5, no one really understands the lanes at all. LoL's community has been commented and reported on extensively...are you sure you actually played and aren't just reading those articles? because in probably three hundred games of below-level-10 play, i've never ever experienced that kind of behavior. especially if you do coops. those are tons of fun and people never say a word most of the time. edit: also, unless you're doing customs, no one can boot you. customs are for people looking for specific matchups, and i doubt they'd want a brand-new pubbie in there. so don't know where you came up with that. edit 2: what sir nuts said is exactly right. in a game with the depth of strategy that LoL has, don't go in expecting to pick up a gun and get a few headshots your first game. it's a game that rewards delving into the strategies for each character, and behind team compositions. it's not for someone who has a bad first experience and then says "i quit". i mean, the whole point of the game is to deny someone else the ability to have fun for 20-45 minutes. you weren't expecting hearts and YOU WIN messages, were you? when it works, it's awesome and exceptionally entertaining and there's a great thrill of knowing you not only did a great job of working as a team and individually, but you prevailed over someone else doing their best to be better than you. that's a great feeling. it also means that you've gotta lose often, and i know my w/l record early was terrible as i got through that. Meh, there may have been a couple exaggerations, but not many. If you can mute people in the game though, I'm sure it would be much more enjoyable. Pretty fun game. After trying a couple heroes, I'm enjoying Singed and Sivir. Boomerang of death I like the "starchild" chick. She's cool Edited July 1, 2013 by AngelCityOutlaw Quote
sylverfyre Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Play with us! What's your name? Me? sylverfyre - same as here! Quote
Dexie Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Meh, there may have been a couple exaggerations, but not many.If you can mute people in the game though, I'm sure it would be much more enjoyable. You can. Hold tab to bring up the scoreboard, then on the right side you'll find buttons to mute people. Quote
The Author Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 I have been ARAMing a lot lately. You learn a lot of champions you would not play normally, and you figure out some builds that work out nice, and others that dont. I had my first penta there too (although I am much more proud of my near-penta with Leona.) Quote
prophetik music Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 i rarely play 'real' games now. aram is way more fun. it's awesome when you can get a strong team, but i struggle not getting someone being an idiot (teemo support for example) or just generally uncommunicative. Quote
k-wix Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 i rarely play 'real' games now. aram is way more fun. it's awesome when you can get a strong team, but i struggle not getting someone being an idiot (teemo support for example) or just generally uncommunicative. When I play an ARAM game, I try to play champions unconventionally because its short and a great way to experiment and see which new ways you can push a given champions kit. I also encourage everyone on the team to do this as well, as it often leads to hilarious results. Sometimes good..othertimes, well.. lets not talk about my on-hit fiddle build. Quote
prophetik music Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 When I play an ARAM game, I try to play champions unconventionally because its short and a great way to experiment and see which new ways you can push a given champions kit. I also encourage everyone on the team to do this as well, as it often leads to hilarious results. Sometimes good..othertimes, well.. lets not talk about my on-hit fiddle build. that's what i love about it. like, the joke with some of the people i play with is that i do movespeed builds - hextech sweeper, twin shadows, shurelyas, zephyr, movespeed boots, etc. AND THEY WORK. having a 525 movespeed taric, an 1100 movespeed rammus, or a 500 movespeed blitz without boots is not only hilarious, it is really tough to deal with in a skill-shot-centric gametype. being able to do other weird stuff, like hybrid yorick, or ad janna, is super fun too =) and no one cares if you dick around with a dumb build. edit: another fun one is on-hit soraka, and AS nautilus. his attack animation breaks around 1.9 or so, and he flails so fast that it's hard to see what's going on. Quote
Dexie Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 ARAM is a ton of fun. Until you get stuck with someone like Poppy. Why is Poppy still in the game, again? Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 So I tried playing again some more and it has changed my opinion somewhat. The "Dominion" thing is definitely a lot more fun than the regular "destroy the enemy castle" thing. I have also now run into significantly less jerks cluttering up the screen with their negativity and nerdrage. Actually, for the last 4 or 5 games; most people have said nothing. For the first batch of games I played though....holy crap. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 ARAM is a ton of fun.Until you get stuck with someone like Poppy. Why is Poppy still in the game, again? Poppy is actually quite OP in ARAM! Quote
Moguta Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 (edited) Play with us! What's your name? I go by Cyberpunk Techno. Though that sounds more like your specialty, honestly. I find the differences between Dota 2 and LoL almost like nitpicks, but something about LoL makes it seem more accessible to n00bs like myself. Perhaps the fact that your hero's projectiles seem much quicker than your minions', so it's a bit easier to get that last hit vs your little mages. And the helpful hero tips when you get killed. Edited July 7, 2013 by Moguta Quote
prophetik music Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Poppy is actually quite OP in ARAM! truth! i played her for the first time ever and went 15-16-12 in aram...with most of those deaths being me figuring out who to ult XD Quote
Wiesty Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 I've been playing this game a lot since the winter actually. solo top malphite and jungle nocturne are my two decent builds. Quote
Blake Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Feel free (anyone) to add me on LoL: Blizihizake I'll always be down for an ARAM or two. Quote
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