SkyRiderX Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Yeah I'm sorry guys... I've been busy with alot since my accident and I'm still recovering from my concussion so I deemed it best to take a break from practice. I'll be there for saturday for sure! Quote
The Derrit Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 If there are 10 people who want to play (a-team, practice squad?) we can do scrims. that would be good practice. Quote
relyanCe Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 i would be so down with that Derrit it's not even funny but i would probably want it to devolve into 10-man chat withe stupid team comps also, has anyone noticed a distinct increase in soloq toxicity this season? feels like it's getting waaaaaay worse Quote
prophetik music Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 agree, sam, soloqueue has been ridiculous lately it seems. Quote
The Derrit Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 i quit at the end of last season for 3 months because i couldn't handle it and the game made me mad all the time. i've played a few games recently and it hasn't swallowed me up yet but people are really dumb, and don't care about winning if they aren't doing well. Quote
relyanCe Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 i take kat support whole team flames in queu i annihilate bot wtf is ranked I could never get away with that in normals Quote
zircon Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 S4 ranked might seem worse because of more statistical noise, ESPECIALLY if you're around 1200 elo (which is average). Everyone's MMR is now closer to 1200. That means bad players are closer, as are GOOD players. Greater chance of toxic games or bad matchups. Likewise, since people are dumped at 1200 mmr by default, and many people start playing ranked at the beginning of the season... you have even more noise than you normally would. Give it some time to shake out. My rules for solo queue: * I never rage or flame. It literally never helps. * I don't blame people. If someone messed up I will try to be constructive like, "Leona, let's be less aggressive at bot so we can catch up" instead of "Don't get grabbed like a dumbass" * Pick order > call order. Also, I try to be flexible like "Strongly pref ADC, but can fill" * I always say "glhf" These thinks probably only help a tiny bit but hey... better than nothing. Quote
k-wix Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 These thinks probably only help a tiny bit but hey... better than nothing. I ask people what their favorite Disney film is. I swear to you, it helps. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 We tried to play a draft (not ranked since it was disabled) game last night. literally 4 of us disconnected before even getting into the match. By the end of the (very short) game, only 3 people on our team had made it in. Crazy times. Quote
kitty Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 I think they were getting DDoSed again. Quote
SkyRiderX Posted February 15, 2014 Posted February 15, 2014 Just a reminder!!! OCR Heroes will have ranked practice tonight at around 9pm EST. If you would like to join or want to stick around for in houses and such please feel free to shoot me a PM or message me in game! Quote
zircon Posted February 15, 2014 Posted February 15, 2014 We're having some guests over this evening; I will be a little late (9-10pm). But if someone like k-wix or Bardic are on they can have my spot until then. Quote
Koriantor Posted February 15, 2014 Posted February 15, 2014 I'll be around. One of you guys want to add me on steam? I'm set on perma-do-not-disturb on skype so I don't get notifications on it. Steam's the easiest way to get ahold of me if I forget or I'm late. (Steam username is Koriantor) Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 Feel free to ping on Skype -- dunno if I'll be around or not given Titanfall beta...but I'm worth pinging. Quote
SkyRiderX Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 OCR Heroes had 3 straight amazing victories for ranked play tonight! We are almost at our first series for Silver 3 and may even skip a division or two if we're lucky xD Very well done guys! Amazing plays! We'll shortly have some top plays and highlights coming your way from brushfire so stay tuned for some sweet plays from yours truly and the rest of the skilled OCR Heroes team! Quote
zircon Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 Just climbed up to Silver I. Gold here I come! Syndra is my new mid main I think, with Orianna being a close second pick. Quote
Ryan Jobson Posted February 17, 2014 Posted February 17, 2014 Yeahhh!! I'm heading towards Silver III right now. She's a battle that's for sure!! Catching up to some of you lads... would you take an S4 in your group some time? I play Nocturne Jungle and Garen top, and Taric supp usually. Quote
zircon Posted February 17, 2014 Posted February 17, 2014 Add some of us to your friends list. I'm cubic zirconium. Quote
kitty Posted February 17, 2014 Posted February 17, 2014 Any level of skill is welcome! Add me: Wozza the Walrus Quote
DragonAvenger Posted February 17, 2014 Posted February 17, 2014 I'm thinking I'm going to place around Bronze 3 because I am not great. You're welcome to play with me DeiaVengen Quote
Koriantor Posted February 17, 2014 Posted February 17, 2014 Like the rest of the hooligans in this thread, I'm up to play with any of ya'll. Summoner name: Koriantor Quote
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