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I just found out that my next semester of school doesn't start until the day after MAG ends. SO EXCITED! Totally going to plan on being there again this year. Looking forward to seeing/hanging out with all of you again. Hopefully I'll get to spend a little more time with a larger variety of people instead of devoting all-too-many hours to watching Matt Pollard getting completely and utterly pass-out-on-the-floor hammered. :)

I just found out that my next semester of school doesn't start until the day after MAG ends. SO EXCITED! Totally going to plan on being there again this year. Looking forward to seeing/hanging out with all of you again. Hopefully I'll get to spend a little more time with a larger variety of people instead of devoting all-too-many hours to watching Matt Pollard getting completely and utterly pass-out-on-the-floor hammered. :)

We should have another invisible poker game.

if i go this year, jordan, i'll likely drive. most bus routes go right through buffalo NY, where i'm from =)


Oh booya. That would save on travel costs if I only have to go that far. (Of course I would front you some gas money as well) Hopefully we can work something out if you're going.


I just found out that my next semester of school doesn't start until the day after MAG ends. SO EXCITED! Totally going to plan on being there again this year. Looking forward to seeing/hanging out with all of you again. Hopefully I'll get to spend a little more time with a larger variety of people instead of devoting all-too-many hours to watching Matt Pollard getting completely and utterly pass-out-on-the-floor hammered. :)

How are you getting there?


Will most probably go by bus to Montreal then take the train all the way to Baltimore again this year (about 175$ all-around for the train Mtl-Balt). This time though I'm not traveling by myself: finally convinced friends to see what MAGFest's all about :D

I'll get to stay a good while after the whole thing too!

Will most probably go by bus to Montreal then take the train all the way to Baltimore again this year (about 175$ all-around for the train Mtl-Balt).

$175? Really? I'm going to be in Ottawa in early January, and that's a hell of a lot cheaper than the flights I was looking at.

$175? Really? I'm going to be in Ottawa in early January, and that's a hell of a lot cheaper than the flights I was looking at.

too bad it takes like 14 hours to bus in. i mean, the round trip is a Chrono Trigger playthrough :<

i got a job that starts on the 31st. i'm going to ask around and see what would need to happen to get friday off, allowing me to drive in thursday night and come back sunday afternoon.

Not going yet, but just in case does anyone know the cheapest way to get to the hotel from the DC area? Aside from walking, you smartasses.

Without a car, your best bet is the Metro. The Green Line Branch Ave. station is the closest to the harbor, and the NH1 bus travels from said station to Oxon Hill Park to Waterfront St. at the harbor and vice-versa every 30 minutes.

The only issue with that, of course, is that you need to keep in mind metro closing times. The busses run from 6am to 11pm on weekdays, and 8am to 11pm on weekends. The metrorail itself opens at 5am everyday and closes at 11pm on weekdays and 3am on weekends.


It's official. I can't go. Which sucks, because MAGfest brought me to OCR in the first place. Oh well. Nerdapolooza looks like the closest event I could go to.

Also, someone tell djp to update the front page. PAX Prime ended a while ago...

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