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That Lockout match was FUCKING EXTREME! It was random weapons all, 3 minutes king of the hill, with the hill NOT MOVING EVER, and by the end of the game we had 10 people trying for the hill (and one motherfucker standing back sniping the hill. Asshat.).

Someone should make a picture to go along with the word asshat. It should be really really bad photoshop for maximum effectiveness. Like Weird Al's Poodlehat.

That Lockout match was FUCKING EXTREME! It was random weapons all, 3 minutes king of the hill, with the hill NOT MOVING EVER, and by the end of the game we had 10 people trying for the hill (and one motherfucker standing back sniping the hill. Asshat.).

Someone should make a picture to go along with the word asshat. It should be really really bad photoshop for maximum effectiveness. Like Weird Al's Poodlehat.

That's an item on Kingdom of Loathing. Grants stench resistence and is formed by fusing two bum cheek's together.Asshat.gif

Oh, and the time will prolly be around 10 tonight for the match. Just get on if you want to play and beat down a local from where I live. He hasn't played in forever so we'll pwn him.

Oh, and one more thing... TSHIRTS! COME UP WITH LAYOUTS FOR ME! I NEED THAT TO START THE COMMISSION! And hey, I'll get kudos for it! X3 Also, if someone could draw the Legendary Elite face with headphones in a side/diagonal view, I will use that for the image. Also, I'll do some spiffy work to it and make it pretty =) Then after theyre done I'll get some shots of em and then set up a paypal for payment and stuff. Or something like that.


I printed a few symbols out and have strewn them about a shirt in various ways, but nothing has struck me as wearworthy just yet. I'll make pics tonight if I get something good. So quiet, you. :wink:

Might get on tonight with a friend, so BE THERE.

EDIT: Damn you, keyboard, DAMN YOU!!!


Yeah, I'll be on without a friend, so I get the full screen!...of 20 inches and mono sound...OK, not all that great, now I think of it, but oh well.

I'll also have a copy of Burnout: Revenge if anyone else in possesion of that game wants to play a few rounds.

Also, what time zone is Deej in? 'Cause if he's talking 8 PST, I want to be on at the right time, instead of three hours early.

EDIT: Heh, I totally started the last two pages of this thread. H4x0r3d!!!1

Hi. I'm privately studying how to design gametypes in Halo 2. Could anybody send me a link for a Tower of Power stats page or two? I don't have XBL, nor do I have the means of getting it.

I wish to study the statistics of the teams in the game to see if Tower can't be Tweaked a bit.

that's... interesting...

edit: hokay got a good site with a ton of game types and stats for em: http://ganai.com/archives/2005/02/20/halo-2-custom-game-types/

just send us what you come up with and we'll probably be willing to test em for you, i will at least

That's not quite what I meant. I was hoping for game data that I could access on Bungie.net (Tower of Power is not a supported gametype). I wanted to use that info to see what the game played out like. Otherwise I could have hunted the info down myself. Though I thank you for this info.

Lemme put together a model from the leaderboards to show you what I mean.

EDIT: Okay, question: What, exactly, leads to the top rank in the leaderboards?

Fun times tonight, guys. That Hill of Bodies or whatever-it-was-called on Midship was awesome.

I think I could hear my Xbox whimper in pain though... :wink:

hehe yea, though i have to tweak the timer, maybe put it for 2 minutes and undisputed hill or something...

definetly lived up to its name though!


Hey everyone,

I'm relatively new to the Forums here, but I've been downloading remixes and thinking about submitting some for a while. I'm interested in joining Team OCR but I didn't want to scan through 50+ pages of this thread to see if you guys were still accepting members.




It's official (not really)..

I'm going to burn my house down and when we move, I will make sure I can get high speed internet, because this is some grade "a" horse shit

I'm going to have to try out xlink kai until I move

to town or college or w/e happens. I got Xlink Kai working and running like it should so, I'm gonna try that out, see if I can stay with that.

EDITED 9/16 - FUCK NO I'M NOT GONNA STAY ON XLINK KAI! MY GOD THAT IS SMACKING MYSELF IN THE FACE! Xlink Kai is a disgrace to online gaming (when it comes to dial-up)!


Here's a question to ask: What, exactly, leads to the top rank in the leaderboards?

Using the Stats for ian757, leader of the Team Skirmish Leader board, I examined these three games:


Place: 2nd (out of 8)

Kills: 22 (out of 25)

Deaths: 17

Medals: 13

-4 sniper

-4 bonecracker

-3 assassin

-1 stick

-1 killing spree

Hit %: 39

Avg. Life: 20 seconds

Things of note:

-4 players are listed as having not died in the game, nor as have gotten any kills

This doesn't tell us a lot by itself. ian757 is skilled, yes, but not overly so. The varied nature of his medals, along with the low killing spree count, and the 4 player drop out, suggest that this was a very hectic game. Then only real conclusion we can draw here is that ian757 may be a good player on his own.

Team Slayer

Place: 3rd (out of 5) (Team Place 1) (Team Blue)

Kills: 15

Deaths: 13

Medals: 5

-3 snipe

-1 Boncracker

-1 assassin

Hit %: 38

Avg. Life: 40 seconds

Things of Note:

-CARitch, a player on the Red Team, out-scored the Blue Team individually in every stat, whereas the rest of the Red Team was cannon fodder

Now this is interesting. One might assume that if ian757's not good at solo-slayer missions, he might be better at Team-Slayer games. But he's really not. His solo stats are better than his team stats. How is that possible? He's the leader of the team skirmish boards. That means he has to be good at team games, right? Maybe not. hese results don't seem to suggest that answer.

Custom Assault

Place: 6th (out of 6) (Team Place 1 (3:1)) (Blue Team)

Kills: 9

Deaths: 12

Medals: 4

-2 Bonecrackers

-2 Bomb Arms

Hit %: 54

Bomb Grabs: 3

Things of Note:

-ian757 has the highest Bomb carrying and planting totals of anyone on either side.

O-ho! Now this is where we see the variation! ian757 is a bomb-runner! Even with this as his worst kill/death ratio, he still carried the team by planting 2 of their bombs. So it could be said that ian757 is actually most beneficial to his team when not holding a weapon.

The stats show that ian757, on the whole, isn't a fantastic player. Proffcient, but not the Halo God that everyone may think.

"But he's just, well...BETTER!" you may be saying. Not true. His statistics are no better than yours or mine, and I might brag that some of my stats are routinely higher than his (a claim I cannot back up, unfortuneatly). But try this:

Remember CARitch?

It struck me as odd that as a single player, he individually out-played all three players of a proficient skill level on the opposite team. So I looked at his stats vs. ian757's:


Games played: 268

Games Won: 193

Win %: 72.02


Games played: 395

Games won: 149

Win %: 37.72

Isn't that fasinating? A player that is at least slightly better than a Leader board player has a lower Win Percentage. How does that happen? There are a few likely explainations, but most obvious would perhaps be the relatively low difference between ian757's games played and wins totals. This suggests that he played with a majority of players that were just as good, likely better than him.It also suggests that out of those games, he was on the winning side the most times. Luck? Perhaps. Or perhaps he just played the least out of all his friends, and won with them more times than not when they played. (i.e. he only played with his friends, who are probably collectively just as good or better than him. Then out of his friends, he played the least, leading him to have the highest ranking on the leader boards by doing a slightly less amount of work than his friends).

apparently it is good to play together. ;)

I want links to Tower of Power Games so that I can perform an examination like this one^. Thank you.

Hey everyone,

I'm relatively new to the Forums here, but I've been downloading remixes and thinking about submitting some for a while. I'm interested in joining Team OCR but I didn't want to scan through 50+ pages of this thread to see if you guys were still accepting members.



yea we're still accepting

just post your gamertag and i'll get to sending an invite ASAP

since no one else bothers to do it ¬_¬


That was some analyzing there... But then again, lagging and luck also have to come into play. Along with various types of cheating, since I know some of those higher ranked people will standby in order to keep their rank. That, or start to lag their connection down in order to rape everyone with a shotgun. I've seen it done before with my own two eyes at my friend's house. All he did was start to lose, load up 3 P2P programs, and he started lagging so much that his shotgun was way too powerful against the other guy's BR. That, and the fact the other guy was hardly moving at all =P

Also remember how modders climbed the leaderboards ¬¬

That was some analyzing there... But then again, lagging and luck also have to come into play. Along with various types of cheating, since I know some of those higher ranked people will standby in order to keep their rank. That, or start to lag their connection down in order to rape everyone with a shotgun. I've seen it done before with my own two eyes at my friend's house. All he did was start to lose, load up 3 P2P programs, and he started lagging so much that his shotgun was way too powerful against the other guy's BR. That, and the fact the other guy was hardly moving at all =P

Also remember how modders climbed the leaderboards ¬¬

Good point. I'll need to look at his ranked games.



What a hectic week I've been having :?

Beside work and all other crap, haven't had much chance to get online lately. If I'm not doing anything, I'll try and play tomorrow. But my dad recently discovered Xbox live and got his own account so he's been playing a lot of Moto GP 3 lately, so I may not get a chance to.


people knew it was you, wespip

at least i did...

i finally, after 5 tries, converted FF:AC to play on my psp and fit on my memory stick! too bad there's no subs, since the version i dled had a separate sub file... but the movie is mostly action and after watching it twice i know pretty much what's going on ^^


Gwar!!!!! I feel like the only person who hasn't seen it yet. I think I'll be patient and wait for it to be released here in the US, even though I have been waiting over a year for it.

Possibility of me playing tonight is about 30%


Metrion: this numbers-crunching is giving me a headache. So here are my tower changes:

turn off radar

set brute shots as the "on map" weapon

Let me know how that works. :wink::D


Wow. I found Tales of Symphonia for $20, so I could not resist =) I already played Tales of Phantasia (Jap SNES Rom, never in US so hey, they can't make money from what they don't release) and I just hafta say, KICKASS!

Now, off to play my newly bought Advance Wars DS =D

Wow. I found Tales of Symphonia for $20, so I could not resist =) I already played Tales of Phantasia (Jap SNES Rom, never in US so hey, they can't make money from what they don't release) and I just hafta say, KICKASS!

Now, off to play my newly bought Advance Wars DS =D

DON'T TAKE THIS AS A AN ASSHOLE APPROACH but Tales Of Symphonia has been $20 for about...7 months

I worked at Kroger and there was a Meijer across the street (which i shopped at more than Kroger) and they had it for $20, but I bought Kingdom Hearts instead for $20. Hmmm...maybe i should go pick up Tales now, I finished KH like...a long time ago.

Dr. Marius, that's the same game i watched u play on the Gamecube right?

EDIT: I REALLY, REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY like peekaboo, but I made a name for it that fits better... Cyborg Ninja!

Wow. I found Tales of Symphonia for $20, so I could not resist =) I already played Tales of Phantasia (Jap SNES Rom, never in US so hey, they can't make money from what they don't release) and I just hafta say, KICKASS!

Now, off to play my newly bought Advance Wars DS =D

DON'T TAKE THIS AS A AN ASSHOLE APPROACH but Tales Of Symphonia has been $20 for about...7 months

I worked at Kroger and there was a Meijer across the street (which i shopped at more than Kroger) and they had it for $20, but I bought Kingdom Hearts instead for $20. Hmmm...maybe i should go pick up Tales now, I finished KH like...a long time ago.

Dr. Marius, that's the same game i watched u play on the Gamecube right?

EDIT: I REALLY, REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY like peekaboo, but I made a name for it that fits better... Cyborg Ninja!

No... I've never played Tales. There's a huge part of me that wants to, and then this other part shouts that I have no way to play the first ones in the Tales series. Maybe eventually. I think you're thinking of Skies of Arcadia. Except the graphics in Tales look much much better, unless you have something against that art style, that and I think it's in 2-d. Like 4 swords was.

Speaking of crisp clear 2-d, anyone else seen the trailer for the new Ghouls and Ghosts on the PSP? Finally they're making a portable game for it! I've got a PSP myself, but if you really want to play the good games on it, you may as well stay home and play it, considering you're going to need an hour or two to really have fun with Lumines or Acid (The only games I have for it right now)

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