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Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History

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I declare, that you (being defined as the sole poster of the above message, Shael Riley) owe me (being defined as Garian Cashman) interest due to an investment of my time in this thread. Please send the check to Some Place in Japan, On the Face of Some Cliff, Care of Ryu.

I declare, that you (being defined as the sole poster of the above message, Shael Riley) owe me (being defined as Garian Cashman) interest due to an investment of my time in this thread. Please send the check to Some Place in Japan, On the Face of Some Cliff, Care of Ryu.

You are not a warrior. You are a beginer!

I declare, that you (being defined as the sole poster of the above message, Shael Riley) owe me (being defined as Garian Cashman) interest due to an investment of my time in this thread. Please send the check to Some Place in Japan, On the Face of Some Cliff, Care of Ryu.

You are not a warrior. You are a begger!

i dare say, how did you know my street fighting skills were lacking? is there an empty space in my hands where an arcade console should be, or something?


Great idea, I LOVE the Street Fighter soundtrack! Too bad I'm not a remixer. Anyway, I bet this project's gonna be awesome. Good luck and happy remixing to all of you!


Sweet! I do a bit of remixing and arranging, but probably not at a high enough level to be worth including for this project. Maybe I'll try my hand at Akuma's theme and we'll see if it comes out as anything more than pure garbage... I suppose you can count me in as interested.

Regardless, I love Street Fighter 2's music, and will definitely be interested in hearing how this turns out! :) Good luck.


Mr Riley this is the first project I've been interested in...I'm no remixer, but this is basically a show of support for your idea, best of luck SF2 is second to none, well, perhaps Third Strike.

Godspeed, Shael. May this noble effort count towards your community CV and and positively contribute to your judgefgt prospects!


Wow, that's some sweet tunage Mythril Nazgul, as always. It's times like these I wish I had some musical talent to be able to create some form of remix but alas, I am teh suck. However this is looking to be a really awesome project and I wish all the remixers luck and I thank Shael for thinking up such a kickass idea. Best of luck to you all.

jeez Mythril, you've got half a WIP before most of us knew the project existed.

Meh, I was up till early this morning, saw Shael's thread.

A bit bored so I spent a few minutes on a WIP. It isn't too neat (the lead synth sounds terrible and :41 seems a bit off) but it's less than 20 minutes of work.

You in on this, man?

Nice! This makes me happy, or at least the non-"Super" tracks will.

I wish I could help with remixes, but I kinda can't.

You could always do an acapella of one of the shorter themes (new challenger, etc)

jeez Mythril, you've got half a WIP before most of us knew the project existed.

Meh, I was up till early this morning, saw Shael's thread.

A bit bored so I spent a few minutes on a WIP. It isn't too neat (the lead synth sounds terrible and :41 seems a bit off) but it's less than 20 minutes of work.

You in on this, man?

Yeah it sounds cool. Unfortunately my bastard PC is busted but once I get that up and running I'll record an idea or two.


WOW! Very nice. :)

Clean up the lead a little and take of those clipping problems and this will be tight!

We'll all be voting--as long as there's enough remixing manpower to continue--on who gets what tracks based on WIPs so I can't promise you this track off the bat but you have a very strong WIP to put you in the running, assuming you even get any competition.

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