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Cover is pretty, but they manage to make Tidus look even more womanly: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81kTwJKrrQL.jpg

Back in 2001 or so my dad commented that Tidus looked Japanese, and I didn't notice it at first but the features are there, albeit Westernized somewhat. But those features seem to be "airbrushed" out for this cover.

There was also a trailer:

2014 SHOULD be a good year with Lightning Returns and FFX HD... I hope they continue on with FF15 soon enough that it doesn't become ridiculous waiting again. :x

Edited by Brandon Strader
Watching that trailer I realized 2 things......

1. Actual lip sync

2. At least parts of the script have been redone.

That just seals the deal for me in terms of eventually buying this. The script translation, lip-sync, and voice acting were easily the weakest parts of an otherwise awesome game for me.


Sorry, did I say series? I meant ever. Even Brave Fencer Musashi (Squaresoft) on the PS1 had better acting. Look, there were only 2 good voice actors in FFX: Jecht and Auron. And the worst voice acting was done by the 3 most important characters (Tidus, Yuna, Seymour). Hmmm, maybe that second in command guado was the worst though..... not really good at looking at a bunch of bad acting and telling which one is less bad.

You know what? I just might say that the acting in FF14 A Realm Reborn might be worse. Though you should hardly judge an MMO on it's acting unless it has the amount of voiced cutscenes as say... The Old Republic. But everyone talks so unbelievably slow and since the dialogue doesn't continue past the current dialogue box until you hit a button, every sentence is just so disconnected from eachother.

Uhhh, what was I talking about again? I seem to have just put more nonsense into a single post that I have ever done.

Cover is pretty, but they manage to make Tidus look even more womanly: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81kTwJKrrQL.jpg

I've never understood why they like to make men look as feminine as possible, it's real silly to me... Tidus and Yuna look like twins in that photo :lol: It's like the exact opposite of western style in which the contrast&differences between men and women are highlighted and almost exaggerated.

I've never understood why they like to make men look as feminine as possible, it's real silly to me... Tidus and Yuna look like twins in that photo :lol: It's like the exact opposite of western style in which the contrast&differences between men and women are highlighted and almost exaggerated.

It's one of those oppressive female power fantasies that malenists are always complaining about. :lol:

I've never understood why they like to make men look as feminine as possible, it's real silly to me... Tidus and Yuna look like twins in that photo :lol: It's like the exact opposite of western style in which the contrast&differences between men and women are highlighted and almost exaggerated.

Different beauty standards in japan, that's all. That's not to say that there aren't ruggedly handsome japanese models or anything, but feminine traits in beauty are more desirable in attractive people over there.

Watching that trailer I realized 2 things......

1. Actual lip sync

2. At least parts of the script have been redone.

No, the lip sync is done to the original acting. It's not re-recorded, so we'll get the same stuttering dialogue as we did ten years ago.

Different beauty standards in japan, that's all. That's not to say that there aren't ruggedly handsome japanese models or anything, but feminine traits in beauty are more desirable in attractive people over there.

I wonder why that's the case with both genders, though. Obviously that's the case with women but where does the desirable beauty in men originate from? It'd be interesting to hear what japanese people think about it themselves.

Anyway, enough about pretty men and offtopic for my part.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Does it come out on the 18th? I pre-ordered it but of course it doesn't say the release date on Gamestop's reciepts. Gamestop's site says the 11th, but then again it also says that about Dark Souls II and I know that the preorders for that come in a couple of days after FFX HD. I wouldn't think that pre-orders would get it a full week before the general public either.


once, when I was young and stupid, I traded in my copies of Legend of Mana and SaGa Frontier along with my PS1 and eight other games to get $100 off a new PS2

that was the last time I traded in a game

once, when I was young and stupid, I traded in my copies of Legend of Mana and SaGa Frontier along with my PS1 and eight other games to get $100 off a new PS2

that was the last time I traded in a game

i did that with my entire n64 collection

easily my biggest regret in life


I never have traded in a game, ever. Even when I recieved total shit games for Christmas like Taz: Escape from Mars and Beavis and Butthead, I kept them. I still want to buy games, but I don't want to feed the beast that is Gamestop's used game industry.


Trading in games is only worthwhile if you absolutely hate the game and want to knock a few bucks off a game you might actually like. Trading a system is completely insane unless the system you're trading toward is backward compatible.

The only thing I see myself trading is my Wii Mini toward a Wii U once the new Smash Bros and stuff comes out. That will knock like 15 bucks off the Wii U at most.

I have worked part time in the past for Gamestop (EBGames) and the craziest people I've met want to trade their PS4 for a 3 (you read that correctly) because "there are no games on PS4". No shit, just wait a while and don't trade your PS3.


I, too, am one of those stupid kids who traded everything away to get a PS2. My whole NES collection, a Dreamcast, and more... and then the PS2 stopped working after a month.

The only silver lining is that my parents didn't have particularly good taste in games when I was super young, the only games you guys would know from my NES collection is Mega Man. But I also had Gyruss which was a truly amazing game.

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