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The next Star Fox needs to be made by Retro Studios.

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Yes. Yes, you do. And yes, they do.

They have a way of preserving the aesthetic and gameplay of the previous titles in the series they are made in charge of while still building new content that manages to be appropriate and please fans.

I definitely know DKCR delivered as the return-to-form title DKC-series fans (and fans of DK's old masters, Rare to boot) were waiting for.

I'd also love to see them take a stab at Pokemon (Hear me out!)

I know it'll never happen, as Pokemon isn't exactly your typical in-house Nintendo development. Though Pokemon has been developed by people other than GameFreak, I very much doubt the big wigs in Japan would let their golden egg-laying Swanna be handled by a Western developer. That said, I know Retro is more than capable of giving us the console Pokemon main entry we've always wanted.


As much as I'd love Retro Studios to handle Star Fox, I have this feeling that Retro Studios are likely to be more comfortable (to them) action/adventure oriented games, and with that said I can see them taking Kid Icarus to the Wii/WiiU well especially considering Pit's popularity in SSBB. But yeah, after what they did with Metroid and Donkey Kong, RS have shown that they are extremely capable in handling Nintendo's property :)

I know it'll never happen, as Pokemon isn't exactly your typical in-house Nintendo development. Though Pokemon has been developed by people other than GameFreak, I very much doubt the big wigs in Japan would let their golden egg-laying Swanna be handled by a Western developer. That said, I know Retro is more than capable of giving us the console Pokemon main entry we've always wanted.

You have to realize that Pokémon is very much a Japanese-style game. Simple story with some complex mechanics combined into a relatively cute package, something that doesn't exactly translate well when being attempted by Western hands.

My point is that you have a very Japanese game and you want to put it in the hands of a very Western studio. Now, I can already hear you saying "what about Metroid, they did great work on that" and "Donkey Kong is Japanese in origin, that was done nicely by way of DKR", and I agree, that is true. But those games aren't the same as Pokémon (not to mention the fact that both Metroid and DK are far older and have gone years between games, and the fact that Metroid was effectively dead for years before Retro got to work their magic on it, so they had nowhere to go but up).

It's that hard-to-describe flavor that some Japanese games have, that I don't think would remain intact if Retro were to make a Pokémon game. My concern is that that transition from one to the other would lose that very essence that makes up a big part of that series. While I do agree that Pokémon needs to update itself in some regards (story, maybe some graphical tweaks), it's that basic feeling that made it endearing and charming in the first place. It would be a shame to see it lost simply because another studio with very different design and aesthetic mindsets was given the reins.

/early morning rant


Retro Studios is currently 4 for 4. I've heard that they are also designing the tracks for Mario Kart 7, so those should be awesome as well. So so far, they've done an excellent job with any game franchise they've been given, and I'd love to see them tackle something new rather than do a DKCR2, and like the title says, I think Star Fox is the one for them to try. Who knows? Maybe they could even get the whole Air/Tank/On-Foot combat thing to work.

Although, if they do a good job with the tracks in MK7, maybe they would be a good fit for a new F-Zero game.

(P.S....I've never liked Rare games, but I think Star Fox Adventures was the best game they made.)


Retro Studios must make ALL THE GAMES!!!!

But seriously, what they've done so far is fantastic. And I would play a Star Fox by them in a heartbeat.

As for other games, I always thought they'd do really well with a Kirby game, not that the Kirby series needs any help or anything. I just think the franchise would be great for them, and that they could take it in a really innovative way (like with the Prime series)

And last I heard was that they were wrapped up in an original project. Which sounds AMAZING.


While a StarTropics by Retro would be amazing it wouldn't be that feasibly marketable since, as far as I can recall, no one bought StarTropics let alone its sequel Zoda's Revenge.


I would die a happy man if a new Starfox looked like it did in the original 1993 instruction manual. The Arwings looked fantastic and the characters were just so cool. Every Starfox has always looked kind of fake, but the original was so...real (because they actually made models of the ships and puppets of the characters).



That poster is still in my basement, though I never had StarFox. Played the death out of StarFox 64 though. It was like a ritual growing up- once a week, you had to beat StarFox 64. That was the minimum.

I think one of the nice things about Retro (for the most part) is that they know that you don't need to bog your game down with a lot of boring stupid cutscenes to get a story across. That's been the mistake of every post-64 StarFox, is putting in a story like we gave a shit.

Of course, it wasn't really their fault in Adventures (which sucks by the way), but then they had to run with that crap in Assault (which was below-average) and Command (which just sucked).


I just got Command and played 10 minutes of it, but felt like I was missing some story, so I went back and played Assault (which I never played more than 10 minutes of), and felt like I was missing some story, so I'm playing through Adventures right now (which I had never played more than 10 minutes of). I want to really play these games and decide for myself how good/bad they are.

ATM I'm about 40% through Adventures, and while very annoyed with the collecting fetish Rare seems to love shoehorning into every game they make, I'm finding Adventures fairly enjoyable. It has tons of problems, sure, but it's based on Zelda, which is never a bad thing to base your game on. I think the concept of Fox being a mercenary should be used more. Him going to different planets, helping or fighting different creatures, etc. is a cool concept, and while it could have been done much better, adventures is holding my interest. And it's a pretty game.

I'm liking it a lot more than Banjo-Kazooie and DK64 (which is a TERRIBLE game.).

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