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Is it just me, or did you miss covering the Dark Side of Phobos (Doom) album in your list of remix projects?

Yeh there were one or 2 projects we may have overlooked, but this will give us something to talk about for new time. Yeh Rama is just using an old mic attached to his monitor or something, nothin we can do about that at the moment. I've EQ'd it a bit and cleaned up some of the hiss, but ah well..


Awesome, thanks y'all.. Thing is, we have to vote EVERY MONTH to keep the rankings going. Tho we broke 100 in 2 weeks, we will be able to do much better next month with a full 30 days. So yeh, keep it up and we'll be reminding you guys to vote heh..

I think the 'reading off the random mixes' thing should be shortened a bit, although Aurora still wants to read them off, maybe we'll omit the dates until the actual one is picked. It kinda drags on a bit long..

Also I've got word that a new DJP mix is coming out soon so we'll get a nice interview with him. Any questions in particular you'd like to have (potentially) answered?

Thanks for the support..

EDIT: Just checked on Podcast alley, looks like we'll need about 65+ votes to get into the top 50.. That shouldn't be TOO hard ;)

Also, we need to make a promo/skit/commercial to give to Adam Curry the "Podfather" & inventor of podcasting that he'll play on his show. Any ideas for that as well?

Thing is, we have to vote EVERY MONTH to keep the rankings going....

I think the 'reading off the random mixes' thing should be shortened a bit, although Aurora still wants to read them off, maybe we'll omit the dates until the actual one is picked. It kinda drags on a bit long..

1. Will do!

2. I agree, that did seem to take up a lot of time that could probably be used for something a little more interesting. Maybe you could just post links to the six songs in the shownotes?


Also, we need to make a promo/skit/commercial to give to Adam Curry the "Podfather" & inventor of podcasting that he'll play on his show. Any ideas for that as well?

Maybe you could use an edited version of the show intro, like the first 20 secs, and have you and Aurora say something like 'check out VGDJ, the Official OC Remix Podcast, at www.vgdj.net'


No questions from me, as of now.

Yeah, I agree. A lot of the time that could be spent on more important things is held up in long-drawn out readings of lists and names.

Yeah, I agree. A lot of the time that could be spent on more important things is held up in long-drawn out readings of lists and names.

I'd also like to suggest not doing this:

"And now we're going to talk about [subject X]"

*Talks about subject X*

Instead of announcing what you'll be talking about in a couple seconds, just jump right into it; it's rather redundant otherwise and it will make things flow more smoothly.

Yeah, I agree. A lot of the time that could be spent on more important things is held up in long-drawn out readings of lists and names.

I'd also like to suggest not doing this:

"And now we're going to talk about [subject X]"

*Talks about subject X*

Instead of announcing what you'll be talking about in a couple seconds, just jump right into it; it's rather redundant otherwise and it will make things flow more smoothly.

I didn't notice that. But yeah, if that what you guys were doing, try to make it less obvious it's an introduction, or drop it completely.

Also, if you can, try other intoductions to mix it up, like: "on that same subject..." or whatever else you feel is appropriate.

Just suggestions here, not trying to order you around.

Also, if you can, try other intoductions to mix it up, like: "on that same subject..." or whatever else you feel is appropriate.

Yeh the segue. Real broadcasters make it seem so easy, but I'm sure we'll get better as time goes on.

Those are some good suggestions always, about not announcing what we're going to talk about in 2 seconds heh. I'll keep that in mind..

Yeah, I agree. A lot of the time that could be spent on more important things is held up in long-drawn out readings of lists and names.

I'd also like to suggest not doing this:

"And now we're going to talk about [subject X]"

*Talks about subject X*

Instead of announcing what you'll be talking about in a couple seconds, just jump right into it; it's rather redundant otherwise and it will make things flow more smoothly.

Well, this isn't radio for a reason. There's an essence of freedom around podcasting because we don't have to be perfect.. We're allowed to fuck up. I guess because I've been listening to podcasts now (I'm subscribed to about 10)for about 3 months I've become a bit more leniant in my listening... it leaves an element of realism to the whole thing if its not always perfect all the time. This is in response to the whole movie quote thing and the intro/outro redundant thing.... I mean, the mannerisms, i can't understand needing to be fixed or at least improved because that's just bad speech... but like, yah. With practice we'll improve our recorded ways.

Don't take this the wrong way PLEASE :D you have no idea how much we appreciate feedback from the listeners... we try hard not to annoy anyone :D We'll get bettah!!!

Yeah, I agree. A lot of the time that could be spent on more important things is held up in long-drawn out readings of lists and names.

I'd also like to suggest not doing this:

"And now we're going to talk about [subject X]"

*Talks about subject X*

Instead of announcing what you'll be talking about in a couple seconds, just jump right into it; it's rather redundant otherwise and it will make things flow more smoothly.

Well, this isn't radio for a reason. There's an essence of freedom around podcasting because we don't have to be perfect.. We're allowed to fuck up. I guess because I've been listening to podcasts now (I'm subscribed to about 10)for about 3 months I've become a bit more leniant in my listening... it leaves an element of realism to the whole thing if its not always perfect all the time. This is in response to the whole movie quote thing and the intro/outro redundant thing.... I mean, the mannerisms, i can't understand needing to be fixed or at least improved because that's just bad speech... but like, yah. With practice we'll improve our recorded ways.

Don't take this the wrong way PLEASE :D you have no idea how much we appreciate feedback from the listeners... we try hard not to annoy anyone :D We'll get bettah!!!

Yes, we know it's only a podcast Aurora. But still, there's no reason to let it go to seed now that you're getting good.

Really, though, it's all up to you guys. As I said before, I don't want to try to force you guys to run it a certain way (as if I could :wink: ). If you don't want to take our advice, I for one, won't be offended.

The main reason I suggest things is that I like to hear good shows. 's all. But, yes, you guys are already improving.


Dunno if this has already been mentioned, but I was thinking that in the future maybe every so often you could have something like a "special"... if a new site project is released, or something really major is going on in the 'scene', you could have an extended show or at least the majority of the show focus on that.

Dunno if this has already been mentioned, but I was thinking that in the future maybe every so often you could have something like a "special"... if a new site project is released, or something really major is going on in the 'scene', you could have an extended show or at least the majority of the show focus on that.

Yeh that hasn't come up yet but I'm sure when it does we'll take a little more time dissecting that since they are pretty major..


Wonderful second episode. Better than the first, and that one wasn't all that bad at that. Just as the others have been saying, it had more interesting content, you two have more confidence, and Rayza did a great job sounding more engaging.

Don't do WIPs. You got enough ground to cover already, and they're only potential parts of OCR. Wait till it's official, this being the "official podcast."

Badass intro. The second time round gave it weight as "the intro," and I just realized how awesome it is. :)

Definitely too long on the Roulette, but that's been said. I'll give you that you were describing what you were doing for the first time, so that somewhat justifies it.

If you can, you should try to get actual interviews, as in

Rayza: ...

DJP: ...

Aurora: ...

DJP: ...

Aurora: ...

This format would keep the voices changing and make the whole thing more interesting and engaging. It might go a little long if the interviewee expounds upon a question posed by one of you. But the clips from the remixers are pretty long already, and it would be more interesting than hearing housethegrate (awesome though "Seized With Fury" was--you guys made me download something that I wouldn't have otherwise) go on and on and on about how he didn't think anything else needed to be added to his song. As my dad said rather directly,

Are you going to play the song or are you going to keep playing with yourself?

It would also be a good way to pose questions that you think newcomers would have, if you're still going for the idea of bringing OC ReMix to new ears.

Aurora's getting all the attention for her voice (and for good reason) but for all the criticism of Rayza before, this time he sounded as good as she does. Good job, sexy.

Monday morning just got a whole lot more enjoyable. Truly, this made me smile long after I turned it off. VGDJs rox.

Edit: Oh yeah, I liked the Rama report. Good to have another voice, and good to see other sides of OCR.


Hey thanks for the feedback Linearity.

If you can, you should try to get actual interviews, as in
Rayza: ...

DJP: ...

Aurora: ...

DJP: ...

Aurora: ...

Yes that would be a little more traditional, but with everyone and their schedules and technical issues its not always possible. For example I tried to get an interview with Kylejcrb tonight and that was just NOT working for us. Either I could hear him but he couldnt hear me, etc.. So I said just give me a clip of what you wanna say and we'll do that instead.

Hopefully we can get a "real" interview thing going eventually but for now I'm just happy with getting other people involved in any way we can.

I do edit the clips that they send in as well, getting rid of pauses and flubbed lines and what not. For Rama alone I think I snipped about 45 seconds of silence and other stuff. It's no ones fault, none of us are professionals, but I do try to keep the listener in mind and keep the whole thing rolling at a decent pace.

So hopefully each show will be a small improvement over the last. Thanks again for the support and spread the word, especially to non-ocr'rs!


Personally I just like the clips that the mixers have right now. It's like those awards shows where they have a the prerecorded presentation from the dudes who couldn't make it. Plus the free-talk is cool to listen to, especially since the mixer can talk about what they want to talk about. :wink:


I agree, the non-traditional interview style seems better. I like hearing about what the remixers have to say about their stuff. And for the clips vs whole songs issue (ok, I know it's old) just play longer clips. Oh, and I voted, just so ya' know.

I agree, the non-traditional interview style seems better. I like hearing about what the remixers have to say about their stuff. And for the clips vs whole songs issue (ok, I know it's old) just play longer clips. Oh, and I voted, just so ya' know.

Yeh I was thinking of maybe playing 1:30 instead of a minute.. Might make it "seem" a lot longer or something..

Also thanks for voting. The votes get wiped every month, but look what happens when I go wild at 3:30am the first of the month:


So until the big guys come and bump us out it may catch a few peoples attention and get some new listeners.. Lets hope!

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