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Your MOM'S more of a soft setting!

Your MOM'S FACE is more of a soft setting!

Your GRANDMA'S FACE is more of a soft setting!

(It's been debated at great length in my college... nothing officially beats your grandma's face.)

Yeah! Well....uh.... I really gotta think of a comeback BEFORE I post a reply :roll:

... crap I got nothing :lol:



(both were 1280x720, but reduced in size by over half cuz actual was TOO DAMN BIG!!!)


Showing off a couple wallpapers for the VGDJ Wallpaper Pack II I have in the works at the moment.

"Super Mario 3 Showcase"(left) and "Cel Shaded Mushroom"(right)

Cel Shaded Mushroom is pretty much finished while the other could use a few more things here and there, but all in all, pretty much complete. These wallpapers are only a few of many wallpapers I have created for Wallpaper Pack II, and will be released upon the arrival of the 100th episode of Vgdj. I'd say there are at least 4 times as many wallpapers as the original wallpaper pack. And on top of that other assets will be released along with it.

That's right boys and girls. The Drunken Spy is pulling out all the stops on this one. Lolz

Now I know that episode 100 seems a while away seeing as VGDJ is in the early 60s at the moment, but that gives me enough time to spruce up things here and there with the wallpapers, maybe even dish out some "extras" in the process. Only time will tell.

Oh yeah, and you haven't downloaded the Original Wallpaper Pack 1, you can find it here. http://www.jilliangoldin.com/vgdj_wallpapers/

Or if you want the brand spanking new remastered edition(1.1 as I call it), go here http://www.geocities.com/debeerguy007/wallpaperpack1_1.html

I don't think I ever formally thanked you guys for giving mention of the first wall pack on the 50th, so let me say thanks now to both Andy for being a cool dude and to Jill for being a nice lady for hosting the walls on her own site. Keep doing the great work on the show with the same passion you guys always have. And when Wallpaper Pack II is done and ready, Jill will be able to sigh with relief in knowing that she won't have any more bandwidth from her site sucked up. Lolz

I have things taken care of on this end this time around. Maybe

(/hugs de hosts)

Showing off a couple wallpapers for the VGDJ Wallpaper Pack II I have in the works at the moment.

Now I know that episode 100 seems a while away seeing as VGDJ is in the early 60s at the moment, but that gives me enough time to spruce up things here and there with the wallpapers, maybe even dish out some "extras" in the process. Only time will tell.

:nicework: !

But keeping with the 1-a-week format, Episode 100 will be July 21, 2007!

Anyway, as far as the audio issue goes, maybe Zircon editing the shows (which I imply he's doing from his description) has something to do with it. :wink:

I listen to the shows primarily through my earbud headphones on my iPod--which is a change from a few months before where it was through either my stereo or in my car.


...so let me say thanks now to both Andy for being a cool dude and to Jill for being a nice lady for hosting the walls on her own site.

For a second there, I thought that read "and to Jill for being a cool dude." 8O


Andy and I have been splitting the editing for the last couple months, with the occasional exception when one person is unavailable. As for your question, Abadoss, here's a breakdown!

Preparing the notes outline and organizing voicemail/report files: ~30 min

Recording: ~1 to 2 hours

File uploads/transfers: ~40 min

EQ/Compression: ~20 min

Editing: ~6 to 8 hours total (so half that for each individual host)

Exporting/Tagging/Uploading: ~1 hour

Shownotes: ~1 hour

Total: ~10 to 14 hours

And for special shows like the Anniversary Meetup, Video Games Live, 8bit Genocide, Otakon Panel, Episode #050 etc, it's of course much more. Even when we're not doing things directly for the show, we're always around checking emails, planning contests, and talking to you folks in IRC. VGDJ is more than a hobby, I'd say; it's a way of life! And you guys make it all worthwhile. :D

But keeping with the 1-a-week format, Episode 100 will be July 21, 2007!

Pft, Zircon's probly gonna be all...OGNOES IM SICK again before that.

What a wuss.


I was actually referring to the play time of ALL the VGDJ episodes...

Approximately 42 hours, 5 minutes, and 49 seconds.

Rather specific for "approximately".


Andy and I have been splitting the editing for the last couple months, with the occasional exception when one person is unavailable. As for your question, Abadoss, here's a breakdown!

Preparing the notes outline and organizing voicemail/report files: ~30 min

Recording: ~1 to 2 hours

File uploads/transfers: ~40 min

EQ/Compression: ~20 min

Editing: ~6 to 8 hours total (so half that for each individual host)

Exporting/Tagging/Uploading: ~1 hour

Shownotes: ~1 hour

Total: ~10 to 14 hours

And for special shows like the Anniversary Meetup, Video Games Live, 8bit Genocide, Otakon Panel, Episode #050 etc, it's of course much more. Even when we're not doing things directly for the show, we're always around checking emails, planning contests, and talking to you folks in IRC. VGDJ is more than a hobby, I'd say; it's a way of life! And you guys make it all worthwhile. :D

Andy and I have been splitting the editing for the last couple months, with the occasional exception when one person is unavailable. As for your question, Abadoss, here's a breakdown!

Preparing the notes outline and organizing voicemail/report files: ~30 min

Recording: ~1 to 2 hours

File uploads/transfers: ~40 min

EQ/Compression: ~20 min

Editing: ~6 to 8 hours total (so half that for each individual host)

Exporting/Tagging/Uploading: ~1 hour

Shownotes: ~1 hour

Total: ~10 to 14 hours

...damn, so much for a part time job in college. Keep it up guys, the show's awesome. The remix reviews are always a personal highlight for me.

I was actually referring to the play time of ALL the VGDJ episodes...

Approximately 42 hours, 5 minutes, and 49 seconds.

Rather specific for "approximately".

Heh. :) I say approximately, because that's what Winamp tells me when I list all episodes 1-61. It's not counting our video releases or short MP3 clips.

I was actually referring to the play time of ALL the VGDJ episodes...

Approximately 42 hours, 5 minutes, and 49 seconds.

Rather specific for "approximately".

Heh. :) I say approximately, because that's what Winamp tells me when I list all episodes 1-61. It's not counting our video releases or short MP3 clips.

Meg an Approximation is an approximation right? :roll: lol

As for your question, Abadoss, here's a breakdown!

Preparing the notes outline and organizing voicemail/report files: ~30 min

Recording: ~1 to 2 hours

File uploads/transfers: ~40 min

EQ/Compression: ~20 min

Editing: ~6 to 8 hours total (so half that for each individual host)

Exporting/Tagging/Uploading: ~1 hour

Shownotes: ~1 hour

Total: ~10 to 14 hours

And for special shows like the Anniversary Meetup, Video Games Live, 8bit Genocide, Otakon Panel, Episode #050 etc, it's of course much more. Even when we're not doing things directly for the show, we're always around checking emails, planning contests, and talking to you folks in IRC. VGDJ is more than a hobby, I'd say; it's a way of life! And you guys make it all worthwhile. :D




Zircoin, Zircoin.

(left over from my Zircoin remix (see a few

pages back).

Edit: Umm... How do I donate again? There's no button on vgdj.net

So... much... <3...



*reached over to hold LAOS's hand...*


(At least that's how I think the movie goes...)


Well, I'm really looking forward to the Mag-Fest episode. It's been a while since e've had a nice heartily-lengthed VGDJ. You spoiled us all with so many of those "special" episodes in close succession.

Well, I'm really looking forward to the Mag-Fest episode. It's been a while since e've had a nice heartily-lengthed VGDJ. You spoiled us all with so many of those "special" episodes in close succession.

Oh come now, we had the Flow Basket II and BGC interview recently; those were both hour-plus episodes. And last week was a guest host! I understand that all the crazy summer stuff may have spoiled you, but remember; it *was* summer. This is now the school year, and there are fewer things like VGL/Otakon/8bit Genocide that we can take advantage of when we're also attending school full time. :(

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