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Maybe I should just take the plunge "purchase Reason" and struggle through learning how it works for a couple weeks.

I use reason and the best thing about it is that you don't learn exactly how it works in a couple weeks. You will easily figure out how to sequence , make beats, and choose instruments pretty quickly. However, the time that can be spent in reason learning tricks, unique ways of routing signal paths, and learning the new SSL mixer is a wonderful experience. It also has only crashed on me once since 2008.

Maybe I should just take the plunge "purchase Reason" and struggle through learning how it works for a couple weeks.

Yeah, it was already covered that you won't learn it in a couple weeks, and I'm here to back that up. But "taking the plunge" is exactly what I did with FL, and going from a lesser program to a better DAW is always going to be time consuming, as far as learning goes. I only had Finale until May actually... so anything you hear from me is approximately 6 months of progress, and as far as I'm concerned I'm still a newb. Or at least not as good as I'd like to be. There's ALWAYS new shit to learn; that's the important thing to keep in mind with music (software).

But anyway, the moral of the story is TAKE THE PLUNGE! It'll most likely be worth it

Yeah, it was already covered that you won't learn it in a couple weeks, and I'm here to back that up. But "taking the plunge" is exactly what I did with FL, and going from a lesser program to a better DAW is always going to be time consuming, as far as learning goes. I only had Finale until May actually... so anything you hear from me is approximately 6 months of progress, and as far as I'm concerned I'm still a newb. Or at least not as good as I'd like to be. There's ALWAYS new shit to learn; that's the important thing to keep in mind with music (software).

But anyway, the moral of the story is TAKE THE PLUNGE! It'll most likely be worth it

What he said. I piddled around for a couple of years before I decided to really immerse myself in FL Studio/composition. Not a week after I made that decision, I pumped out a totally respectable, albeit crappy in retrospect, original mix. Several months later, I think I'm scratching at the door of getting posted. Just commit and have fun!

Weird fact: the girl who sits next to me in my dental lab is the daughter of the CEO of MakeMusic, the company that developed Finale. Weeiiirddd.


Ok, my votes are in! And here are my reviews...

Top 3

#1 Dubious Brother - Wow, I have listened to this track a ton of times. It really hooked me. Mixes the themes really well together, production is tight, and the use of the sample is pretty brilliant. And it winds down pretty gracefully too. Awesome job!

#2 She's a Squirter - The arrangement is great, but it's all the sounds that really sold me on this one. The combination of the "old school" vibe the beats give off and the way each synth sounds is perfect.

#3 Don't Make Me Cut You - I've never been crazy about Blade Man's theme, but you did a lot of things to keep this mix interesting. It never stays in one spot for too long (which is something I can relate to). There's a lot going on, but in a good way. My only gripe is how sparse it sounds at 1:16 before the bass comes back in.

And..... the rest (in no particular order)

Totally Rad Winter - Love the 80's vibe. It sounds cheesy in all the right ways and features some solid arrangement, too.

Double Doctors - Oh wait, that's me! I knew that Wily laugh would polarizing. I'm glad some of you liked it!

Burn the Castle - Really strong start when the guitar first comes in. Each individual section sounds great, but something about the flow/pacing of it all didn't hook me as much.

The Knight Who Says Rock - I really like the way Wily's part is played in this one. Not crazy about how the breakdown went, but the placing of it was good.

The Last of the Clan - I have to commend you on how well the narrative intro sounds. I've heard this sort of thing before and it's usually recorded or delivered poorly. Yours, however, sounds great in both aspects. As far as the actual song, I love the style of. Great sounding drums. Love how well you played into the Yamato theme. My only complaint is that the mix is a bit too stagnant.

Two Minds Without a Single Thought - Wow, this is really out there. At first I didn't like how everything seemed off time, but as the track went on, the utter weirdness of it all poured over me and the unconventional timing became more of a key aspect. A very ballsy abstract mix. But it loses me in the end. At the end, the melody gets a bit too traditionally implemented which fights the abstract nature of the rest. Also, the sound effect to cap it off probably could have used a bit of effects to make it more unsettling. Very creative before that, though.

Under Construction - I like it, but a lot of the instruments don't feel like they fit well together. The sound of the synth lead in particular just feels really out of place to me. But I really like some of what you've done with the percussion.

This was a tough vote! Everybody did a great job. Can't wait for round 2.

Don't feel bad ZTM. I wish I was experienced and felt as confident as you to even join the competition lol. I'd be dead last and laughed out of the competition if I were to join (I know this isn't true cuz you guys are all too nice).

Just keep at it man and eventually you'll be as good as the top remixers on the site :) If I know anything its that persistence is key to accomplishing great things.

BTW: Any tips on upgrading from Garage Band to a real software suite? I haven't bought Reason yet but maybe I can convince myself it will be a good Christmas present to myself ;) I just don't know if I can adjust to it....

I'd definitely recommend Logic if you've already been using Garageband for quite a while. Cost is about the same (as I recall), and you get SO MUCH for $500. Logic is one of the single most powerful tools you can have as a producer, and if you can wrap your head around it, it'll stand you in good stead.


Just voted. Here's my thotughts on the tracks:

she's a squirter:

Huh, Brandon does chipstuff. :D The noticeable compression bothers me, and the track plods through and does some interesting retro-ish synth things along the way, but ultimately has little staying power imo. It feels forcedly loud, which is weird as it isn't that loud compared to the others. Must be the lows or something.

don't make me cut you:

I like the intro, it's nice and lo-fi with some cool percussion. Then it devolves into a genre medley going from dubstep to dance and on. It's got some nice dynamics and sound design, and cycles through the genres in a way that becomes less and less detracting with every switch. With some exceptions (esp. 2:39), the writing is cool, nice and melodic... not surprisingly so, considering the team.

totally rad winter:

Oh, what a surprising choice of genre. :P This has a typical but functional groove, likewise the sound design. I happen to like them both.

double doctors:

Aww, it was going so well... then comes voice clips. The choice of clips doesn't appeal to my tastes. The choice of using voice clips at all. :P While the writing was pretty cool it's quite messy. I guess it's caught in that tempo range where everything either sooounnndss tooo slloooww orwaytoofast.

the knight who says rock!:

Finally something with a little more attitude (or a little more attitude problem). :D Unfortunately, it seems to have its energy level capped early on, and while it does move down and back up, it doesn't really surpass the level it gets to at 20 seconds in. A subtle boost to the highs to give it a little more clarity wouldn't have hurt, btw.

burn the castle:

Lidawg, learn from the energy levels (dynamics) of this track. Don't learn from the clunky kick sound, tho. Really, the track is easily my favorite arrangement in this round, and I wouldn't be surprised if it stays among the top few for the whole competition. But that kick sound.... argh.

the last of the clan:

Voice clips. Voice that isn't singing. Urgh. Could be worse, of course, it's source-relevant and acted competently enough to be just a pet peeve. It's a nice little chill... downtempo.... slow... thing. Seems a bit lazily put together with the repetition and all.

two minds without a single thought:

You ha ve so merhyth mprob lems. Quite an noying. It also quickly starts to sound loopy. It also quickly starts to sound repetitive. It also has voice clips. And sound effects. What were you thinking? 6:33 of this? Not that there aren't some cool ideas in here, and the sound design is, clips aside, actually pretty cool with glitchy background stuff and bells and stuff. Considering the sound design and the cool arrangement ideas that appear from time to time in here, it's like you had a cool track and deliberately rewrote it to annoy ppl. Grr.

dubious brother:

High-passed triplet intro. Sweet. :D Voice clips from some song... you get the vote for least detracting use of voice clips. Chippy round, this one. I'm not complaining. Nice details in the chip stuff. This feels like the most cohesive chip track, and it stays varied throughout.

under construction:

Mixing problems, some rhythm problems, but a nice jazzier sound. I wish the drums were more upfront and clear, as that's probably my fav part in the mix. Lead is still too loud. I like the writing, especially the jazz flavor, but the production could have used a few more passes through our internal critique.

And at the end, I was able to narrow the vote down to four, which is probably the worst number to narrow it down to when we can only pick three. Sorry NutS.


She's a Squirter - #2 Though I'm not a fan of suggestive titles, this was a really cool piece. It was a nice start to the listening, had good source use, and sounded like a slicker mega man. It didn't always bring the A game in variety, but it was very competent overall and was enjoyable through-and-through. My number 2 piece.

Don't Make Me Cut You - This mix had some of the finest attention to detail. There were some very cool audio tricks and was a nice piece overall. I wasn't quite as sold on the combination of the higher synth stuff compared to everything else being so deep. The basic synths didn't mesh as well with the dub-like stuff as much as I would've hoped. The orchestral section was a nice addition audio-wise, but it didn't hang out much of anywhere else, so it ended up feeling a little out of place. So it was very well-made, but I just didn't find it quite as enjoyable.

Totally Rad Winter - Stereotypical 80's synth pop makes me cringe. I can't stand it, hate listening to it, and it brings out so many harsh feelings in me that its all I can do to not change to something else immediately. That said, I did make it through to critique it on other merits. It did do a neat job of mixing what you'd be used to hearing in the 80's with a bit more modern synth design throughout. It was very cleanly made, though sometimes didn't have as much forward momentum as I'd prefer (not tempo). Unfortunately, I'm so severely biased against 80's-style music that I simply can't place it in or near my top three. The production was there, the arrangement was aight, but the enjoyability was through the floor.

Double Doctors - This was one of the cooler pieces! The writing was cool throughout, it had some neat sound ideas, and the pacing was very nice. The production hurt it, though. It was lacking a bit of clarity in the mixing (needs more treble). And sometimes the foreground synth stuff just simply doesn't demand the presence it should. I would've preferred some more interesting variations in the drums, but it was fine as it was. It's up there, but didn't win a vote from me.

The Knight who says ROCK! - A very competent rock arrangement. It did a neat job of using the melodies with effective chords and other ideas. You need to switch up that drum pattern occasionally, and definitely up the clarity in your soundscape (its quite muffled). Some of the melodic stuff in the guitar lacked some finesse, but this was a very competent mix.

Burn The Castle - #1 Luckily, there was some much better EQing in here and a heck of a lot of energy. The kick is a bit distracting, and I'm always partial to a little more syncopation in the rhythm parts, but the energy and drive of this more than made up for it. The melodies were typically handled well throughout, there was a good sense of pace throughout, and it was a lot of fun to listen to. Minor gripes here and there about small details, but fantastic work overall. Definitely my #1 vote.

The Last of the Clan - Though your voice work sounds fine, it comes off as extremely cheesy. Otherwise, a nice, chill piece. Maybe a little too chill. It sounds nice, but some of the repetitions along with the slow pace makes it drag a bit. Little bits of interest like switching up the beat more, harmonic changes, or whatever could've propelled it a bit more without losing the chill flow. Nice overall, though!

Two Minds Without A Single Thought The intro is spot-on and sets up a really neat piece. Unfortunately, that neat piece doesn't follow. It has some really good ideas arrangement-wise, but the flat-out bad rhythm problems really detract. The meandering melodic stuff seems to lack direction often, and there are some strange choices throughout. So cleaning up the rhythms a lot, and distilling this down to just the interesting ideas--and shortening it considerably--would go a long way. Definitely stick with it, but maybe try some other approaches.

Dubious Brothers - #3 This was a really cool piece with neat arrangement ideas paired with some nice chip+ sounds. There was pretty good direction throughout and had good pacing. I would've preferred some more variation, but still a neat piece overall. I enjoyed it a lot and give it my number 3 vote.

Under Construction - I like the jazzier elements to this, and liked the overall feel. It seemed very neat, but man would I have loved to hear some interplay between that lead synth and another instead of so much reliance on that one! It was pretty cohesive throughout with some good variations to keep things interesting. It seemed a tad muffled, but I like the different style choices here a lot. Very neat piece, but not quite in my top three.

Hats off to everyone for all the effort put into this and for having the guts to put a week's effort out there for competition and critique!


I'm really struggling to find available time to work on my song this week, I've been working on school-related work for the last 5 days straight and haven't had more than half an hour of free time to even think about how I'm gonna approach my song. I still think I'll be able to get something done, but I may have to default to piano solo mode to get a finished product in. Hope I don't disappoint everybody here :-)


Hey guys,

Do you think you could use this somewhere? I hope it looks good. Just trying to contribute to this effort in a different way. Spliced this image together from various sources from the net :)


I'm really struggling to find available time to work on my song this week, I've been working on school-related work for the last 5 days straight and haven't had more than half an hour of free time to even think about how I'm gonna approach my song. I still think I'll be able to get something done, but I may have to default to piano solo mode to get a finished product in. Hope I don't disappoint everybody here :-)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can get a bit o' help from your teammates, too. As long as you're the primary arranger, collabs should be encouraged. Especially if it's the only way to get a top-quality mix.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can get a bit o' help from your teammates, too. As long as you're the primary arranger, collabs should be encouraged. Especially if it's the only way to get a top-quality mix.

You're absolutely right, but I haven't even had a chance to start, so there's not much my team can help with yet >__> That said, I've been arranging a combination of Bubble Man and Wily 2-1 for piano (in my head, of course) for many months/years before this compo even started, so a piano remix might be the best route.

In fact, I don't think a solo instrumental arrangement has ever been attempted for one of these Megaman compos before. I might end up being the first one :-P

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can get a bit o' help from your teammates, too. As long as you're the primary arranger, collabs should be encouraged. Especially if it's the only way to get a top-quality mix.

Correct. I mastered AMT's remix and provided him my own formula DnB kit for the breakdown at 1:19.

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