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Just a comment more for future compos - is there any way to reduce the # of mixes to vote for? It's an awful lot...and quite time consuming.

It will be a long while before I do another compo in this format, but the next time I do, I'm going to limit the number of teams to five or six. Twelve teams is just a lot.

It will be a long while before I do another compo in this format, but the next time I do, I'm going to limit the number of teams to five or six. Twelve teams is just a lot.

Didn't expect quite this level of participation?

I have to agree that it's a little overwhelming to have so many participants (thus making it much harder to vote in many rounds), but I have loved how many mixes come out every week.

Instead of setting a cap on the number of teams and outright rejecting would-be participants, might there be a way to break up the compo into multiple brackets?

I suggest this because some of the mixers who were reluctant to join have shown fantastic improvement ([cough] Zerothemaster and Mr. L [cough]), and some teams that have been inconsistent with their submissions have still produced phenomenal mixes ([cough] Jakesnke17 [cough]).

I think that if participants were capped, it would dissuade all but the most serious and committed of mixers to join, which would be a disservice to listeners, newer and up-and-coming remixers, and the community at large.

It would also strike me as a bit elitist, which, considering the flack that OCR sometimes gets on this note, is something that should be avoided. I mean, this isn't the judges panel. I thought these compos were meant to encourage as much participation as possible and bring in more people from outside the existing OCR community, which it has done splendidly thus far.

Anyhow, just my two cents. I wouldn't have heard of several remixers if it weren't for these Mega Man compos (Gario, Pixelwave, TheGuitahHeroe, Jakesnke17, Neblix + many more), and we've seen some awesome improvement in other mixers. My first serious exposure to some remixers (WillRock, prophetik, etc) came from these compos.

It will be a long while before I do another compo in this format, but the next time I do, I'm going to limit the number of teams to five or six. Twelve teams is just a lot.

I gotta say, I disagree that this compo hasn't been a huge success. There's always some adjustment in a new process, and just because we've had some hiccups doesn't mean that this format isn't working. Yeah, people have been complaining an awful lot, but that's to be expected when you've got this many people participating, and just because that's how people get on OC Remix.

Sometimes it makes it hard to vote, but we really should be encouraging participation, not limiting it. I have to agree with orlouge here that this shouldn't turn elitist, which will happen if participation is limited. There's gotta be a better way.


I didn't say it wasn't a success, where did you get that from? And it's not elitist to want to limit the number of participants to make the management of the competition easier and the voting more competitive. How is the subject of elitism even coming up? Gimme a break, it's a non-issue.

Brackets work in a tournament setting. Putting teams into brackets changes the entire format and extends the duration of competition two-fold. Not gonna happen here.

Anyway I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place, so let's just drop it. WCRG isn't happening again for another year or so anyway.

I didn't say it wasn't a success, where did you get that from? And it's not elitist to want to limit the number of participants to make the management of the competition easier and the voting more competitive. How is the subject of elitism even coming up? Gimme a break, it's a non-issue.

Brackets work in a tournament setting. Putting teams into brackets changes the entire format and extends the duration of competition two-fold. Not gonna happen here.

Anyway I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place, so let's just drop it. WCRG isn't happening again for another year or so anyway.

Elitism came up for me because when the slots available for participation are limited, that tends to weed out those who aren't as experienced or comfortable in the community as others. Instead of being encouraged to participate (as was the case in this year's compo), community outliers would be discouraged from doing so. With limited seating, only those who are serious and confident in their skills need apply, and that smacks of elitism. The intent of the rule may not be elitist, but the effect surely will be.

Anyhow, I know next year's is a ways off yet, and I (and everyone else, I'm sure) appreciate the time and effort you put into managing these competitions. They have been great at bringing in new talent to the community because they are so open to everyone. All I was saying is that I want this trend to continue, and that it could be threatened by a participant cap.

EDIT: I forgot to mention SuperiorX as an artist who has improved a lot since competing, and Amphibious as one who I only became aware of through this compo. I'm sure that I'm forgetting others. The point stands that more participation is better for everyone.

And it's not elitist to want to limit the number of participants to make the management of the competition easier and the voting more competitive.

I'm fine with dropping it, but I just have one question.

How is reducing the number of participants going to make the voting more competitive?


Not going to lie, I love how many teams there are, gives such a wide spectrum of music to listen to every week. Sure it's 12 tracks or so, but I don't find my vote often split too many times and even if it is, the community always wins. I have 20+ of these tracks on my driving playlist from this competition alone already! Also gives me the chance to learn about some new mixers I haven't heard before, forces me to broaden my scope as well.

When there is less to choose from, the race between competitors becomes much closer.

With fewer participants, an individual song has less to compete against, so votes are distributed more narrowly since there are fewer choices.

That isn't more competitive. That's just a closer competition.

You could get an even closer competition by only having two teams compete. It still wouldn't be more competitive, though.


So run your own competition if you don't like it. :tomatoface:

With limited seating, only those who are serious and confident in their skills need apply, and that smacks of elitism. The intent of the rule may not be elitist, but the effect surely will be.

I read this over a few times. I'm now convinced you don't really know what elitism is. :/

I have the solution.

Run two compos.

One for noobs

one for seasoned guys


just two separate compos


You could effectively dub those two contests as being the 'elitist' contest and the 'noob' contest. At least the way I see it, that's what people would do

That being said, unfortunately, I don't think that would solve the problem...

I personally think Darke should keep running the contest as is. As orlouge said, these contests are a great way for people with not as much experience to get 'in the mix' (pun unintended) with other, more established mixers. Which is an incredibly awesome thing, in my humble opinion.

If you don't want to listen to all the tracks and vote, or are indecisive about your voting, then...don't vote. Nobody's forcing you to vote.


I personally think Darke should keep running the contest as is. As orlouge said, these contests are a great way for people with not as much experience to get 'in the mix' (pun unintended) with other, more established mixers. Which is an incredibly awesome thing, in my humble opinion.

Aye, this is pretty much why I chose to participate. It gives those of us who aren't that experienced with arrangements or who aren't that well-known around here a chance to get our music out there and get some feedback from the community, which is fantastic. Also gives us a chance to practice our remixing with a clear deadline and a chosen source. Motivation can be hard to come by so a contest like this certainly helps, at least for me, though I guess it's different for everyone.

You could effectively dub those two contests as being the 'elitist' contest and the 'noob' contest. At least the way I see it, that's what people would do

That being said, unfortunately, I don't think that would solve the problem...

I personally think Darke should keep running the contest as is. As orlouge said, these contests are a great way for people with not as much experience to get 'in the mix' (pun unintended) with other, more established mixers. Which is an incredibly awesome thing, in my humble opinion.

If you don't want to listen to all the tracks and vote, or are indecisive about your voting, then...don't vote. Nobody's forcing you to vote.

Agreed... voting seems very much secondary to seasoning mixers. The winner(s) doesn't (don't) get anything but bragging rights anyway, so why should the way the competition is run get in the way of the experience gained by the participants? I know Darke said to leave it alone, and he's probably tired of hearing it, but if my input's worth anything, I'm all for the compo as-is. I probably wouldn't've joined if I thought it was going to be all WillRocks, halcs and Rozos. And I've churned out two mixes so far that I'm very proud of (even thought they've fared pretty poorly on the voting side of things), so I'm glad to be able to take part.

/2 cents

Agreed... voting seems very much secondary to seasoning mixers. The winner(s) doesn't (don't) get anything but bragging rights anyway, so why should the way the competition is run get in the way of the experience gained by the participants? I know Darke said to leave it alone, and he's probably tired of hearing it, but if my input's worth anything, I'm all for the compo as-is. I probably wouldn't've joined if I thought it was going to be all WillRocks, halcs and Rozos. And I've churned out two mixes so far that I'm very proud of (even thought they've fared pretty poorly on the voting side of things), so I'm glad to be able to take part.

/2 cents

For what it's worth, your mixes have really grown on me and I'm glad that I've gotten exposure to your music, in addition to several other new artists' music in the competition. I also agree with what others have said about the competition being a great place for exposure.


Strangely, I was in it for completely different reasons to you guys - I'm an established remixer, sure, but given the gap between mixposts and anyone even knowing who I am, I considred myself the equivalent of someone re-surfacing from a musical coma. So I don't know which side of the noob/elite fence I am, really. :razz:

But it was a chance to get involved with some good friends and to refine production techniques outside of the current library.

That, and I kind of wanted to redeem myself for not being too satisfied with my Mega Man 9 submissions earlier this year. :tomatoface:


Well, I'm glad I got the opportunity to get some exposure on here. I think people will take me a little more seriously now being that I don't have the little artist profile link under my name quite yet but I still put out solid musix for you all to hear. Getting more votes would have been nice, but I feel more respected, and that's a great thing since I bet I'll be sticking around OCR for quite a while.

Now, to get posted...

For what it's worth, your mixes have really grown on me and I'm glad that I've gotten exposure to your music, in addition to several other new artists' music in the competition. I also agree with what others have said about the competition being a great place for exposure.

Hey thanks man, that means a lot! And I was really doing it for the experience rather than the exposure; I know I have a lot to improve on, and if music is what I want to do with my life (and it is) then I want all the experience I can. Plus, these things are really fun, and push the competitors for a lot of different reasons. The exposure is nice, for sure, but it's the experience in general and the opportunity to build connections with some great musicians that attracted me. Plus, I'll be getting plenty of exposure when I get posted, since the J's accepted my first sub with FL yesterday :D

So, competitions = fun, yay!

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