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wow, I think EVERYONE needs to stop assuming shit about these supposed "voting politics" because it's coming across as exceedingly pretentious.

just because you think your remix deserved more votes doesn't mean it did. everyone hears music differently. it's subjective.

can we please stop taking this so seriously and get back to making music for fun?

wow, I think EVERYONE needs to stop assuming shit about these supposed "voting politics" because it's coming across as exceedingly pretentious.

just because you think your remix deserved more votes doesn't mean it did. everyone hears music differently. it's subjective.

can we please stop taking this so seriously and get back to making music for fun?


Again: you guys take this way too seriously.

I would understand if you got mad about losing because you lost the prize. But guess what? There's no prize. You don't get anything from winning this competition except momentary recognition by about 30 people. After that, no one cares. So why do you? I don't mean any offense, but the whole plethora of people who started paying attention to these competitions at the 2nd GRMRB (not naming names but it should be obvious) and beyond have really just made this competition thread a really unpleasant place to have a conversation. We're not even done and this thread is 203 pages of mostly just trash talk, pointless mixing updates ("Now I have 2 minutes of material" "Now I just put a stupid marimba in it"), voluntary reviews (this is the only stuff that really belongs in this thread), and voting ethics.

203 pages for this thread. GRMRB 2011 had 128.

GRMRB 2010 had 53. Why? Because people didn't post every single fraction of a thought they had about the competition. No one posted about how they thought voting should work. No one got butthurt that they didn't win, or post depressed thoughts about how their reputation was at stake if they lost.

And personally, to me, GRMRB 2010 had way better music than any of the other competitions.

tl;dr Calm the !@#$ down, no one cares.


Again: you guys take this way too seriously.

I would understand if you got mad about losing because you lost the prize. But guess what? There's no prize. You don't get anything from winning this competition except momentary recognition by about 30 people. After that, no one cares. So why do you?

Momentary recognition by 30 people is precisely what I have wanted ever since I decided that the one time I received momentary recognition by 29 people left something to be desired.


I think the thread calmed down a while ago, Ben & Neblix. There's no need for the call to calm down, in this case; someone asked about voting politics, a few people came in with what they thought and everyone's moved on from it. There was a minor issue on it and it's been resolved, so there's no need to call everyone out on it like this.

On another note, personally I rather enjoy reviews of my tracks - good or bad, it's always fun reading what people think of my tracks. It's personally my favorite part of the compo (though I sadly haven't been as active in that department - sorry guys!). Just sayin', is all, so I can back PH up on that point.


Don't you guys get it? If you win, then you successfully the whole tournament.

Whines of the week:

subarctic nightfall:

I'm not a big fan of overly bright hihats, but the rest of the beginning of this mix seems very much in line with stuff I enjoy. Half the transitions were nonexistent/terrible, and there's some weird/clashing writing in the second half. Some more thought having been put into the placement and polish of the sound would have been good - case in point, 0:48 really muffled delay, with a bright attack also being echoed... good idea, poor execution. Seems like a medley of ideas that I like... which btw is pretty much how a lot of my own mixes sound early in their development.

drag me up (to heaven):

The wide backing arp is a bit too loud, the bass could also stand to be softer. The sound design is pretty, lots of cool, simple, retro timbres, extensive use of the stereo width, and overlapping melodies. Might be a bit too busy at times, but it works for me.

ivory tower:

Not sure I like how the piano sounds on lower velocities, there's some artificial muffling going on there that's a bit detracting. Either I'm being adhd about the arrangement and lack of colorful shiny synth stuff jumping into the spotlight bores me, or like mr. l's track it's something of a medley of ideas. Or possibly a bit of both. Pretty, but it didn't grab me.

synthesize this!:

Well now we've got synths, and I like the combination of sounds here (panning might be excessive tho). The tracker chord arp in the background adds some amount of high frequency noise to it, which bothers me - but I like the practice and think more tracks should use it. And yes, I know you like throwing other tracks into the mix. It's hard to miss here.

top this:

Interesting drums. I like the sound design and the production techniques, but I'm having trouble actually getting a grip of the track. I mean, I wanted top man's source, I like it, I know it (at least the cool parts), so I heard it, but it's buried in here.

the return of gangsta man:

That marimba/xylophone sounds EQd a lot, it's a bit too bright. Bold move to use it so prominently, which I like. Drums get stale (and by extension, the entire arrangement suffers from repetitiveness due to the samey rhythms throughout... and just thinking about it makes me think of how it could work in 7/8... which I can't complain about), levels get weird after about half the track, bass should really be softer, or at least sidechained under stuff so it doesn't press everything else down.

current events:

Punny. Really cool sound design. Really cool. Everything except the intro drums, but they're only intro drums so I don't mind. Compression is a bit of an issue, there's a thick low end carpet over the housey parts, whereas the beat-y parts has the compression level bouncing uncontrollably. it's not terrible, but it gets a little annoying. Lemme end on the sound design, that vox-y talkbox-y synth is great.

cruise control:

30s in, this seems promising. Not quite fond of the thin little synth lead, until it starts dancing, but the rest I could listen to. Might be pressed a little too loud, could stand to lose a little of its lows, but this is a mix where I can just blame it on my speaker setup and enjoy the track. Nice breakdown. Sustains feel robotic tho. Skipping the first beat, are we? That works.

towering shade:

I got a bit worried when I heard the intro, but it took off in a better direction than I expected. It just doesn't go far.

tomahawk's final chapter:

Overacting much? Bizarre panning, simple sound design, and relying on the voice acting to tell a story. I can tolerate the intro stuff, but the further it goes into musical land, the less I like it. The rest of the concept is pretty cool, which makes the simple and/or bizarre sound design choices tolerable. Oh man this thing is long. Chippy lead has some shrill overtones. more voice in the ending. Great.

Rozo, you didn't whine about my track? Does that mean you hate it or that it is simply so awesome there is nothing to whine about?

Yes. Or to put it differently: no.

Actually I was writing it while voting, and as I couldn't vote for you, you got overlooked. But as a reply, it's not nearly as interesting.

drag me up (to heaven):

The wide backing arp is a bit too loud, the bass could also stand to be softer. The sound design is pretty, lots of cool, simple, retro timbres, extensive use of the stereo width, and overlapping melodies. Might be a bit too busy at times, but it works for me.

Woa, woa, woa... Time out. The only response I've gotten for my track up 'til now is that the bass is too soft. Please go into my WIP thread that I have up on it and give me some more feedback on it, there, 'cause I'm working on getting this track as pretty as I can.

Thanks for the feedback, btw. :)


203 pages for this thread. GRMRB 2011 had 128.

GRMRB 2010 had 53. Why? Because people didn't post every single fraction of a thought they had about the competition. No one posted about how they thought voting should work. No one got butthurt that they didn't win, or post depressed thoughts about how their reputation was at stake if they lost.

There were also quite a few more participants in all subsequent competitions since GRMRB 2010. Moreover, it's better if people get their opinions out there and addressed than keeping silent and withdrawing from the community.

And personally, to me, GRMRB 2010 had way better music than any of the other competitions.

Eh. Like others have said, music is subjective, but, although 2010 had some great stuff, 2011 had some really phenomenal songs. Best of all, both GRMRB 2011 and WCRG 2011 have introduced some great artists to the OCR scene.

Anyhow, great mixes this round, and the whole compo. The perceived problems with the compo (thread discussions, voting, etc) have been dramatically overblown.

Keep churning out those awesome songs, everyone!

You saw quite a few more participants, I saw quite a few less pages.

I still don't understand. I was saying that because there were more participants after GRMRB 2010, there were more people participating in the discussion thread, and therefore there were more pages. I don't get why it's a big deal that there's a lot more discussion going on.

Ironically, this pointless back and forth is adding more pages to this thread.

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