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I can't help feeling he's abandoned this tbh. The SF compo, which honestly he shouldn't have started before closing out this one, has been in progress for a few weeks now, and he still hasn't updated votes here. He can prove me wrong and post the votes, but clearly, he's not that bothered about this, and deems doing the SF compo more important than finishing this right now. Its a shame really.

I can't help feeling he's abandoned this tbh. The SF compo, which honestly he shouldn't have started before closing out this one, has been in progress for a few weeks now, and he still hasn't updated votes here. He can prove me wrong and post the votes, but clearly, he's not that bothered about this, and deems doing the SF compo more important than finishing this right now. Its a shame really.

I wouldn't be so sure he's abandoned this, but I really think we deserve some timely closure! I mean, hell, THE HARD MEN may just have won this thing, and that'd be huge for me since I've basically just joined OCR, and I plan on being around for a long time. That'd really be a big confidence booster for me, and it would earn me a little respect from the community which is a damn tough thing for newbs to get around here :-?


I wouldn't be so sure he's abandoned this, but I really think we deserve some timely closure! I mean, hell, THE HARD MEN may just have won this thing, and that'd be huge for me since I've basically just joined OCR, and I plan on being around for a long time. That'd really be a big confidence booster for me, and it would earn me a little respect from the community which is a damn tough thing for newbs to get around here :-?


Being pretty much a newbie myself, I'd like to know how well I did overall in this competition as well. I was pretty happy with how it turned out for me regardless, given the little experience I've had in remixing music.

Closure would be nice I suppose :)

I can't help feeling he's abandoned this tbh. The SF compo, which honestly he shouldn't have started before closing out this one, has been in progress for a few weeks now, and he still hasn't updated votes here. He can prove me wrong and post the votes, but clearly, he's not that bothered about this, and deems doing the SF compo more important than finishing this right now. Its a shame really.

I mean, the SF compo is kinda like, actually FOR Capcom... it sounds like they were the ones to come to OCR wanting promotional material for the 25th anniversary of the series, which I'm assuming is coming up pretty soon (which is why that one was started before this one was truly finished), although I have no idea when the actual date is. But I'm sure there's more to get done than the compo itself if it's being used by a big boy gaming company

I'm not saying it wouldn't be hard to slap down some votes and call it good, but I think Darke probably had more in store for this as far as closure goes

Also yay n00bs :D

Also Will, whenever I read anything you write, it's in Ferb's voice

I didn't want to start SF before putting this to bed but in order for us to make Capcom's deadline for material we had to start it ASAP.

Gotcha. The real tragedy in all of this is that I wasn't able to participate in The Street Fighter Thing 2012 :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

But it's ok because THE HARD MEN won the WCRG!!!! right?


We beat someone?! Honestly, being at the bottom, I haven't been dying for these results. But the close grouping of points (especially the races for 4th and 8th place) really show how tight the competition was. And I still have a LOT of these tracks on playlists that I pull up regularly. Congrats to everyone, especially those Block Rockmen Beats for pulling off the upset in only the way that staff can.

(Huzzah for nubes.)


I'm not too sure if it's everlasting peace just yet. I looked at the roster page, and I am just so puzzled looking at them all. Some of the votes to me don't add up - I mean, I couldn't remember WillRock's second entry doing THAT well at all, and neither could I even recall Ecto's third one going that high or my latter two submissions falling into fifth; they didn't even match SectorZ's tallies when they were posted here 3 months ago.

And the tally sheet in the first post, while it was indeed more accurate - round 8 is broken. I didn't get 15 points with "Subtarctic Nightfall" - what kind of copy paste error is it? :razz:

This isn't intending to make me come out as grumpy; I just feel perplexed by the tallies and some of those inconsistencies. But either way, I'm glad this has been semi-put to peace :)

Just worked on this for about 2 hours, and it's in a state I'm happy with.


BAHHHHH, ALMOST!!! But 2nd place is the awesome, too :-D

Sweet results pic, haha.

Quick, everyone go edit your vote posts to vote for me! :tomatoface:

And yeah, this thing is as good as done. Let's just move on. :cry:


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