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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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Wait wait wait...call me out of the loop (which I am), but there's a "Tales" project, and it's 'almost' done? Sweet mother of mercy! My heart! But...call it a hunch now...I get the feeling there's been some delays? =D


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Wait wait wait...call me out of the loop (which I am), but there's a "Tales" project, and it's 'almost' done? Sweet mother of mercy! My heart! But...call it a hunch now...I get the feeling there's been some delays? =D


I'm not 100% certain...but I think they've had it done all along, pretended there were massive delays...and it's actually a Star Ocean remix project.

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I hate to be the bearer of some disappointing news, but we will probably not be releasing anytime soon. Yes, I know, that's not what anybody wants to hear, but there is a reason, and it's somewhat out of my hands.

The reason is that, per djp's project scheduling plans (which obviously I can't control, since this is his website, and this project is merely an affiliated thing), DQD is next in the release queue, and it may not be until late Summer before that one hits, from what I've been told. I'm not going to schedule anything at this point, but there is the very real possibility that SoS may not be out until Fall.

Oh well, at least we will have plenty of time to make sure all of the details are taken care of. We'll get it out there eventually.

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