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The Law of the Battle - Claimed by: TEH SUPA COLLAB BROTHAZ: PriZm+housethegrate+Ashane+Christian Pacaud+KungFuChicken! (LOCKED)

Whoa... I've never seen a quintuple collab before.

A rockin' shredfest with a few rhymes thrown in for good measure (courtesy of KFC). Yup, that track is gonna be nuts. :D

Gonna be nuts? I think it might be nuts if SirNuts would also participate here :) And while we're at it, I could play the piano on it, as well :P

Ah if they make fear factory-like industrial, I'll be glad to make the electronica part :P


Hey now, let's not get TOO wild with that one; PriZm's already got his work cut out for him coordinating it. :lol:

NutS: Where is your damn track? I don't even need a .wav of it right now (though I will eventually); I just need the song. :P


yeah sorry about that Kyle, again, I couldn't upload it yesterday because as you can see Here Hurricane Dennis Passed really close to my country yesterday, causing lotsa rain, wind and thunderstorms, which in turn caused several blackouts impeding me from using my pc to finish the song.

Don't worry, the song is almost finished. I spoke with Luiza and she might provide the final touches I want for it.

yeah sorry about that Kyle, again, I couldn't upload it yesterday because as you can see Here Hurricane Dennis Passed really close to my country yesterday, causing lotsa rain, wind and thunderstorms, which in turn caused several blackouts impeding me from using my pc to finish the song.

Don't worry, the song is almost finished. I spoke with Luiza and she might provide the final touches I want for it.

Well, dang. I didn't realize you had a hurricane go through there. Of course, I was just being sarcastic about "needing" your song right now; I just want to hear it. ;) Take your time!

yeah sorry about that Kyle, again, I couldn't upload it yesterday because as you can see Here Hurricane Dennis Passed really close to my country yesterday, causing lotsa rain, wind and thunderstorms, which in turn caused several blackouts impeding me from using my pc to finish the song.

Don't worry, the song is almost finished. I spoke with Luiza and she might provide the final touches I want for it.

Well, dang. I didn't realize you had a hurricane go through there. Of course, I was just being sarcastic about "needing" your song right now; I just want to hear it. ;) Take your time!

hehe nah I didn't get through it, it just passed close. But caused several blackouts and after restarting my pc twice I decided to go to bed and finish that later. The sun in shining brightly today. :)


Good afternoon everyone!


This is the first WIP of my alternate song. The idea is to blend laid back hip hop with jazz and bossa nova. Don't forget that there will be rapping over this so...

Hope you guys like it. I might be coming back today or tomorrow (in fact most likely Saturday hahahah) with the newst version of my Morias arrangment!

Keep up the good work dudes!!!

EDIT - SOMEONE has to do some laid back song for the balance of the project... right? :wink:

You know, I was thinking aboot joining this a while back... & now I wanna join... but everything seems takn... oh well... I love elipses... keep up the good work!

A song or two may open up at any time, so I'll definitely keep you in mind if that does happen. ;) Thanks for the support, everyone!

Also, has anyone heard from CC Ricers lately? I sent him a PM about two weeks ago, and I don't think he's even read it yet, and I don't think I've seen him on MSN, either. Maybe I missed something about him leaving for awhile or something...


I've been keeping in contact with many of the remixers on the project, and I'm extremely pleased with how well we're coming along. Keep up the great work, folks, and don't forget to give some feedback for the WIPs up over in the forums! :) I'm going to be talking to some of you soon, so if you're any of these people, you have something to *coughcough* look forward to... :P


Nick Tam

CC Ricers

Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything. Yet. ;) Contact me first if I don't contact you after awhile.

Well, Arek had to drop off the project, but I got Christian Pacaud to take his place on Beat The Angel. Everyone send Christian large sums of money for his awesomeness and generosity. :P

Money? Why not sweets? ^-^

Well, Arek had to drop off the project, but I got Christian Pacaud to take his place on Beat The Angel. Everyone send Christian large sums of money for his awesomeness and generosity. :P

Money? Why not sweets? ^-^

Well, with money, he can buy whatever he wants. ;)

I'm always glad to hear about any progress folks have been making, so keep me updated! We've only got about 3 weeks left, so now is the time to get working on something for your song, if you haven't already.

Well, Arek had to drop off the project, but I got Christian Pacaud to take his place on Beat The Angel. Everyone send Christian large sums of money for his awesomeness and generosity. :P

Money? Why not sweets? ^-^

Well, with money, he can buy whatever he wants. ;)

Not true! He can't buy sweets that are only available in Switzerland, and there are a lot of them! :P


In other words, Chris wants that feeling of Christmas morning all over again :D

Well obviously, chocolate money should be in most if not everyone's stockings ^_^

Anyway, I know I need to start commenting on the mixes but I have been listening to them, I assure you.


I was wondering where the heck this thread went :?

Anyhow, as you noticed, I am no longer a part of this project. As much as I would love to be *and trust me, I love this soundtrack*, I can't. My project is taking more energy than I thought to run. I wish kyle the upmost best of luck in this.

Don't worry though, I will still check in on this every now and then.

Kyle, I want to talk with you a bit, so when you see this, IM me :)

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