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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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If you don't keep up with the other projects, some interesting news has come about. According to SnappleMan in the Sonic 3 project thread, Sixto was involved in a forklift accident, shattering one of his arms. At this point, I am actively seeking a replacement for Last Battle ~Decision~, and may also need someone for The Second Act. I'll /<33p j00 updated.


Uhn... I'll think about it. I don't quite have the money to fix it at the moment, but I'll see if I can't get it running by the needed time :D

Ah, and on a randomer note:

For a class last year we had an assignment of writing poetry. I wrote a song lyric (works as a poem too) that was about Presea. If the person doing Presea's theme (is that Rexy?) cares at all, I could forward it on? I'm sure it would need to be changed a bit, but another lyrical track can't hurt, maybe? Just an idea.


Even though the idea does sound interesting, I know that people are going to shoot me down for getting my vox exposed again. >.> I also saw the reaction to Pixietricks's vocal tracks for CS, which were half-positive half-ugh as far as I saw, and I seem to be a little shaken over it.

Still, I *might* have a look. Is there any way you can PM the poetry to me? I'll see if I can take a look at it and see what I can do.

And... I swear your name sounds familiar. Are you on DA by any chance? If you were I think you were one of the first people I watched O_o


As an interesting observation: How the hell has this thread gotten 28,000 views? That's a heck of a lot! :lol:

Yeah...still looking for a remixer for Last Battle ~Decision~. Finding good remixers at the 11th hour is hard. :? I'm thinking of opening auditions for it, and if you can prove yourself awesome enough to take on the track (and can finish it relatively quickly), it's yours. :P

As an interesting observation: How the hell has this thread gotten 28,000 views? That's a heck of a lot! :lol:

Yeah...still looking for a remixer for Last Battle ~Decision~. Finding good remixers at the 11th hour is hard. :? I'm thinking of opening auditions for it, and if you can prove yourself awesome enough to take on the track (and can finish it relatively quickly), it's yours. :P

The reason there're so many views is probably because everyones freaking ready for you guys to say

"WE"RE DONE!!" so we can listen to this opus of a mix project


I've made an account only to post, that I cant await to listen to this project... and it's so true. ;) Gambatte mina-san!


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