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OC ReMix Panel at UK London Gaming Con (3rd Dec 2011) - VIDEOS INSIDE

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I was just wondering if you guys were meeting before the panel or just gonna meet at the time of the panel? I'm just asking as I will be coming on me lonesome. Would be cool just to chill a bit and check out some of the convention. Am really looking forward to it and hearing the live music :D

I was just wondering if you guys were meeting before the panel or just gonna meet at the time of the panel? I'm just asking as I will be coming on me lonesome. Would be cool just to chill a bit and check out some of the convention. Am really looking forward to it and hearing the live music :D

I'll be arriving at the convention at about 12-12:30, i'm not meeting anyone at the station, circumstances changed regarding that. When I get there, I'll be chilling with the others till the time of the panel, altho chances are some of it before hand will be prepping so yeah.


Ok, I've just got back from the gaming con.

Basically, got to meet the following people: Fishy, Protodome, Rexy, Lidawg, and Andy P, all of which were awesome. So the panel went awesome. We got rid of all the merch (people were asking for more than we could give them :P) and fishy and I both did performances with (as far as I could tell) good reception.

The trivia went fantastic tho, the audience really got into it, and one of them even got the trick question of who remixed rabbit joint cover, which leads me to conclude that we had some OCR fans in the crowd :D

Lidawg managed to get a recording of the panel iirc, so he might post that on youtube for people to see.

We also played some bomberman (I bombed - no pun intended, fishy and proto were kinda cleaning house iirc) and I played some streets of rage with Proto, half the time we were trying to kill each other rather than the opponents as you do in that game...

We also got to see brentalfloss do his slot, but we didn't get to meet him in person while I was there which was a shame, but was cool to see him in person.

Overall, fantastic experience, and I hope we make this an annual thing :D


Generally epic!

The setting was completely different to what I was expecting. Way less 'panelly' then any previous panels I've seen, basically set us up like it was a music set. Which was fine because we played a few songs which went ok so far as I can tell.

The trivia for prizes went very well as mentioned. They eventually got every question right without help, including an obscure cave story one.

I spoke to the organisers afterwards and they said they would definitely be interested in us playing a series of mini-sets over a few hours between us next time! That's gotta speak for itself.

And obviously meeting dose guys was awesome. Also briefly met James but not sure where he got to after the panel.


I'd so LOVE for it to be frequent; that was an amazing experience for something so short-planned :D I pass my regards to everyone I saw today.

From all of us panelists (and part-time roadies) -


[Left-to-right - Proto, Lidawg, Fishy, Will and me (apparently Andy P buggered off some point beforehand)]

And let me further reiterate that 'you're welcome' for when you wanted change for the cloakroom :razz:


It was a triumph!

I'm making a post here; huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

OCR Panel. We did what we must because we could.

For the good of OCR, except the ones who weren't there.

But there's no sense crying 'cuz you're all in the States, you just keep on trying 'til you... run out of cake?

And the PowerPoint was fun and we got the job done for the good people of OCR.

Pretty good indeed, it was great to see you all in person. Panel went way better than expected, especially for the amount of time we had to prepare. As Cain said, it was a really chilled atmosphere which I think helped a lot. Seriously, any of you USA OCR guys wanna come down to the Con for a long weekend, I'd definitely recommend it.

Also that's awesome about the organisers, that would be a great idea to come play some mini sets.

I also bought a Pokemon GBC. :D


Was really enjoyable and great meeting all you guys. OCR got a fantastic reception at the convention.

In regard to footage, I've got videos of WillRock's and Fishy's (sorry, Cain's) performances :P My camera ain't that fancy so only had enough space on the ole' memory card to record the music. I have plenty of photos of the panel though. I'll upload everything tomorrow for you to have a gander.

It was a triumph!

I'm making a post here; huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

OCR Panel. We did what we must because we could.

For the good of OCR, except the ones who weren't there.

But there's no sense crying 'cuz you're all in the States, you just keep on trying 'til you... run out of cake?

And the PowerPoint was fun and we got the job done for the good people of OCR.

Pretty good indeed, it was great to see you all in person. Panel went way better than expected, especially for the amount of time we had to prepare. As Cain said, it was a really chilled atmosphere which I think helped a lot. Seriously, any of you USA OCR guys wanna come down to the Con for a long weekend, I'd definitely recommend it.

Also that's awesome about the organisers, that would be a great idea to come play some mini sets.

I also bought a Pokemon GBC. :D

You DO realize you have to make a Portal ReMix now, don't you?

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