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Hello >_> I haven't been here for about two weeks because I've been.. busy. The first few weeks of university are surprisingly evil. I did have spare time to go online and do some internet stuff, but no time to draw, and I guess I've neglected coming here to tell the people in charge that I wouldn't be productive for a while.

I've gotten a bit used to using a laptop and tablet together, so I guess if I have to I'll work on this project during breaks (apparently my subject of study has a lounge with little booths so I guess I can go there for privacy XD).

In short I was gone but here I am again >_> I'll be posting stuff soon. For real this time <_<;;

In case you're wondering what he's talking about, Hock's been given orders not to draw any covers to chapters that don't have music WIPs yet. We gotta match up the WIP to the art you see. :P

Yay, then he can do Floria next ^.^ Oh yeah, and please show my DeDeDe track to Kine so he can fit the animation to it :)

Aie, aie. That was my plan since I realized it's pretty much done (right?). I'd appriciate it if somebody would send me the Floria mix just so I have the whole thing to listen to out of Flash, so I can paint to it.

Might as well send any other WIPs/mixes you have, if you go and do that. (I love this part of the job. Hah XD)

In case you're wondering what he's talking about, Hock's been given orders not to draw any covers to chapters that don't have music WIPs yet. We gotta match up the WIP to the art you see. :P

Yay, then he can do Floria next ^.^ Oh yeah, and please show my DeDeDe track to Kine so he can fit the animation to it :)

Way ahead of ya Usa. Hock's also working on the animation now so he's heard it too. :P


EEK!! 8O

I suddenly realized something. We gotta integrate the storybook art with the storybook writing at a very, very high level!!!

Arek, the writing will give the artists some guidance when illustrating a scene. A writers meeting must be scheduled ASAP to get some plot written. (same time as last week perhaps?)

Aie, aie. That was my plan since I realized it's pretty much done (right?). I'd appriciate it if somebody would send me the Floria mix just so I have the whole thing to listen to out of Flash, so I can paint to it.

Yes, it's already 100% finished. Do you already have it? If not, you can get it from Arek, KWarp or myself :)

EEK!! 8O

I suddenly realized something. We gotta integrate the storybook art with the storybook writing at a very, very high level!!!

Arek, the writing will give the artists some guidance when illustrating a scene. A writers meeting must be scheduled ASAP to get some plot

written. (same time as last week perhaps?)

This is bad... I find out tomarrow if I have to leave or not. Just set the same time as last week and ill be able to make it. And if I find out have to go friday(tomarrow), I wont leave you in the dark and ill tell you guys FIRST THING. IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM ME, ASSUME THAT I CAN MAKE IT beause I wont be leaving.


Hmm.. this writers meeting stuff isn't working out still. Claddo's probably hasn't read this, Red's on vacation, and Arek needs to leave in 20 minutes. :x

Here's the game plan I've worked out with Arek: Get on AIM on Sunday for as long as you can and if 3 of the 4 of us are present we'll get to work.



We had a successful writers meeting indeed. Here's the big idea.

Remixers make music WIPs. This guides us writers to make a plot. The Artists take a scene we describe and depict it visually. It's all connected. However, do not forget that everything is a WIP until finalized. Everyone's work can influence everyone elses, so it's very important that we all get some work done and we all communicate! :)

EDIT: Looks like I started a new page. Best quote Arek:

zarvoxthezadvook PM me as soon as you see this. It is quite important.

Just thought I'd leave a message here while I have the chance (and since I never post in this thread!). I'm very busy at the moment setting up my new place, just moved and its getting a bit tiresome, and I don't have a net connection untill this weekend or the week after which totally sucks. So I can't meet the WIP deadline whenever it is...8th isn't it? But since my song doesn't really need writers or artists communication it shouldn't really hinder your progress. I'll get started as soon and whenever I can. Sorry Arek, I'll talk to you on AIM when I get the chance.


Okay, sorry I've been away. I have a newer version of my WIP, but I don't know if I can make it good enough by the WIP deadline. I am going to try to make it though. But if I can't do it, if anyone would like to collab with me and use my piano material and add stuff to it, like a drumbeat or something, please PM me or talk to me on IRC. I've just been swamped by other things, but I am going to sit down and do this. Free time is hard to come by.

If you need to listen to my WIP, it should be posted somewhere before page 10, I think. But anyway, if someone would like to collab, yeah, PM me.


Hey guys, long time no see. Sorry I haven't been around but I gots a new art for the Kirby v Virus battle. Kirby wins X3. Anyways, KWarp, will you be able to still put the text in on the window with it tilted like that?



BTW, if no one else is going to pick it up, I'll draw cutter too. I'm also thinking about doing the inside nova pics (along with the helper too?). I'm not entirely sure if I want to do that yet, it depends on how I feel after doing the abilities.


I'm still up for the comics/chapter covers, as well as the Kracko fight. My productivity is gonna be WAY down though since I am in school now :| I'll still try and work on this though, if/when I actually get my homework done early on some weeks.

I'm kinda treating this like my 5th class' homework assignment this quarter :P


Hmm.. I get Tuesday off from school and I get no internet connection. <(-_-)> Good thing we're switching to DSL next week.

Allrighty CC *adds Cutter to list*. Nice job with the Virus art too. I should be able to add text with it like that no sweat.


Ok, I was curious about this, but, I got an idea for my song to add a small bridge section consistiong of music from another song out of Kirby Superstar. Now, the song IS NOT on the list on the front page, and would only really be a cameo in the song. Just wanted to make sure this would fly. Its the song in the gourmet race level (stages 1 and 3). Is this cool?


Hmm.. there was a bit of trouble getting the text to look like it was on an a storybook page, but I think I've got a solution.


Yeah yeah I'll need some practice but I'll get it eventually. :wink:

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