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<Cyan_Ide> I know.

<Arek> holy crap

<Usa> JOAH!!!!

<Arek> In a way

<Kirbymixer> hi usa :D

<Usa> My client just quit OSX-style

<Arek> I just assisted soon to be major artists careers

<Usa> Hi Kirbymixer!

<Arek> I feel even more special

<Cyan_Ide> Especially with having to work on a whole team like this, it'll be awesome.

<Arek> heck yes

<Arek> wow

<Arek> inspiration galore

Seriously though, this just makes this project even more awesome. This in a sense can help a lot of you artists out.

Arek is just so awesome. XD

EDIT: awww nuts. I didnt post the whole thing. I said how Cyan can use this as a reference for his portfolio and such.

Do we really have to use crayonesque colouring? >_>

It's preferred, but if you can make a finished product that looks similar to the rest of the project art then go for it. :)


The lab with the scanners was closed, so I didn't get my newer sketches in, but I'll put this up for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Still needs alot of work with the rod, and incorporating the two elements together, and the water, but yeah.



Working on the storybook lots. Expect a big update by the end of Sunday, and maybe a big filesize.. ;_;

Artists: What's happened with the liquifying template that was going to morph the storybook art to fit the pages? I'd like to see a pic morphed with it...

Working on the storybook lots. Expect a big update by the end of Sunday, and maybe a big filesize.. ;_;

Artists: What's happened with the liquifying template that was going to morph the storybook art to fit the pages? I'd like to see a pic morphed with it...

Why liquify when you can just bend?

Working on the storybook lots. Expect a big update by the end of Sunday, and maybe a big filesize.. ;_;

Artists: What's happened with the liquifying template that was going to morph the storybook art to fit the pages? I'd like to see a pic morphed with it...



And there we are! I only had one picture to test it on, so it'll probably look a little off with any other, but well just have to see. It would probably work best if the size of the canvas you use is 300 x 400, and the image to be paperized is 292 x 366, is 2 pixels from the bottom, and is right up against the left before liquifying it. To use the mesh, put it somewhere you'll find it, and in the liquify window, load it.

There will likely be problems, I warn. I'll try to fix them if they come up, though. : )

Man, making the top so different from the bottom really makes it a challenge!

There's our little liquify template! :D

Dizzyspells and coughing up blood are coming up too frequently. I am often finding myself weak as well. I feel like shit and it sucks completely. I don't know where else to post this, so might as well here where the peeps care.

I don't know...just.....crap...

Man...there must be some way to find out what is the problem... I would at first recommend that you stay away from anything that can harm your health even more, like unhealthy food, refined salt, wireless devices and cell phones, and go outside every day, maybe take a walk or something. I am really concerned about you, you mean a lot to me, so I really really hope for the best... :/


I haven't given this project the proper attention it deserves and I really must apologize. Good news, I have the day to myself, so I want to finish all of my sketches by the end of the night. Sorry for being an ass.

BTW, do you need those covers for each planet?


Parasol is done. Post it later, I gotta do yard work (rake leaves).


crap Arek... :(

I haven't given this project the proper attention it deserves and I really must apologize. Good news, I have the day to myself, so I want to finish all of my sketches by the end of the night. Sorry for being an ass.

BTW, do you need those covers for each planet?

Looks like you have a chance to redeem yourself. Work on any (or all) of the now "unclaimed" art and show me what you can do. :)



To the right is another idea I have for parasol. It makes me giggle.


This beam concept I'm rolling around with. I'm not exactly satisfied with it yet.

On another note, these were all done in about 1 to 2 minutes hence why they look a bit on the sloppy side. Also, my 30 day trial of Photoshop is running out so someone may have to do the "Photoshopping." I'm hopping to get some more drawings in later.


Hey, Finally good to see things from ya Claude. Keep it up!

Well you guys got a taste of these last night on IRC but posted them here for others to see if they didn't see:



Bomb WIP


Plasma WIP


Marx WIP


and here was a bonus pic I did....BEAM!:



I picked a hell of a time to start playing Final Fantasy 7. I'm ashamed to admit it but that game is pretty damn good. Getting work done has become next to impossible.


Some sketches of Ghamelo Arm.


This is kind of the scene I had planned in my head for what it would look like. I'm going to have Kirby with a power, also. I'm really excited to do some of the Egyptian wall art in the bg. That's going to be cool. :P


I'll be able to work alot this week, all my big projects are over, and we don't have art classes on Wednesday!! Hooray!


I dont know...

I really can't let this project go. It is like my child.

F it, I still will coordinate it.

Just don't expect me to post as much. Kthx

I shall be giving Darke a request to put me back up.

I dunno, leaving this just doesn't feel right.

Fuck Arek, it was hard to hear that you were going. I dont want you to do anything you cant handle though. If you need a break, everyone will understand and step up (at least I believe they would).


I raced Arek online in Mario Kart DS today. From the way he completely pwned me Rainbow Road it seems he still has some life left in him. :wink:

I have some Storybook work to do methinks... but then there's Mario Kart.. decisions.. :P

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