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I wouldn't get bent out of shape over the delay Arek. If you rush things, you end up with a half-assed collaboration that is not worthy of the name Kirby. Just think about how awsome it will be when its done!

I cant do any writing yet, but Im still good at giving support :D !




G-man's got an extra week due to a death in the family. :(


Make sure to double check page 66 for your assignment.

and what is mIRC?



no seriously. It's just a chat thing similar to an im chatroom but with a bunch of /commands and you can download stuff off the different channels and stuff... but it's confusing as hell... I gave up after the 20th failed download... -_-


My track is finished and submitted early as a teaser (as per Arek's instructions).

Usa: sorry I couldn't run it by you first, but Arek really wanted me to get it in, and to be honest, so did I. I ran the final version by Zircon before sending it in, and he said it was good.

Arek and KWarp: I'll send you the track in whatever format/bitrate you like next time I catch you on AIM.


Okay, well, if anyone wants me to critique ANYTHING (I think I am a pretty good critic), just link me to something. I want this project to work, and I find that I am at my best when I'm telling other people what to do. -_- So whether it be music or artwork, just link me to whatever, and I will try to give some very constructive criticism, and if you would prefer it to be private, no problem. I will pm you or whatever.

So if you aren't sure about something, or just want a little input, send it my way (But send it to KWarp and Arek first since they are the project leaders and bleuab lahjsha :P )


No seriously, send me stuff. :)


Very very important stuff.

While at work today, the nintendo rep came in to do his usual routine of changing out advertisements and such. Never meeting the the guy in person, I said hello and introduced myself. From there, we talked for a good three hours about games and what not. After helping some customers while he worked on some displays, I asked him if he knew about Ocremix. He said he went there time to time. I told him about the site projects portion of the forum and about all the site projects *yes all, you bastards. I ain't gonna just put my project in the limelight :)*. He was thrilled over them all. He was most excited about SoS and MWW. He told me that Nintendo was looking out for all sorts of fan projects, and he said that mine sounded awesome. He said that he might get this featured. That made me VERY happy.

He said that he would check out the forums when he got home after going to the other stores and doing his routine. I hope he posts here.

Rich Mears was his name. He said he was going to be at E3 too. Can't wait to see him there. I gots me da hookups if I want to get to the front of line for anything Nintendo :o

*Don't get mad at me for saying that Rick >.>*


<3 Arek.

Oh, by the way, we need to talk about website design as there's been no talk at all about it... well, ever. :? If anyone has some useful input about the subject (stuff to look out for, common problems, good approaches, etc.) I'd be more than happy to hear it. :)

Very very important stuff.

While at work today, the nintendo rep came in to do his usual routine of changing out advertisements and such. Never meeting the the guy in person, I said hello and introduced myself. From there, we talked for a good three hours about games and what not. After helping some customers while he worked on some displays, I asked him if he knew about Ocremix. He said he went there time to time. I told him about the site projects portion of the forum and about all the site projects *yes all, you bastards. I ain't gonna just put my project in the limelight :)*. He was thrilled over them all. He was most excited about SoS and MWW. He told me that Nintendo was looking out for all sorts of fan projects, and he said that mine sounded awesome. He said that he might get this featured. That made me VERY happy.

He said that he would check out the forums when he got home after going to the other stores and doing his routine. I hope he posts here.

Rich Mears was his name. He said he was going to be at E3 too. Can't wait to see him there. I gots me da hookups if I want to get to the front of line for anything Nintendo :o

*Don't get mad at me for saying that Rick >.>*

Where do you work, anyway? And aren't you supposed to be dead?

Very very important stuff.

While at work today, the nintendo rep came in to do his usual routine of changing out advertisements and such. Never meeting the the guy in person, I said hello and introduced myself. From there, we talked for a good three hours about games and what not. After helping some customers while he worked on some displays, I asked him if he knew about Ocremix. He said he went there time to time. I told him about the site projects portion of the forum and about all the site projects *yes all, you bastards. I ain't gonna just put my project in the limelight :)*. He was thrilled over them all. He was most excited about SoS and MWW. He told me that Nintendo was looking out for all sorts of fan projects, and he said that mine sounded awesome. He said that he might get this featured. That made me VERY happy.

He said that he would check out the forums when he got home after going to the other stores and doing his routine. I hope he posts here.

Rich Mears was his name. He said he was going to be at E3 too. Can't wait to see him there. I gots me da hookups if I want to get to the front of line for anything Nintendo :o

*Don't get mad at me for saying that Rick >.>*

Where do you work, anyway? And aren't you supposed to be dead?

Gamecrazy, and enough of that.

I work there, but don't do any real hard labor *aka I don't lift and put away consoles like the "huge bawks" and such*

Very very important stuff.

While at work today, the nintendo rep came in to do his usual routine of changing out advertisements and such. Never meeting the the guy in person, I said hello and introduced myself. From there, we talked for a good three hours about games and what not. After helping some customers while he worked on some displays, I asked him if he knew about Ocremix. He said he went there time to time. I told him about the site projects portion of the forum and about all the site projects *yes all, you bastards. I ain't gonna just put my project in the limelight :)*. He was thrilled over them all. He was most excited about SoS and MWW. He told me that Nintendo was looking out for all sorts of fan projects, and he said that mine sounded awesome. He said that he might get this featured. That made me VERY happy.

He said that he would check out the forums when he got home after going to the other stores and doing his routine. I hope he posts here.

Rich Mears was his name. He said he was going to be at E3 too. Can't wait to see him there. I gots me da hookups if I want to get to the front of line for anything Nintendo :o

*Don't get mad at me for saying that Rick >.>*

Where do you work, anyway? And aren't you supposed to be dead?

Gamecrazy, and enough of that.

I work there, but don't do any real hard labor *aka I don't lift and put away consoles like the "huge bawks" and such*

I never heard of a Gamecrazy that gets regular visits from Nintendo reps, but then again, California is completely batshit crazy.

Very very important stuff.

While at work today, the nintendo rep came in to do his usual routine of changing out advertisements and such. Never meeting the the guy in person, I said hello and introduced myself. From there, we talked for a good three hours about games and what not. After helping some customers while he worked on some displays, I asked him if he knew about Ocremix. He said he went there time to time. I told him about the site projects portion of the forum and about all the site projects *yes all, you bastards. I ain't gonna just put my project in the limelight :)*. He was thrilled over them all. He was most excited about SoS and MWW. He told me that Nintendo was looking out for all sorts of fan projects, and he said that mine sounded awesome. He said that he might get this featured. That made me VERY happy.

He said that he would check out the forums when he got home after going to the other stores and doing his routine. I hope he posts here.

Rich Mears was his name. He said he was going to be at E3 too. Can't wait to see him there. I gots me da hookups if I want to get to the front of line for anything Nintendo :o

*Don't get mad at me for saying that Rick >.>*

Where do you work, anyway? And aren't you supposed to be dead?

Gamecrazy, and enough of that.

I work there, but don't do any real hard labor *aka I don't lift and put away consoles like the "huge bawks" and such*

I never heard of a Gamecrazy that gets regular visits from Nintendo reps, but then again, California is completely batshit crazy.

We get visits from Nintendo once a week. They send in different guys each time.

Very very important stuff.

While at work today, the nintendo rep came in to do his usual routine of changing out advertisements and such. Never meeting the the guy in person, I said hello and introduced myself. From there, we talked for a good three hours about games and what not. After helping some customers while he worked on some displays, I asked him if he knew about Ocremix. He said he went there time to time. I told him about the site projects portion of the forum and about all the site projects *yes all, you bastards. I ain't gonna just put my project in the limelight :)*. He was thrilled over them all. He was most excited about SoS and MWW. He told me that Nintendo was looking out for all sorts of fan projects, and he said that mine sounded awesome. He said that he might get this featured. That made me VERY happy.

He said that he would check out the forums when he got home after going to the other stores and doing his routine. I hope he posts here.

Rich Mears was his name. He said he was going to be at E3 too. Can't wait to see him there. I gots me da hookups if I want to get to the front of line for anything Nintendo :o

*Don't get mad at me for saying that Rick >.>*

Awesome news. Here's hoping he doesn't head into Unmod.


I just now saw this but I'd be willing to help toss some art up for covers (I know I'm a bit late but I just now found this)

~votes for there to be an art request thread~


Haha, I was about to say if you're missing a few people on the art team I might give it a shot. I'm usually better at hand-drawn stuff than computer stuff anyways :P

Here's some examples I've done, although they're not Kirby though.

Example 1 - Crash Bandicoot "Outdoor Showers"

Example 2 - Neopets "Dawn of the Mynci"

Example 3 - Pinocchio "The Happy Little Puppet"

I'd do anything to help a fellow coordinator :)


Hey Rexy, you've got some good art there. I'm pretty sure there's a couple unclaimed bits left. Let's see now...





Inside Nova (3 or 4)-

PM me and we'll talk. :)

I just now saw this but I'd be willing to help toss some art up for covers

Not sure what you mean there. =\ Are you talking about the planet covers?

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