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Mass Effect 3: Every Dialog Choice Can Be Answered with "Charge"

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So, I just did a search of the forums, and it seems as though there is currently no Mass Effect thread. This is a problem. Now that the multiplayer demo is out for 3, everyone should just be doing that.


I'll admit, I haven't played the single player yet, because I want to go in fresh on the 6th (yes, I've been on full blackout, minus MP, this whole time). That being said, gameplay-wise, 2 and 3 are significantly different enough to warrant you trying it. Seriously, the MP demo itself is just spot on; it's a very good approximation of what to expect in SP combat, gives you a good look at all of the new weapon / item systems in play, AND has the bonus of being fuckawesome fun to play (I've literally played at least 12 hours of the MP demo this week; it's just too addictive).

You should at least give it a chance. It's a demo; it's not like it cost you anything.


Just make sure to get a decent group of players, and I heavily suggest dropping groups who don't use voice chat; this game seriously punishes you for being uncoordinated, especially on Silver / Gold difficulty. But, when you all mesh well... magic happens.


I'm sorry but if you enjoyed ME1 and 2 then why wouldn't you want to at least see the conclusion of the Shepard saga????? The game is going to be an unabashedly combat heavy because the fucking Reapers have invaded (ZOMG SPOILERS :roll:) and from what I've seen of the SP demo it takes some of the best elements of the first two games and is a lot more fluid in general. I have a few gripes about the action menu but I'm guessing that those are more due to it being a demo... it looked identical to that of 2 but using combat abilities felt really unresponsive and sluggish. The writing is looking to be on par with the other games which is more or less still love it or hate it, but at least they don't treat the player like a moron. The SP demo does feel quite disjointed, but even if the full game starts out the same way I'll be happy with it.

I tried to play the MP demo but it said I didn't have access-- is it only available to pre-orders?


No. Right now (that is, until Friday), the Mp is open to people who either bought BF3 or were given access to it by a friend through a Facebook app. So, if you know a friend who can play MP already, then they can get you access. If not, there are a ton of people on the PA forums helping people get access. That being said, the restriction goes away in a few hours, so you can always just wait... but, I recommend not waiting. It's too fun. :P

EDIT: So, looks like I was wrong. According to the PA forums, EA is launching the MP servers for everyone early. They should be up now, or very, very soon.

  JackKieser said:
So, I just did a search of the forums, and it seems as though there is currently no Mass Effect thread. This is a problem. Now that the multiplayer demo is out for 3, everyone should just be doing that.

I actually meant to make one this morning (er, yesterday morning at this point) and forgot. :tomatoface:

  JackKieser said:
Just make sure to get a decent group of players, and I heavily suggest dropping groups who don't use voice chat; this game seriously punishes you for being uncoordinated, especially on Silver / Gold difficulty. But, when you all mesh well... magic happens.

This. I played for two hours earlier on my friend's XBox, and while it was difficult as all hell, it was easily one of the most rewarding multiplayers I've played. I've always enjoyed co-op more than deathmatch or the normal CoD/Halo-style team games - although there's certainly nothing wrong with those - so it made me extremely happy. My only gripe is that I'd like to see more than just wave survival co-op - it'd be nice to see some other co-op options intro'd into the product, ala the co-op missions in CoD:MW2, but it's a very, very, very minor gripe.

  Tensei said:
Three words: EDI sex bot.

Damn. Beat me to it.

I haven't played the demo yet, but it's on my to-do list. To be completely honest, I didn't have -too- many issues with ME and ME2, but then the Dragon Age anime happened. Nothing can survive that.

I'll probably play ME3, if only for the music and to conclude the storyline (I'm a sucker for concluding storylines.)

Cue: Announcement of multiple sequels despite being a "trilogy".

Onore Buraddo Meiji!



Moomba, it'd be ridiculous for them not to expand on the game universe given its popularity, which is why the trilogy focuses on the character of Shepard and the Reapers. Obviously once the Reaper threat is over they still have this massive playground that they can capitalize upon. There are still merc/outlaw/slaver groups, the Geth are still a major threat to civilization, and there are many stories to explore in the history as well, such as the Rachni Wars and Krogan Rebellion. I would be disappointed if there weren't more Mass Effect games but then again I really enjoy the universe they created.

  Garian said:
Moomba, it'd be ridiculous for them not to expand on the game universe given its popularity, which is why the trilogy focuses on the character of Shepard and the Reapers. Obviously once the Reaper threat is over they still have this massive playground that they can capitalize upon. There are still merc/outlaw/slaver groups, the Geth are still a major threat to civilization, and there are many stories to explore in the history as well, such as the Rachni Wars and Krogan Rebellion. I would be disappointed if there weren't more Mass Effect games but then again I really enjoy the universe they created.

This will be the end of Shepard's story but it would not surprise me in the least if they pull a 'halo' and start charting out these particular areas in games.

The Rachni wars nearly ended everything. The Krogan Rebellion threatened even more. Both had the touch of the reapers. Depending on your actions in ME 2 however the GETH might or might not be what you believe. This is a universe PRIMED for an MMO setting. With the success and what they're learning concerning TOR MEU set in the aftermath of 3 would be a very good setting.


Halo 3 was supposed to be the end of Master Chief's story, and yet here comes Halo 4 with everyone's favorite Spartan taking the lead.

Assassin's Creed 2 was supposed to be the end of Ezio to set the stage for the next assassin in Assassin's Creed 3, and yet what do you know, 2 more games starring everyone's favorite flamboyant Italian.

Really think Mass Effect 3 is going to be the (rightful)end to Shepard's story?Not while there's money to be made off his/her character. This isn't necessarily a negative critique, as if something awesome spawns something more awesome, then awesome. I just feel that it sort of stifles the creative process if creators feel pressured to keep digging when they've already finished the job. I'm also pretty tired of the whole "we need to defend the homeland from aggression!" that seems to have taken the limelight in a lot of sequels in a given series. It feels tired and lazy.

With all that said, I still loved what the Mass Effect 3 demo provided.

I'm kind of conflicted here.

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
Halo 3 was supposed to be the end of Master Chief's story, and yet here comes Halo 4 with everyone's favorite Spartan taking the lead.

Assassin's Creed 2 was supposed to be the end of Ezio to set the stage for the next assassin in Assassin's Creed 3, and yet what do you know, 2 more games starring everyone's favorite flamboyant Italian.

Really think Mass Effect 3 is going to be the (rightful)end to Shepard's story?Not while there's money to be made off his/her character. This isn't necessarily a negative critique, as if something awesome spawns something more awesome, then awesome. I just feel that it sort of stifles the creative process if creators feel pressured to keep digging when they've already finished the job. I'm also pretty tired of the whole "we need to defend the homeland from aggression!" that seems to have taken the limelight in a lot of sequels in a given series. It feels tired and lazy.

With all that said, I still loved what the Mass Effect 3 demo provided.

I'm kind of conflicted here.

Thats a mess of a different color imo.

When Halo was over there wasn't anywhere near the source material imo there will be to draw from from the ME universe.

And there is source material. I cant touch the demo because i want to experience all of the story at once. I've bought the hard copy collectors. I want to see the end of this and i want to see how all the decisions i've made blend together.

I want to see a fleet of Rachni ships off to my left. The combined citadel forces at my back with the systems alliance and Geth warping in out of nowhere to take these SOB's on. I want to see if my ME 1 romance continues. I want to know what role Cerberus plays in the finale. Will the Krogan Genophage be reversed? What role will Grunt play, What role will Ashley/Kaiden play?

There are a metric ton of things that are coming together in this finale. And when its done. There will <b>still</b> be about five <i>hundred</i> different strings that would be the setting for an OUTRAGEOUS game set in the Mass Effect universe with characters just as engaging and fun to play as there are right now. Halo didnt have that.

Bioware wont have to reach to Shepard again if it doesn't want to.


I'm not entirely against games set within the universe. But give Bioware enough time and we'll be romancing Rachni.

Additionally, as Malaki-LEGEND says, regardless of how vast the universe is, the money to be made from it revolves mostly around Shepard. I hear the tie-in novels are kind of uh um yeah. Something. I'm not sure what. Okay, google tells me full of errors. That was it.

That doesn't actually have any bearing on what I was saying anyway... oh well. Suffice to say, rather than give us games set elsewhere in the universe, we'll likely get Shepard doing something or other.

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
All that is well and good, but it doesn't mean jack if the fans want more Shepard. They could just as easily tell more stories in the Halo series as they've tried, but what's the main(or Chief) complaint? You aren't playing as Master Chief.

Shepard however is not Master Chief in a number of mechanical aspects.

1. He's customizeable. You could have anything from soldier to biotic.

2. You can alter his appearence. There are...a googleplex worth of combinations of his face between the two ME's oh and you could go femshep too.

Shepard is a very fun character but bioware in the multiplayer is allowing players to do something they haven't been able to before (and have kinda wanted) Play other races. And personally i've wanted to play a Krogan since i had Wrex in my party.

Bioware has made Shepard a very engaging character but at the same time has left it in place that it can leave Shepard if they choose. (Hell you could get him killed in ME 2) I get what you're worried about but i think Bioware wont have the problems the Halo Crew is having. I really don't see it.


See, I wouldn't worry if BioWare were still an autonomous studio... but it's not anymore. Their tying in ME3 promotions with Battlefield 3 and their insistence (which really isn't strong enough of a word) on using Facebook as a promotion tool through pseudo-games and the recruitment app Ponzi scheme shows just how much EA runs the show now. And, if EA wants more cash cow money from Shepard, I honestly think that BioWare is no longer in a position to refuse.

I'm about 80-85% sure that ME3 will be Shepard's last mission... but EA can make really dick moves, and I don't put anything past them.

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
All that is well and good, but it doesn't mean jack if the fans want more Shepard. They could just as easily tell more stories in the Halo series as they've tried, but what's the main(or Chief) complaint? You aren't playing as Master Chief.

wrong point to make. halo 4 continued because they wanted more halo, and MC is literally the biggest thing to point to in the halo universe that is certifiably "halo". like, remove spartans from Halo Wars, and it's just another strategy game. him, cortana, and the rings (which are gone)...beyond that, what's big about the universe? ME has a depth of detail in all aspects of the game, and in all the races, that allows for more games to come without being directly linked the touchpoints of shephard, blue chicks, and sex simulators (a la Fox). it's still so much more than shephard, where as Halo crumbles with the chief. plus, who doesn't want to play as a krogan? as a turian? as different classes, different loadouts, play with different squad ability synergies? master chief generic clone 1 is no different than clone 5, whereas each shepherd - and each character - is unique in their style, substance, and usability in different game situations.

yes, i read the Halo books, yes i'm a Halo fanboy and will buy any game they come out with. doesn't chamge my opinion.


The Halo-verse has nearly just as much going for it as the Mass Effect universe, or at the very least enough to make some more games out of it; the various member races of the Covenant, the origins of the Flood, the Forerunners, etc. Wait a minute... A lot of this stuff sounds like a few things I've noted in Mass Effect. Yeah... Prothions, member races of Citadel Space, Geth, Reavers, Cerberus.

But common tropes aside, my point(not opinion) still stands. If EA decides that keeping Shepard(who as a human is naturally more relatable to a player) makes them more money than playing as a Krogan having interspecies sex with a Rachni, then Shepard(or _insert human lead here_) will be back.

It's a crying shame, too.


Ok, so I know that Vanguards and shotguns are BFFs and all... but Vanguarding with only a heavy pistol for the low cooldowns is just kind of broken on Bronze. Seriously, Charge -> Nova -> Charge -> Nova ad infinitum is just too crazy. The fact that you can, by only doing this interspersed with a few pistol shots, completely solo an Atlas, no problem is an incredible feeling.


Finally got around to playing the demo, just singleplayer so far. (Username: ParanoidDrone. It's good having an unusual name so no one can steal it.) Some of the ways you can upgrade your powers are downright sexy. Am I the only one who spent a good 15 minutes at the start of the second demo mission examining all the possible power evolutions? I also kept trying to use spacebar to bring up my list of powers. That didn't end well.

And now that it's been made clear that carting around half an armory with you neuters your recharge times, I'm officially going to pack light in the game proper and go for a rapidfire powers build.

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