relyanCe Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 The absolute best discussion of Mass Effect 3's ending I've heard so far. The girl on the panel embodies an almost perfect pastiche of everything I have grown to hate about the majority of the fan response. It's really funny how close the others on the panel get to calling her on her petty entitlement complex, shoddy critique, and generally sour discourse. Really worth the 40 minutes. Quote
PriZm Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 And there will be free DLC this summer to address this issue. Boy I can't wait for another stream of tears. Quote
prophetik music Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 REVISIONISTS REJOICE! ars and others are reporting a free DLC that adds additional cutscenes and end-game interaction to the game as a whole, to better elucidate us on the acid trip the original devs were on. who knows what will come from it, but it can't be as bad as the original. and no, the original ending wasn't 'controversial'. it was terrible, rife with plot holes and completely ignoring the investment of the users. i'd have been fine with a well-done tragic ending. this was not that, and just because it's cool to make fun of the mainstream opinion doesn't automatically mean that the ending was actually well-done and we're all just rose-colored assholes. Quote
Gollgagh Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 As much as I disliked the ending for it being shit, I still find myself thoroughly unenthused for a revision. I don't know. :\ Quote
PriZm Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Bah whatever. I actually liked the ending. But however good this DLC is, you can bet your ass there will be endless salt on the net when it comes out. The Mass Effect trilogy is emotionally charged, and the fact that it ends will make people react irrationally anyways. Quote
JackKieser Posted April 6, 2012 Author Posted April 6, 2012 As much as I disliked the ending for it being shit, I still find myself thoroughly unenthused for a revision.I don't know. :\ It's probably because nobody actually asked for this DLC. There were two main camps of people: people who agreed with BioWare (who thought the ending was fine and that changing it hurt BW's artistic integrity) and people who wanted a new ending (due to plot holes, inconsistencies, and a general lack of narrative coherency). This decision is the absolute wrong choice for BW to make, because it pleases literally no one. The people on BW's side will be angry that the ending is going to be edited at all, and the people who wanted a new ending will get nothing they asked for, considering you can't clarify an already bad ending. At least with a hard-line stance either way, BW had the chance to please SOME subset of their fanbase; thanks to this decision, all they can possibly do is make MORE people angry. During this whole debacle, I've been thoroughly disappointed with how BioWare has handed itself (or, more accurately, how EA has handled BioWare). Quote
The Phalanx Posted April 6, 2012 Posted April 6, 2012 As much as I disliked the ending for it being shit, I still find myself thoroughly unenthused for a revision.I don't know. :\ Bioware didn't stick to their badly-written guns and caved under the pressure of their "fanbase." It's more pathetic than anything. Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted April 6, 2012 Posted April 6, 2012 I said it on MMORPG forums i'll say it here. I'm done buying games from bioware/EA. I'll play the ones i have but in no way do i plan to further support their games. This is downright stupid. It doesnt acknowledge the indoctrination theory, it MAY or MAY NOT provide closure and it really does what others have said. And just to address this particular subject on how killing all synthetic life is the 'good ending' The reason shepard can DIE in that ending is the fact he's heavily synthetic now thanks to the Lazarus Project in 2. Oh by doing that you also kill off the Geth who if you managed it you got the ultimate paragon version and made peace. You have a better than even chance of killing off the Quarians. You'd destroy Edi and your ship. (another reason that ending makes no sense) And if this ending doesnt address the abject chaos of the loss of the mass relay network then really it aint even worth the bandwith to download. So sure kill the reapers. Just know you're taking a hell of lot more than them out with you. Quote
ParanoidDrone Posted April 6, 2012 Posted April 6, 2012 Resurgence Pack: Free Multiplayer DLC Featuring 6 new characters: Batarian Soldier Batarian Sentinel Geth Engineer Geth Infiltrator Krogan Battlemaster (Vanguard) Asari Justicar (Adept) Three new weapons: Striker Assault Rifle Kishock Harpoon Gun Geth Plasma SMG Two new maps: Firebase Hydra Firebase Condor (And a partridge in a pear tree.) I didn't recognize Hydra at all, but Condor looks like the Turian moon you're on in the singleplayer campaign to pick up the Primarch. There are plenty of new abilities to go around, too. DLC goes live Aprill 10 on PSN, no idea about XBL or PC. Quote
relyanCe Posted April 6, 2012 Posted April 6, 2012 favorite part of that page was the top ranked comment: "Incoming ending complaints" but yeah, FUCKING EPIC FREE DLC Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted April 6, 2012 Posted April 6, 2012 Yes. Epic DLC...Krogan Battlemaster is going to be the single most played of the vanguard. Their melee abilites are disgusting already. Throw in charge+blast or any combination of the vanguard talents and its going to destroy in melee like little else. Quote
Clefairy Posted April 6, 2012 Posted April 6, 2012 but yeah, FUCKING EPIC FREE DLC I seem to remember reading that the general trend is that users (the ones talking about it online, anyway) will respond positively to paid DLC, but free DLC gets their dander up. It'll be interesting to see how long EA waits before the next paid DLC, whatever it ends up being. Quote
prophetik music Posted April 7, 2012 Posted April 7, 2012 i'm super excited about the geth classes. sound like they're going to be pretty awesome. Quote
relyanCe Posted April 7, 2012 Posted April 7, 2012 i'm super excited about the geth classes. why its going to epic Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 You're too late for the part in the thread where we made EVA references. Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted April 10, 2012 Posted April 10, 2012 New DLC just launched (FREE) I ended up with a geth Engineer almost right away...and the striker assault rifle. For that weapon you want a VERY good connection but my GOD does that thing RAPE. Geth Engineer's and infiltrators are going to be VERY fun if you get your hands on a Widow or Other high end Piercing class rifle. Their Hunter mode is NUTS. Quote
ParanoidDrone Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 I've heard very good things about the Geth, Hunter Mode in particular. Terribly excited to try them out, but my luck is unbelievably shitty. (Except when it's not -- got a Respec and Asari Adept in one pack once.) Quote
The Joker Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 did a write up on what I think ME3's ending was. Quote
JackKieser Posted April 18, 2012 Author Posted April 18, 2012 Yeah, no. I mean, it was a good attempt, but no. The ending's problems are WAY more fundamental than what you go over in that short write-up. Suffice it to say that, no, you aren't the one person (or one of the few people) who is somehow just so much more capable of understanding the artistry that is the ME3 ending; the ending is just bad, and unjustifiably so. If you don't get why, or really do think that it is a good ending, might I direct you to some ? It is actually really well written, researched, and presented (if a bit long, clocking in at 38:59). Quote
prophetik music Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 did a write up on what I think ME3's ending was. troll alert! fwiw, this one's good too - Quote
relyanCe Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 did a write up on what I think ME3's ending was. you uploaded this to the WRONG thread. everyone here hates the ending. Except like 3 of us I liked your thoughtfulness. I hadn't linked Saren to the green ending, but they are definitely thematically similar. Also: being a fucking cunt. go away. Quote
JackKieser Posted April 19, 2012 Author Posted April 19, 2012 Oh, go figure! Another person butthurt that someone has the audacity to disagree with an OCRemixer and present justification as to why. Quote
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