Fire in the Hole Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 ...OkayWhen was the last time a game took days from your life on a set schedule because you had to either raid or do hours and hours of PvP grinding just to get decent gear? Point being is that WoW is a colossal waste of time as opposed to any other game you can pick up and play at your own leisure... but then again some of us have work and school outside of WoW, so I guess that doesn't apply to everyone. The problem is that you are generalizing, which is an idiotic thing to do. There are people who waste away, spending all their time playing WoW, but there are people who spend all their playing other video games, watching TV, or reading shitty romance novels, none of which offer any objectively "better" rewards for devotion. Then there are the people who very easily lead normal lives while still, gasp, playing WoW, because they enjoy it. And please, don't try to feed me any crap about how "you can only be good if you spend 20 hours a week raiding for epic gear." You can say the same about StarCraft, in which you can play casual games or spend six hours a day perfecting your Zerg strategy. There will always be different consequences for different people in different situations--so don't diss the game, diss the fools who abuse and break it. I can see this and I don't even play WoW any more. Now GTFO. Quote
Psychonaut Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 The problem is that you are generalizing, which is an idiotic thing to do. There are people who waste away, spending all their time playing WoW, but there are people who spend all their playing other video games, watching TV, or reading shitty romance novels, none of which offer any objectively "better" rewards for devotion. Then there are the people who very easily lead normal lives while still, gasp, playing WoW, because they enjoy it. And please, don't try to feed me any crap about how "you can only be good if you spend 20 hours a week raiding for epic gear." You can say the same about StarCraft, in which you can play casual games or spend six hours a day perfecting your Zerg strategy. There will always be different consequences for different people in different situations--so don't diss the game, diss the fools who abuse and break it.I can see this and I don't even play WoW any more. Now GTFO. Additionally, the "you've got to either raid for hours and hours or spend hours and hours PvPing" mentality is a cliche' and not actually the case. With the changes to the honor system and cross-realm battlegrounds, casual PvPers can still attain the best rewards, it just takes a little longer. Casual raiding is a little more difficult to pull off because it requires a guild suited to that sort of thing, but that will change with the expansion, and it's already doable as-is. I and virtually every one of my friends play very little compared to most players but we sign on and get shit done in a fast, efficient way. Quote
The Author Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 WoW is for when I have downtimes in my social life. Or, as it was recently, when I have budget restraints. Over time I have realised that WoW is cheaper than me getting bored and becoming an impulse buyer. I don't spend all my time playing WoW. I spend my time where I have nothing to do playing however. Quote
D-Lux Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 I completed many things last night that I've been meaning to finish for a while: A) Got the last 1410 rep needed to become Exalted with Zandalar Tribe. Got a sweet neckpiece, too. Finished collecting the last bit of materials I needed to get to 300 jewelcrafting. It's a long list (and expensive too). C) Cleaned out the junk on my characters so I'd have space for all the cool new stuff in the expansion. D) Got my 3rd PvP item on my druid so he runs faster in cat form E) Leveled my Fishing skill to 300. My suggestion: find someone as crazy as you if you plan to do this grind. F) Leveled my Cooking skill to 300 (thanks to the Spotted Yellowtail in Booty Bay). I'm ready for the expansion. Are you? Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 Could someone who is getting this tonight/tomorrow please confirm whether it comes with another free month before losing him or herself to its dazzling pleasures? Quote
OceansAndrew Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 Picking up he expansion tonight. I have a mage friend who is going to port my new blood elf paladin, "Legaylas" out of the BE starting area and into good old durotar so I can actually level and not wait an hour for something to pop up while fighting against all the others. Several other friends are making blood elf paladins as well, and we are creating a guild called "The Fab Five". We plan on giving fashion makeovers to the horde who need them. If only we could help fix people's terrible posture.. Quote
D-Lux Posted January 16, 2007 Posted January 16, 2007 Could someone who is getting this tonight/tomorrow please confirm whether it comes with another free month before losing him or herself to its dazzling pleasures? No, The Burning Crusade does not come with extra time. Quote
lazygecko Posted January 16, 2007 Posted January 16, 2007 The launch went better than expected. No server issues on this end. Other than that it's pretty much as I had predicted, the Alliance ratio has plummeted down to 40% and the Blood Elf start area is severly operpopulated. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted January 16, 2007 Posted January 16, 2007 On our server most people went straight for outland. I made a BE pally and brought him to durotar. I got to level 14 before it was time for work. Pretty fun so far, I like freaking people out with pally buffs randomly. Quote
Blake Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 So compared to the original world's continents, how big is outland? Is it as big as one of the original continets? Twice as big? Smaller? I'd like to know. Quote
i heart robots Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 Well it took a day but the servers finally crashed. Rolling restarts tonight. At least I got some good quest rewards before the crash(es). If the greens are this good can you imagine what the blues and purples are gonna be like? Quote
bladiator Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 Got my BE Pally "Badabing" up to 13 last night. There was a 25 pally already that evening on Gorefiend. Friggin no lifes. I want to be him. But instead I'm at work. FEMALE pally btw. Rawr. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 No, blad, not you too. This game is indeed the virus of the online gaming world. Flee! Flee while you can from this madness! aka i finally stopped playing so i could focus on school : / Quote
Weigraf Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 I found this on joystiq, someone has already hit level 70. It took him 28 hours after the expansion from what the article said. That seems freaking crazy, now he will have to wait for people to catch up to him to do stuff. Quote
parasoul Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 I found this on joystiq, someone has already hit level 70. It took him 28 hours after the expansion from what the article said. That seems freaking crazy, now he will have to wait for people to catch up to him to do stuff. That's pretty awesome. I read the interview with him also. It was a coordinated guild effort. 40 people helped him power-level during those 28 hours. Congratulations to him and to his guild. Quote
bladiator Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 Now he can sit around waiting for all his guild to catch up with him ... fun fun. And yes Arek, me too. Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 I played my shiny new FEMALE BLOOD ELF PALADIN up to level 14. Funtimes. I like the BE starting area and ghostlands is pretty slick also. the BE starting area is enoooooooourmous. It was extremely populated, but it wasn't a big deal because all the mobs have about a 2 second respawn time. I also got on my hunter and went to outland just to check it out. I have never seen so many epiced out players in one place at one time (there must have been 300 guys lvl 60-63 in thrallmar at any given time). Also, hellfire peninsula is freaking huge. And I like the eternal battle against the demons right outside the portal, that was a nice touch also. It was all fun and games till the server started lagging and I got disconnected. 3,149 person queue (3 hours) to get back in. Illidan is pretty fucked, and the free transfer period is already over. Hopefully they bring it back or split the server because this is absolutely fucking ludicrous. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 It's taking all my willpower not to buy BC, resub and take my 54 hunter to 60 and Outlands with my next paycheck. Quote
lazygecko Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 Navigating Curse-Gaming is a bitch... I'm looking for an addon that simply removes all the art from the main bar. I know I had one before, but I reinstalled the game. Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 Navigating Curse-Gaming is a bitch... I'm looking for an addon that simply removes all the art from the main bar. I know I had one before, but I reinstalled the game. I have one that does that. It's called trinity bars. It not only removes all the art, but it lets you place the bars wherever you want, and bind any key to any button. And some other stuff. And crud. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 3149? Yes, Illidan is fucked. I slept as soon as I got home from work until it was time for work again, so no playing, but I heard Feathermoon's server crashed a few times. We'll see how it's doing today after work. Quote
Sporknight Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 I have one that does that. It's called trinity bars. It not only removes all the art, but it lets you place the bars wherever you want, and bind any key to any button. And some other stuff. And crud. CT_RaidAssist and CT Mod let you do that as well. I rarely raid, to be honest, and I disable the whole bar-moving-around deal, but it does remove the artwork (if you have the bar moving option on), and give you some other nifty features. The mass-mailing one is a must, for when I'm mailing 20 stacks of bullets from my engineer to my hunter, and it turns your buff/debuff timers into bars, and organizes them by duration, which is handy. Like I said, though, my guild really doesn't raid, but if we ever work up enough people for it I figure I'll have it on hand. I did use a nifty mod called DoTimer, which lets me track how long my dots (I play a warlock) have left, before they wear out. Sadly, it hasn't been updated since 2.0.3, so I'm keeping my eyes on that one. Quote
lazygecko Posted January 17, 2007 Posted January 17, 2007 I swear, the Exodar was modeled after planet Krypton. Quote
Blake Posted January 18, 2007 Posted January 18, 2007 bought it. gonna d/l the update patch before i install. Quote
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