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Since cataclysm is busting up the entire world, my main guild decided to break up too.


i'll be transferring one of my main dudes over to Illidan.

I have my tanking paladin already at 80; what else is needed?

Current 80's I can transfer would be Priest (main), Druid, Mage, or Rogue.

Tauren priest would be kinda cool. :-D


Hey guys, I don't want to spam here as Im not a fan of that, but I figured some of you may appreciate this. My cousin is working on the marketing for the movie Unicorn City, if you go to www.facebook.com/unicorncity And like it, there's a link to register for a free copy of cataclysm. For those of you that wanna save 40 bucks, there's 50 copies of cataclysm for them to give away, and I know only 23 have been decided on as of last night. Also, I may have a code or two for digital copies in the coming days that I won't be using as I have the CE on the way.

If that message is inappropriate here please delete it.

That said, Im kind of liking the new hunter changes... I was going to delete my hunter, but he picked up a few rarish drops that I kind of don't want to lose so now Im not sure if I'll be rerolling him for cat(he's sub 60 so its not losing much time) And I'll be starting a new rogue.

In the frigid wastes of Northrend, the final battle against the merciless Lich King ended in victory for Azeroth's defenders. Upon returning home, veterans of the unforgiving conflict against the Scourge were showered with praise for their valiant sacrifices, while the honorable dead were mourned. Yet as hope flared anew in the wake of the Lich King's fall, Azeroth's native elemental spirits grew confused and erratic, setting off a series of deadly natural disasters. Horde and Alliance leaders scrambled for clues about the troubling state of the world, but nothing could have prepared them for what was to come.

Without warning, the corrupted Dragon Aspect, Deathwing, erupted from the stone heart of Deepholm, the domain of earth within the Elemental Plane. Jagged fissures were torn across the earth, and monstrous waves pummeled coastal regions. From Thousand Needles to the Blasted Lands, the surface of Azeroth was reforged through violent upheavals. Now, the Horde and the Alliance must defend their homes against Deathwing and his minions, burdened by the unsettling fact that the world as they know it has changed... forever.

WoW and its previous expansions are now on sale through the Battle.Net website. WoW is $5, BC is $5, and WotLK is $10. Prices good through November 30th.

You can also gift them to people.

So... for anyone interested in Dual specs for alts, its currently 10g to purchase, not sure if this is a bug or not, but I just bought it for all my alts. lol.

and it's now available at level 30. I assume this is intentional... I bought it for my only character on this server.

  • 2 weeks later...

So as it stands right now my assumptions were correct: guild XP for quests has been reduced by 75%. Not sure really how I feel about the change in the short term, but in the long term I'm a little scared.

Right now we've had roughly 10 characters, of various levels questing. We've been hitting the caps, or gotten close even after the cap, and we do have a lot more people/characters to level, so that's not a problem. My major concern is, once everyone is 85, how much more experience will be needed, and how much will we be able to generate with JUST dailies and boss kills? Having people quest from 80-85, or even 1-85, isn't that big if a deal. We're all going to do it anyway. Having a good collection of people, in ANY sized guild, doing dailies consistently every, is going to be a bit rough.

So we're talking about a drastic decline in XP gain, as XP required increases ACROSS THE BOARD. Not sure ho this is going to be worked out. People have been saying "Smaller guilds don't deserve to be level 25 anyway", which...douchebaggery aside, isn't even relevant here. In order to keep leveling up the guild as consistent pace you'd need all the same people doing approx 25 dailies on 2 characters (assuming they did 50 quests a day while leveling, which I think is a fair guess), every day OR you have to constantly keep recruiting new players and having them level to 85 exponentially per guild level.

I trust Blizzard, and I'm confident we're going to get into the teens with ease, but I'm definitely worried about where we'll be month 6 of this expansion.

That side:

Disciples of the Mix is recruiting! (But I'd wait a week or 2 for the server load to die down :-?)

Yeah, server load on Illidan is ridonkulous. 1400-1800 queue?

I'll level my priest to 85 on my current server and then transfer I think. :P

Yes, it is pretty bad. 1-2 hour queues are currently commonplace.

yeah, that is so unbelievably gross i can't even fathom it. Hopefully lots of people transfer off with that free move offered.

We have free transfers off to 3 different servers right now. Queues have dropped significantly from this time last week, but that said it's down from 1200 to 300-ish.

Still has a way to go, but this is pretty normal for Illidan around Xpac time. It always clears up quicker than everyone expects

We have free transfers off to 3 different servers right now. Queues have dropped significantly from this time last week, but that said it's down from 1200 to 300-ish.

Still has a way to go, but this is pretty normal for Illidan around Xpac time. It always clears up quicker than everyone expects

300 is doable - i'll see you guys soon then :-)

I started at 1168 in the queue today, so I'm going to say that it's not down to 300.

This is my WoW login screen after 30 minutes.

I started at 1168 in the queue today, so I'm going to say that it's not down to 300.

This is my WoW login screen after 30 minutes.

Yeaaaaa. Seems like it's just shifted a bit. Usually when I got home from work at 5-6 there'd be a 1200 queue, now its 300ish, but within an hour it shoots up, and stays there until about 11PM.

So from 7-11, Illidan is still Illidan.

Yeaaaaa. Seems like it's just shifted a bit. Usually when I got home from work at 5-6 there'd be a 1200 queue, now its 300ish, but within an hour it shoots up, and stays there until about 11PM.

So from 7-11, Illidan is still Illidan.

Unfortunately, the only day I'll be home before 6pm EST is Friday... and that's because the cable tech guy is scheduled to come out.

  • 1 month later...

So what do you guys think about the rather sudden spike in difficulty? I guess the super hardcore people were upset about Wrath being easier than BC, but I don't think I like how the first bosses of the new raids feel like we're doing ICC heroic modes. They seem more stressful than fun for the most part. The only exception for me is the Conclave of Wind, which I find to be a very fun and interesting boss fight. (I also think Atramedes is extremely fun, but he's not quite a first boss)

I think that it would've been better if we started out with roughly Ulduar difficulty bosses and moved forward from there.

So what do you guys think about the rather sudden spike in difficulty? I guess the super hardcore people were upset about Wrath being easier than BC, but I don't think I like how the first bosses of the new raids feel like we're doing ICC heroic modes. They seem more stressful than fun for the most part. The only exception for me is the Conclave of Wind, which I find to be a very fun and interesting boss fight. (I also think Atramedes is extremely fun, but he's not quite a first boss)

I think that it would've been better if we started out with roughly Ulduar difficulty bosses and moved forward from there.

Speaking strictly for the Disciples, that is the community guild on Illidan, I don't think any of us are too shock/discouraged at this point. Being on Illidan requires a certain level of quality of the player base as a whole, so all of us have been around the block in progression a time or 2.

That said, we haven't REALLY gotten into Cataclysm progression too much as we're still trying to gear people up. The one raid we did successfully begin, as a guild, was BoT, and we ended up getting the hardest drake combination, so it didn't do too well. Seeing as we went in with a few under-geared DPS, and at one point were actually running with 9 people, we weren't particularly planning on downing the boss, but we make surprisingly good progress with what we had. The other encounters I've seen personally don't seem TOO difficult mechanics wise, and I'm hopeful that on a better week, with some better gear, we should be able to do Halfus pretty easily.

Overall I welcome the spike in difficulty. In Wrath I had done Sartharion within a few hours of hitting 80, and picked up an epic staff immediately. Within the first week of hitting 80 I had already cleared Naxx 25. It's cool to progress, but overcoming the challenges themselves is even more rewarding. I'm TOTALLY down for progression so long as their actually IS progression involved.


Oh, I totally agree on the difficulty increase being welcomed from the loot rain disasters that were Naxxramas Reboot and Obsidian Sanctum. Even Malygos felt a little too easy. The only challenging roles in that fight were the tank in phase one, since they had to position the boss away from those tiny twinkles that slowly floated to the boss and learning phase 3 (which I actually thought was quite fun)

I just wish it was a little bit easier for the first few instances. It's also a little awkward with them all being roughly the same difficulty. I kind of liked how Malygos was harder than Kel'Thuzad and Sartharion...it made it feel like a higher tier of progression which required better gear and more player awareness.

I haven't had the opportunity to raid much with my guild due to work hours unfortunately, but I've seen a little bit here and there so far, most often re-joining the main guild raid on Sunday night. My favorite fight so far is Al'Akir followed by Atramedes. (haven't downed Akir yet, but working on him in my own in-guild, non-DKP, off-night raid)

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