CapnHulk Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Running the same instances over and over just so I can look like everyone else in the game got boring 6 months ago. A whole year now, and what's been added? An absolutely retarded "honor" system, a couple of instances(Yes! Replace the monotony of running old instances with new ones!) very few new items, and Battlegrounds. How's that CTF going? Still as fun and refreshing as it was months ago? How's the lag these days? If it was horrible 6 months ago, I can only see it being worse now. Certain classes still need MAJOR overhauls(The Paladin comes to mind. Talk about the most boring waste of time ever in a video game). Hunters are just NOW being addressed, and this isn't even until the NEXT patch. How long until that comes out? 2 maybe 3 months? Oh god, I almost forgot. CHAT BUBBLES. Thanks, Blizzard. I left WoW wholly unsatisfied. Quote
zircon Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 No point in trying to address most of your points, since it all boils down to what each person finds fun. Some people LIKE playing a support class (Paladin), for example. One thing I will say, is that I've never had any problems with lag ever. Quote
SleazyC Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Running the same instances over and over just so I can look like everyone else in the game got boring 6 months ago. Yes the whole instance grind is very repetative and does get very boring after a couple weeks of doing it. The 40-man instances are great in the beginning. The change in difficulty from running 5-15 man instances to 40 man instances is a big leap. Certain classes still need MAJOR overhauls(The Paladin comes to mind. Talk about the most boring waste of time ever in a video game). Hunters are just NOW being addressed, and this isn't even until the NEXT patch. How long until that comes out? As far as class overhauls, I really don't think Hunters needed one. I don't play a hunter but I know plenty of them and when a hunter can place in our top 10 on our damage charts in Molten Core and PVP very effectivly doesn't need a huge overhaul. The hunters I spoke to about the changes said they were welcome but not necessarily neeeded. Paladins are finally getting some love in a ranged execute attack next patch but aside from that they are exactly what they are supposed to be. They aren't DPS machines, they arent healing bots they are a hybrid class. How's that CTF going? Still as fun and refreshing as it was months ago? Battlegrounds is a mixed bag for me. On my server its almost a 2:1 Alliance to Horde ratio so Alterac is only up when it is planned out by both sides on the forums. Warsong Gulch has been dominated by Alliance pre-made teams so once in every three games you are looking to get steamrolled by an Alliance pre-made. How's the lag these days? If it was horrible 6 months ago, I can only see it being worse now. Lag all depends on what server you are on. Mine is a medium-sized so the lag isn't that bad but I play on a couple PVP servers and on peak hours the lag is horrible. Quote
Joshea Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Yeah but MC can only be fun for like the first few times.. then its like " wow, 6 hours staring at a bunch of rocks and lava" heh. sleazy what do you play and on which server? I play on Earthen Ring! Carebear for the win! (Friends picked this one and I came after them so meh -- Do have some alts on PVP servers though) haha nice, i play alliance on Sargeras, which seems to be the Realm Forgotten by blizz. We have more crashes, more lag spikes, and more bugs then any other server. We used to be one of the biggest PvP server intill people started leaving =(. now its just Med, insted of High. which least i dont gotta wait to get in anymore heh. im in the guild Facial Paralysis if ya wanna look us up Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 the game's been out for what, a year now? My brother bought the game a long time ago, but never played it because he didn't want to pay the monthly fee. About 3 weeks ago it was a crappy day and I had nothing to do for a few hours before going out to the bar. So I decided to install and use the 10 day trial...Needless to say, I was hooked.The game is amazing and I wish that my computer was new enough so that I could enjoy the game's graphics at its best. However, besides the dungeons, the game seems to turn into little more than "Kill X amount of Y creatures" or "Collect X amount of Y materials" and return for a reward. There seems to be very little horde/alliance interaction. The proffessions often seem pointless as well as you can often find or loot items that are better than what you can create (with the exception of maybe alchemy). Despite this, I still love it and find myself wasting lots of my time playing WOW. I was just curious to hear thoughts from those who have been playing WOW (or any MMORPG) for a couple months. What's it like at those upper levels when there isn't much left to do? the reason there's no horde/alliance interaction is you're not playing on a PvP server. I play as horde on smolderthorn (PvP) and there's CONSTANT interaction. especially once you reach around level 20 and start going into contested and even enemy territories. sometimes it gets to be a pain, as if you want to level in certain areas (like hillsbrad, which is always full of alliance jerks on my server) you'll need some higher level backup. or at least you'll need to travel in numbers for safety. but nothing's gonna save your ass from a pack of 15 level 60s on their mounts chasing you through heavy mob territory. it can be fun though. i made scout in 1 day just from helping defend tarren mill from the alliance... dear god though, alliance's organizational skills suck. for example, they have maybe 20 guys, all level 55+, raiding tarren mill... of course they don't all attack at the same time. that would make sense. instead they come in waves of 2 or 3 at a time, making them easy to pick off, even for the lowbies in the area. some shaman will just start stomping totems, and all the gaurds and lowbies will rush to the area and start pounding them, leaving them no chance for escape. out of maybe 15 raid attempts in one night, they managed to kill the bat handler 1 time, which is on the very outskirts of town anyways. and.. i digress. anyways, WoW is great fun. if you want real interactivity, play on a PvP server. if anyone wants to play with me, look for Chuckster (Tauren Hunter) on Smolderthorn. also, you can start doing BGs at level 21. warsong is hella fun. after reading some of the comments above about BG: you know, it must be a server thing, because there's always enough people to play AV and WSG on my server. and it's low population. horde win 7 out of 10 times though. shamans = teh win. except.. (here goes another rant) those damn night elf rogues are EVIL. i mean, a dwarf or gnome sneaks up behind me, i just stomp and they're boned. but the damn night elves you can't even see until they've already freaking stabbed you. and then you're at half health. and then they gouge you and run away. argh so frustrating. but it's all good. i have my war stomp, they have their shadowcrud. ..war stomp is a really awesome innate ability. it's saved my ass on more than a few occassions, and makes dueling ten times more fun. most hunters suck at duels, but i think i've got it down. the trick is to keep the enemy immobile or slow. this may not matter so much against warlocks or mages, but against warriors, shamans, rogues, etc, they're screwed. god damnit i'm ranting like mad here.. but anyways.. a quick guide to dueling with a hunter: you should start off by laying a trap if you can, probably either freeze or immolation. then hit them with a sting right away. sic your pet on them, run in, wing clip, run past them, turn around, concuss them, shoot them a few times, wash, rinse, repeat. if you do it right, they should never even get close enough to attack you until you run in to wing clip them again. ..i need to stop typing. Quote
Space Lion Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 the game's been out for what, a year now? My brother bought the game a long time ago, but never played it because he didn't want to pay the monthly fee. About 3 weeks ago it was a crappy day and I had nothing to do for a few hours before going out to the bar. So I decided to install and use the 10 day trial...Needless to say, I was hooked.The game is amazing and I wish that my computer was new enough so that I could enjoy the game's graphics at its best. However, besides the dungeons, the game seems to turn into little more than "Kill X amount of Y creatures" or "Collect X amount of Y materials" and return for a reward. There seems to be very little horde/alliance interaction. The proffessions often seem pointless as well as you can often find or loot items that are better than what you can create (with the exception of maybe alchemy). Despite this, I still love it and find myself wasting lots of my time playing WOW. I was just curious to hear thoughts from those who have been playing WOW (or any MMORPG) for a couple months. What's it like at those upper levels when there isn't much left to do? I've been playing since November and... well, it's the primary reason I haven't been posting much (not that I ever did). I'm still hooked on the game, and it's gotten even better since I hit level 60 and joined a good guild. We raid often and have several server-first kills (including Ragnaros). We have Molten Core, Onyxia, and Azuregos and Kazzak on farm status, and we're making good progress through Blackwing Lair. Really, I can't say that I get bored with the game, even when we're not raiding. I play on a PvE server, but we still have a fair amount of PvP activity with Battlegrounds and random city raids. I also will go back to the 5-man instances sometimes (Stratholme is still my favorite) to complete quests I missed or to get supplies/items that I need. And yes, Alchemy is definitely a good profession. I'm an alchemist/herbalist myself, and I like being able to make potions for nearly every situation the game throws at me. The transmute part of alchemy is also very useful, especially if you want to help with making weapons (arcanite, for example) or get essences for enchantments. If you find yourself getting bored as you get near 60, then I suggest getting into a good guild, or starting your own. Your skill (and professions) will be put to better use when you have to team up with others more often, in a raid or otherwise. Quote
Poiso Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 MMO thread, obligatory: All your games suck. Quote
CapnHulk Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 MMO thread, obligatory:All your games suck. 14-day free trial. I've been playing it for about a week and I'm fairly impressed. A little too slow paced for my tastes, but I love the idea of it. Quote
mecca Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 World of Warcraft, you're the greatest game, the best game I've ever played Quote
Effector Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 MMO thread, obligatory:All your games suck. 14-day free trial. I've been playing it for about a week and I'm fairly impressed. A little too slow paced for my tastes, but I love the idea of it. My obligitory Eve Online link: Quote
Soujiro Seta Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 I've played both WoW and GW and I like them both a ton. I'm not on WoW anymore now but I still play GW for obvious reasons [hint: money]. At high levels I usually travel back to the "n00b areas" and help lower level characters, I like doing it and so do the people I hlpe, it's a win-win situation. ^^ Quote
Poiso Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 MMO thread, obligatory:All your games suck. 14-day free trial. I've been playing it for about a week and I'm fairly impressed. A little too slow paced for my tastes, but I love the idea of it. Gee, you can get those automatically? I can send out unlimited 14-day trials too. Quote
Gamelore Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 MMO thread, obligatory:All your games suck. 14-day free trial. I've been playing it for about a week and I'm fairly impressed. A little too slow paced for my tastes, but I love the idea of it. Eve - one of the only MMORPGs I haven't played. Just haven't had time. But coincidentally, a friend of mine has been bugging me to do the free trial with him. Going to try it tonight Quote
Poiso Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 MMO thread, obligatory:All your games suck. 14-day free trial. I've been playing it for about a week and I'm fairly impressed. A little too slow paced for my tastes, but I love the idea of it. Eve - one of the only MMORPGs I haven't played. Just haven't had time. But coincidentally, a friend of mine has been bugging me to do the free trial with him. Going to try it tonight You definetly should. (In my opinion) it's miles above everything else of the sort. Quote
The Dennis Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 WoW is miserable at endgame, I'm sorry to say. If there was anything resembling a balanced PvP system, or an honor system that... you know, rewards honor... maybe the game would be slightly more impressive. Try to tell the following to someone that's never played the game: "Imagine capture the flag, two teams. The two teams are essentially the same, except for one class on either side. The 'badguy' class can slow down every 'goodguy' in the area by half. The 'goodguy' class... doesn't even have ranged attacks." What a joke. Great capture the flag, real fair. The PvP 'Honor' system? FORTY level 60s can beat up a level 48, and they all get honor points. Not a lot, mind you... however, there's simply nothing honorable about that. They all should have lost a fuckin' rank. And then Blizzard holds a competition, too see which two people on each server can accumulate the most honor, getting a free video card. Out of 100-some-odd servers (200+ top-rankers)... no paladins won. It took Blizzard another month or so to get the hint. Sweeeeeeeeet. I don't even PLAY a paladin and it pisses me off. The newest patch they're releasing just furthers the gap of imbalance. I'd bother to write more, but I just don't care. I'd love to stick around until they release hero classes, but at this rate, it'd probably be more effective to just play a shaman. -Dennis- Quote
zircon Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 Actually in the newest patch they're ADDING a Paladin ability. But that's besides the point. The Paladin is the most defensive, support-oriented class there is. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The best 1v1 player on my server is a Paladin, and they're the best combat healers on the field (just TRY playing a Priest in group pvp, you're the #1 target of everyone). Shamans do rock pretty hard in PVP, but their totems die in one hit, and they CAN be killed. If you just DPS them they die like any other class. More importantly, they rely on mana to win. Shamans actually have pretty low DPS if they melee, even with windfury - they suck at farming for a reason. Ever see a Shaman solo a mob? It's pathetic. They either take forever to kill something, or they kill it quick but blow most of their mana. Sure, they're powerful, but they have their weaknesses. Quote
Beatdown Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 I don't understand why a paladin not winning would be a big deal. Quote
zircon Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 I don't either. Too many people see Paladins as Warriors with healing spells, when the class is more like healers with some Warrior aspects. They don't tank, they don't taunt, their gear has healing bonuses on it, and their skills are almost entirely defense/support oriented. They're not Warriors! Quote
The Dennis Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 Actually in the newest patch they're ADDING a Paladin ability. But that's besides the point. The Paladin is the most defensive, support-oriented class there is. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The best 1v1 player on my server is a Paladin, and they're the best combat healers on the field (just TRY playing a Priest in group pvp, you're the #1 target of everyone). Shamans do rock pretty hard in PVP, but their totems die in one hit, and they CAN be killed. If you just DPS them they die like any other class. More importantly, they rely on mana to win. Shamans actually have pretty low DPS if they melee, even with windfury - they suck at farming for a reason. Ever see a Shaman solo a mob? It's pathetic. They either take forever to kill something, or they kill it quick but blow most of their mana. Sure, they're powerful, but they have their weaknesses. Shamans sure do have their weaknesses, fortunately My argument against the state of the paladin is that their class doesn't REALLY have a formal role to adhere to, at all. Sure, they're a 'hybrid' class, but specializing to do either damage or healing doesn't make a large difference toward either side. I've never, ever seen a paladin in the top 5 DPS for any instance group I've ever been in, and they're usually sitting near the bottom of the 'top 10' list for healing power in any instance. The end-talent for their holy (healing) tree is a DAMAGE skill. The end-talent for their retribution (damage) tree is a BUFF. The end-talent for their protection (tanking) tree neither helps hold agro nor reduce damage done to themself. Then again, that doesn't matter, because paladins can't hold agro well enough to tank in an instance anyways, so that makes just about the whole tree a waste. You seen their epic sets? As of now, Judgment is a joke. Both sets are geared toward healing, so I guess that means in PvE, they REALLY want paladins to be healers. That's understandable... why make them pale in comparison to other healers, then? And you're saying this new 'hammer of wrath' skill is an acceptable answer to a broken class? For the damage it does, it's mana-inefficient. Sure, it's supposed to be used near the end of a battle, because it can only be used when the target is at 20% health or below. It doesn't do enough damage to kill someone in PvP, nine times out of ten. It's supposed to 'catch runners', but it has a cast timer on it, which means you have to HOLD STILL and NOT chase your enemy in order to cast it. It also neither has a chance to slow down or stun your opponent, which really doesn't make it good at helping to 'catch' anything. You're still left with the problem of the rogue darting away, the mage blinking away, the priest fearing you and running, the warlock fearing you and running, the warrior hamstringing you and running, the hunter wing-clipping you and running, the shaman totemming you and running, the druid darting away shapeshifting or rooting you and running. And even if you HAD the time, the luck, and the opening for another holy wrath to 'finish the job'... well, it's on a six-second cooldown. You'd better hope your opponent doesn't wise up in those six seconds. I'm willing to bet Blizzard will see their damn 'hammer of wrath' as a valid fix to the class as a whole, and will ignore them for another eight months. I don't understand why a paladin not winning would be a big deal. Are you trying to tell me that out of all the paladins in World of Warcraft, none of them were skillful enough to win the competition? Please. The problem doesn't lie in the players. Even PRIESTS can specialize to do damage, if they need to. -Dennis- Quote
The Dennis Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 I don't either. Too many people see Paladins as Warriors with healing spells, when the class is more like healers with some Warrior aspects. They don't tank, they don't taunt, their gear has healing bonuses on it, and their skills are almost entirely defense/support oriented. They're not Warriors! Okay, go to the new character screen and read Blizzard's description of a paladin. Then come back here and tell me that again. I'm even sure they use the word 'warrior' itself to describe them. -Dennis- Quote
Beatdown Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 I don't understand why a paladin not winning would be a big deal. Are you trying to tell me that out of all the paladins in World of Warcraft, none of them were skillful enough to win the competition? Please. The problem doesn't lie in the players. Even PRIESTS can specialize to do damage, if they need to. -Dennis- It wasn't a contest of skill, it was a contest of time played. Who had the most points over a set period of time. Obviously paladins weren't the most played characters. That argument sounds a whole lot like "THAT VIDEO GAME AWARD SHOW DIDN'T MENTION CHRONO TRIGGAR!!!" to me. Quote
zircon Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 To be fair, Blizzard doesn't necessarily describe their own classes well. I see Paladin's role as a combat healer and support class. Believe it or not, a Paladin with lots of +healing and the proper spec is actually MORE mana efficient than a Priest, Shaman, or Druid. This means that in MC, they can basically go on healing forever, and MC is all about endurance fights. Their support abilities are of course unmatched; that +stat buff, aggro reducer, fire resistances, and mana regeneration all beat out any buffs from Shamans, the Horde equivalent of a support class in PvE. I haven't played enough on Alliance to know what Paladins are like in non-MC instances, but I'd imagine that they play a similar role as Shamans (who actually DON'T do much DPS there). In PvP I see Paladins as nearly unstoppable. When I see one, I don't even bother fighting them. You have to sink so much time and mana into reducing their health that it's not worth it. Plus, the 5minute cooldown on Divine Shield makes it so that whenever a major conflict happens, they'll probably be ready to use it. In GROUP pvp, the shield plus their plate armor, heals, and buffs makes them a nightmare to kill. Three paladins assisting a Druid flag runner is practically impenetrable, because even if you have multiple people attacking them, they can still shrug them off pretty easily, unlike Priests or Druids. And believe it or not, a Paladin with an Obsidian Edged Blade, Quel`Serrar, or Unstoppable Force hurts cloth wearers pretty hard. What am I supposed to do when I see a Paladin attacking me? Fear him? They trinket out. DoT him? They Cleanse that. Mindblast him? Even if I blew my entire mana bar they would still easily outlast me considering the mana-efficiency of their heals. Quote
Beatdown Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 I had started a paladin once with Everquest in mind, thinking I was gonna be a sub-tank with decent damage dealing ability and a few heals. I turned out to be a cleric with a sword I think I'm gonna start a new character now. Quote
PhantomSky Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 was taken from here Weaknesses: Doesn't have as many combat options and strengths as the Warrior Cannot equip as many weapon types as the Warrior Very gear dependant class Challenges: * Learning the proper Blessings and aura type for each battle * Remembering to use Blessings on everyone as needed * Mastering healing techniques Class Role Paladins are the consummate knights in shining armor, meant to be in the thick of things. Their defensive abilities allow them to stand toe to toe with monsters and take a beating - they are tanks overall. This is not the sole purpose of a Paladin, of course; their auras, seals, heals and resurrection spells give them the chance to act as a support healer. Sounds more like a support class to me. Quote
The Dennis Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 It wasn't a contest of skill, it was a contest of time played. Who had the most points over a set period of time. Obviously paladins weren't the most played characters. That argument sounds a whole lot like "THAT VIDEO GAME AWARD SHOW DIDN'T MENTION CHRONO TRIGGAR!!!" to me. Zerging 24/7 isn't gonna win you a competition if you can't get kills. Sure, the people that win played the most. Once again, you're trying to tell me that no paladins played as much as the people up there? That's hard to believe, at best. Even if you're right, don't you think there's a reason they don't play so much? Perhaps the problem is 'not enough kills in the time alloted'. They're pretty slow killers with no burst damage. To be fair, Blizzard doesn't necessarily describe their own classes well. That's an awfully cheap copout. People are playing characters to 60 under false ambitions. It SAYS their job is to be warriors with secondary healing abilities. Their talent trees say they can either be really good at dealing damage, tanking, OR healing, depending on their specialization. The TRUTH is, they can't deal damage fast (no, Hammer of Wrath will not change that significantly), they absolutely cannot tank at endgame, and their heals, while they can be GOOD if you're specced correctly and have all the right gear, are not GREAT. They can outlast the other healers in terms of mana, but that means nothing in Blackwing Lair and is only useful in MC under certain circumstances. The healers in my guild heal in shifts, so the need to outlast manawise is nonexistant. We use the paladins for their buffs, Purify, and the occasional heal or two for someone stepping in the wrong place at the wrong time. Being more mana-efficient doesn't make them better healers than priests or druids, or even 'as good'. They're simply second-rate. I have to admit, the paladin in our guild with 7/8 Lawbringer pieces brings a lot to the table, but he's only even coming close to healing capabilities of the healers. If you need a full epic set to 'do your job' as well as others can naturally do, there's something wrong. I see Paladin's role as a combat healer and support class. Fair observation. The problem is, Blizzard has said on more than one occasion that no class will be restricted to being a 'support class'. That's the case with paladins, however (and druids as well). Even as a support class, though, paladins are second rate at everything they do besides 'outlasting'. Add to that that their talent trees don't make sense, much of each talent tree is useless, and many of their trained skills are useless, and you have a broken class. -Dennis- Quote
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