dabattousai Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 More Pandaren goodness I haven't played WoW since I just find it dull compared to FFXI. The jobs are more expanded in FFXI and the community is friendly and is party based, which sometimes can suck if you are not the best job for the party. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 !!! where did that come from? i've yet to see a single pandaren in the game. i've come across many a blood elf and draenei though. if the PRC doesn't like it, it can go screw itself. if they banned the game all it would do is cut back on gold farming and power levelling anyways. cao ni ma, motherfuckers. Quote
The Author Posted November 5, 2005 Posted November 5, 2005 New theory for the next race: Orcs from Outland. The alliance, in beyond the dark portal and in the third war, did help free Outland from tyranny. What if a clan of orcs that was left back there (being freed from the pact with what's his face) would have helped the heroes from the second war to survive, once the alliance would be in contact with the survivors and the orcs that clan might just ally themselves with the alliance. ... That makes as much sense as the bloodelves too... Quote
phantomINTELLECT Posted November 5, 2005 Posted November 5, 2005 More Pandaren goodness I haven't played WoW since I just find it dull compared to FFXI. The jobs are more expanded in FFXI and the community is friendly and is party based, which sometimes can suck if you are not the best job for the party. dude FFXI sucks. The jobs are more expanded? How long did you play WoW. I not a fanboy or anything but I played FFXI for like a year and all it was non stop grinding all the time. If you want party based fighting run instances. That's why wow is so good, because you can solo or party. FFXI doesn't even have PvP does it? Quote
The wingless Posted November 5, 2005 Posted November 5, 2005 I haven't played WoW since I just find it dull compared to FFXI. The jobs are more expanded in FFXI and the community is friendly and is party based, which sometimes can suck if you are not the best job for the party. Having played both games, this is the single most stupifying statement ever uttered in the long and sordid history of the internet. You, sir, are worthy of all the flames in Hell Quote
versus Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 If FFXI didnt have the two words Final Fantasy in it I would of saved 50 bucks and 2 months of my gaming life. WoW is way better and I don't even care about blits lore. Quote
Darkoni Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 Hmm guess I know what im stayin away from btw does any one play on the Scarlet Crusade server? Quote
deltree Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 I haven't played WoW since I just find it dull compared to FFXI. The jobs are more expanded in FFXI and the community is friendly and is party based, which sometimes can suck if you are not the best job for the party. Appearently you like waiting for hours to get a good party. Only to have some asshole leave after 30 mins. In which time you have amassed maybe 1/8 of the exp needed for your level. So you have to wait another 30-40 mins to get a party to grind. Then it happens again and again and again.... It's like an endless masochistic cycle with very little reward. At least in WOW you don't have to grind all the time and you can solo if you want. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 level 57 now... man i love killing level 60's. especially hunters. if i get killed by a hunter 3 or 4 levels lower than me... man i feel stupid. and then you're not sure whether or not to get help when they're camping your corpse because you're embarassed someone might laugh. anyways... stupid realm transfers. before the realm transfers opened there was about a 1.1:1 horde to alliance ratio. now it's at about 2.3:1 in alliance's favor. questing in high level areas has suddenly become insanely difficult due to the sheer amount of alliance running around. in un'goro, i was the only horde vs. about 20 allies. it's become quite agitating... yet we still win battlegrounds 75% of the time... Quote
Rodin Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 level 57 now... man i love killing level 60's. especially hunters. if i get killed by a hunter 3 or 4 levels lower than me... man i feel stupid. and then you're not sure whether or not to get help when they're camping your corpse because you're embarassed someone might laugh.anyways... stupid realm transfers. before the realm transfers opened there was about a 1.1:1 horde to alliance ratio. now it's at about 2.3:1 in alliance's favor. questing in high level areas has suddenly become insanely difficult due to the sheer amount of alliance running around. in un'goro, i was the only horde vs. about 20 allies. it's become quite agitating... yet we still win battlegrounds 75% of the time... This is what Mal'Ganis has been like since WoW came out, only in favor of the Horde. I feel your pain, and have felt it for 10 months. Quote
SleazyC Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 level 57 now... man i love killing level 60's. especially hunters. if i get killed by a hunter 3 or 4 levels lower than me... man i feel stupid. and then you're not sure whether or not to get help when they're camping your corpse because you're embarassed someone might laugh.anyways... stupid realm transfers. before the realm transfers opened there was about a 1.1:1 horde to alliance ratio. now it's at about 2.3:1 in alliance's favor. questing in high level areas has suddenly become insanely difficult due to the sheer amount of alliance running around. in un'goro, i was the only horde vs. about 20 allies. it's become quite agitating... yet we still win battlegrounds 75% of the time... Aren't you on Smolderthorn? If so I thought it was horde heavy and on top of that one of the top-tier Horde guild's Nightmare Asylum transfered over. Quote
dabattousai Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 Guess none of you played Paladin then on FFXI can't someone have their own opinion on games, I didn't say FFXI is the BEST DAMN GAME IN THE WORLD. (because everyone knows Mother 1+2 and finally news that Spring 2006 marks the release of Mother 3 for the GBA are) I played WoW for 3 months, and I find it easy to level. Once the expansion comes out I will play WoW again, but as of now, I got bored of the game and wanted to play a game that has a community of talking people. I have been in many guilds and I never see any talk go around in WoW. Now that they got a new system in the works for Star Wars Galaxies, I will probably sample that and see if that is any good. That Pandaren picture is a leak so this website reports and it could be a fake like the other pic I posted (notice Brutal spelt Brltal in the Horde Description and lack of weapon)but if you don't like my opinion don't yell at me and saying im an ass. Quote
mecca Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 < pin> so on saturday i was at a bar < pin> telling a friend about how i played world of warcraft that day < pin> and this girl was like.. are you talking about world of warcraft? < pin> then i found out she played alliance and stopped talking to her < pin> dumb cunt Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 yeah Nightmare's Asylum transfered over... but so did Exodia, and a handful of other end game alliance guilds, plus craploads of individual people that wanted a change. I'm not sure what the exact ratio is now, but it's definately in alliance's favor. In other news, I made my first trip through UBRS today. Totally not as hard as people make it out to be. Hell I was the lowest level there (57) and I didn't pull any aggro or anything. Also... server stability has become a serious issue lately. We almost didn't get to do UBRS because the realm went down as soon as we all entered the instance and nobody could get back in for well over an hour. That's like the 4th time in the last 5 days that shit has happened. Today's extended maintenance was supposed to fix these problems, but it obviously failed. Quote
Russell Cox Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Today's extended maintenance was supposed to fix these problems, but it obviously failed. Gold farmers on a lot of realms are exploiting Dire Maul again somehow. I don't know if it shows on your AH, but on Proudmoore, Garona, and Stormscale Horde side there's always a single Rogue, level 60, in DM. He also has at least 2 of every class book on the AH, and just today on stormscale he put up 4 books for Quel'Serrar for 5,000G a pop. The names are different for all servers, but it's one person on each server selling the items. Someone's found a way to exploit the king in DM and solo him as a Rogue, and the goldfarmers found out. It's just like the dupe trick with Maraudon a few months ago. They'll figure out how they're doing it and neutralize the problem. Though, it's their own damn fault because DM has to be one of the most poorly built dungeons in the game -- aside from shitty graphics almost everywhere and tears in the terrain, when it went live half of the bosses didn't even drop loot :\ Quote
Rodin Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 yeah Nightmare's Asylum transfered over... but so did Exodia, and a handful of other end game alliance guilds, plus craploads of individual people that wanted a change. I'm not sure what the exact ratio is now, but it's definately in alliance's favor.In other news, I made my first trip through UBRS today. Totally not as hard as people make it out to be. Hell I was the lowest level there (57) and I didn't pull any aggro or anything. Also... server stability has become a serious issue lately. We almost didn't get to do UBRS because the realm went down as soon as we all entered the instance and nobody could get back in for well over an hour. That's like the 4th time in the last 5 days that shit has happened. Today's extended maintenance was supposed to fix these problems, but it obviously failed. UBRS is a vastly over-feared instance. Most people refuse to run it without 15 people, and yet it was designed as a 10-man instance. The only real problem is General Drakk, who can be tricky unless your group knows what it's doing. The last time I was there, our group almost wiped on that final bridge. Someone aggroed, and we actually ended up fighting ON the bridge. Sure enough, a few seconds later one of our paladins went flying off the bridge. Shortly thereafter, another pally went rocketing off into the depths. By this time my hunter was on auto-shot as I rolled on the floor laughing my ass off. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 did UD strat today. still no beaststalker drops. it was a mostly guild run. our MT was a guildy warrior. he's done UD strat like 90 times or so and has yet to get the valor legs. so we kill the baron and the legs drop. then the other warrior in the group (the only non-guildie) rolls on them and of course wins. also did BRD yesterday. dear god BRD is terrible. horrible layout, shitty ass drops, pointless encounters... we gave up in the torch room when we wiped after 15 minutes of infinite dwarf spawns. we killed both torch carriers... but only one dropped the damn torch. needless to say that pissed us off. as for UBRS.. yeah the bridge was the toughest spot. thankfully we only lost one guy there. we had a near wipe though in the general's room when a rogue's sap failed. me and the other hunter saw what was going on and immediately sleeped 2 of the mobs, but then the rogue vanished and all the mobs came straight to us and gang raped us in 3 seconds flat. both hunters and most of the cloth wearers went down and it was pure chaos until one of the warriors was able to get enough threat to hold aggro. the general himself wasn't bad though. me and the other hunter kited him across the bridge into another room until the rest of the group killed his two gaurdians, at which point we brought him back. good thing he is slow because he hits damn hard. Quote
zircon Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 UBRS is a very easy zone. I think 5man live strat is more difficult. ps. Rag's still not down. No more progress. We're going to try something different next, because apparently our melee DPS just isn't working. We're gonna bring 10 Mages, 5 Warlocks, and 5 Hunters. Quote
ellywu2 Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 BRD is the most horrible dungeon in the entire game. god i HATE that place. Also Suzu, try Dire Maul. Whilst the dungeon itself may suck, alot of the gear there is easily as good as BS, and you don't have to run it thousands of times. Backwood helm especially. Quote
zircon Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 No, BRD isn't that bad. It's easy to the point where you can do most of it with only 2 or 3 people. It has some decent loot, too. The worst dungeon is 5man LBRS. There is nothing good there, and it takes forever. Quote
The Author Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 Havent done LBRS in an eternity. I just remember some painful curses. Quote
SleazyC Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 UBRS is a very easy zone. I think 5man live strat is more difficult.ps. Rag's still not down. No more progress. We're going to try something different next, because apparently our melee DPS just isn't working. We're gonna bring 10 Mages, 5 Warlocks, and 5 Hunters. Thats an interesting composition there. My guild is currently also trying to down Rags, best bet we got him down to 44% and got eaten alive by the Sons. Tonight we hope to get a lot more practice on the sons and try DPS'ing him down good. We are good on staying alive for everything non-sons but when they rush out we haven't quite got our positioning down yet. Good luck to you guys on your attempts! EDIT - Rags down! Money Shot! 31% pre-sons, smoked the sons, killed him when he resubmerged. Only 3 deaths, was a pretty amazing fight. Quote
The Author Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 Joined a new guild very interesting. Instead of going for MC because we have the fire power, they are actually focusing on getting set pieces for all members so that we can go to MC and have a chance to survive. So to increase speed, we raid instances, and nothing is more fun than to AOE spams the last encounters before the general in UBRS. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 we're doing a guild ZG raid today. i'm not sure what to expect because i know so little about it. i hear there's epic mount drops there though which is awesome. Quote
Snooper_1989 Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 I myself am a level 22 troll mage on Smolderthorn, though I haven't been playing that long, I think i've accumulated about 48 hours of total playing time - and most of that time was spent using guild members gold and stuff to get up to master enchanting and master tailoring so I could make stuff for the guild... Quote
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