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was taken from here http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/paladin.html


Doesn't have as many combat options and strengths as the Warrior

Understatement. Their basic combat consists of pressing a button and hoping it does something for the next 30 seconds, and then pressing the button again. Maybe throw in a heal from time to time.

And, once again, you're right. They're built as a 'support' class. But Blizzard promised nobody would be a support class, and each class would be superior in their own right. Lies.



You do have a point there. But I have faith that Bliz will eventually 'fix' up the talent trees. They've been slowly but surely addressing this stuff, and no class has a CRIPPLING disability (unlike DAoC where at one point, Blademasters were absolutely useless in every department, and Berserkers were total gods). I'm guessing patch 1.8 or so will bring some additional Paladin changes - I know this coming one has some Druid changes that make the Cat form significantly more viable for DPS.


It wasn't a contest of skill, it was a contest of time played. Who had the most points over a set period of time. Obviously paladins weren't the most played characters. That argument sounds a whole lot like "THAT VIDEO GAME AWARD SHOW DIDN'T MENTION CHRONO TRIGGAR!!!" to me.

Zerging 24/7 isn't gonna win you a competition if you can't get kills. Sure, the people that win played the most. Once again, you're trying to tell me that no paladins played as much as the people up there? That's hard to believe, at best. Even if you're right, don't you think there's a reason they don't play so much? Perhaps the problem is 'not enough kills in the time alloted'. They're pretty slow killers with no burst damage.

Slow, yet consistantly effective. Paladins weren't built to run around killing things you know. Versus classes that are actually built to do damage, I don't see how a paladin could've won that contest with the amount of competetion from other classes.

I don't understand why a paladin not winning would be a big deal.

Are you trying to tell me that out of all the paladins in World of Warcraft, none of them were skillful enough to win the competition? Please. The problem doesn't lie in the players. Even PRIESTS can specialize to do damage, if they need to.


It wasn't a contest of skill, it was a contest of time played. Who had the most points over a set period of time. Obviously paladins weren't the most played characters. That argument sounds a whole lot like "THAT VIDEO GAME AWARD SHOW DIDN'T MENTION CHRONO TRIGGAR!!!" to me.


Don't even whine about paladins getting the shaft. It gets so freakin old. If you don't like it play another class.


i don't think paladins are as weak as you say they are. agreed they can't dish out the damage like a warrior, but they aren't meant to. instead, they're a bitch to kill. way, way harder than a warrior.

i think hunters are worse off in PvP than paladins anyways. we're stuck with shit armor, our pets are absolutely useless in pvp, traps are pointless, our DPS is shit, and we run out of mana in under 20 seconds.

i just made level 30.. and what skill do i get? wow, i can pretend to be dead. that's really fucking cool. for about 3 seconds.

So what exactly does this hammer of wrath do? Sounds like it wont really change anything for the pally but I'd still like to know :)

It's a finishing move. Only after the opponent is at 20% health, you have a nuke, 6 second timer, 30 yard range, that does 560 damage for about 500 mana. It was meant to stop runners which palles are plagued with. I.E., mages blinking out of the pally's stun last minute to run away--pallies having no range once-so-ever.

The best way to counter is to keep your health up. If it's a neck-at-neck battle, keep your health above 20% with a potion or a heal, and you'll be fine.

i think hunters are worse off in PvP than paladins anyways.

...huh? Are we playing the same game here? Hunters are the KINGS of group PvP.

we're stuck with shit armor

You get mail at level 40, which is the second best armor type in the game.

our pets are absolutely useless in pvp

Not really, but especially after the patch. Get a DPS pet (cat, raptor) and let er rip. Any class that can stop the pet with a skill will, but that's time spent not attacking you that you can use to damage them from afar.

After patch, with the right talents, you can heal your pet's status with mend pet, thereby having your pet act as another source of DPS.

traps are pointless

Frost and Freeze traps both have their uses in PvP, and they can be laid down every 30 seconds when using Feign Death.

our DPS is shit

Hunters are normally the 3rd in damage meters, under rogues and mages.

i just made level 30.. and what skill do i get? wow, i can pretend to be dead. that's really fucking cool. for about 3 seconds.

You don't realize the value of a skill that takes you out of combat and makes you appear dead to your enemies? In complete seriousness, Feign Death is one of my most favored hunter skills.


Question about hunters. I just started one and so far he's level 16. I have a pet cat, and the only skill he knows is growl. Do they learn any other skills later on? Im asking this, because Ive seen hunter's pets in groups go down to almost no focus, so they gotta be using some kind of skill.

Question about hunters. I just started one and so far he's level 16. I have a pet cat, and the only skill he knows is growl. Do they learn any other skills later on? Im asking this, because Ive seen hunter's pets in groups go down to almost no focus, so they gotta be using some kind of skill.

Go to one of the many WoW info sites and look up pet skills. To get new pet skills you have to tame a beast with the skill you want. Once you've got a pet with the skill, have your pet use the skill that you want - after a few uses, you should learn the skill. Then, abandon the pet and take your old pet out of the stable and train it up.


I have been playing since Phase 2 of beta. I have played 3 rogues to 60 now, and just recently rolled a NE Warrior on one of the brand new servers. I have a new love, my rogue means nothing to me now. I can't wait to start MC/Ony/BWL with this warrior.


i think i feel most sorry for warlocks though.. they're mostly based around their summons, but against a priest or another warlock, they're screwed in no-time flat. and debuffs are pretty much useless anymore.

also: what the hell do people mean when they "roll" a character.. as far as i know you make your character yourself.

i think i feel most sorry for warlocks though.. they're mostly based around their summons, but against a priest or another warlock, they're screwed in no-time flat. and debuffs are pretty much useless anymore.

also: what the hell do people mean when they "roll" a character.. as far as i know you make your character yourself.

It's just a standard RPG term, originally used for D&D. In WoW there is no actual "rolling" since your stats are pre-set, but the term remains.

i just made level 30.. and what skill do i get? wow, i can pretend to be dead. that's really fucking cool. for about 3 seconds.

it was mentioned earlier, but feign death is a critically useful spell for hunters...even though it won't actually fool anyone (unless the other player is a retard), it drops aggro in pve (my guild is currently working on the vael encounter in bwl, and staying low on the hate list makes our hunters very happy), and allows hunters to drop from combat and lay traps in pvp. toss in the utility you get from it while pulling in the core, and feign is really one of your more frequently used abilities


Warlocks are one of the most underplayed class, and it's partially due to their design. In MC, they serve as constant damage dealers with their Shadowbolt spells, and their Curse of Doom, Shadows, and Elements are very useful. However they will never rack up the huge overall damage numbers of Mages, Rogues, or Hunters. In PVP, the Succubus and Curse of Exhaustion spells are pretty nasty, and they have damage curses which are a bit harder to remove than magic or poison.

They're really not a class to be feared.. though they are probably among the most tough and sturdy of any caster because of their massive HP + pet.

So does anyone have a WoW Trial for me? Do you need like, the actual CD or can I just enter a code and download a client?

I'm thinking of starting up after I submit my thesis, which is in about a month or two.

The trial lasts for like 20 something days, then you have to buy a retail CD key to continue playing.


Lets stop kidding ourselves shall we? Hunters at the moment are criminally underpowered in both PvE and PvP. We are supposedly a DPS class, yet our DPS isnt that great. Admittedly we are sustained DPS, we can go for a long time, but in PvP that is hardly useful. Burst DPS is vital to a non healing class in PvP. We need someway to do a lot of damage over a small period of time. At the moment the bog standard cookie cutter hunter build relies on chances to crit, which are criminally lower than rogues because hunters need far more agi to get +1crit.

We are supposedly the pullers, whereas most people think its easier to just pull with the MT so the aggro doesnt need fishing off. PvP is laughable at best, yes hunters can be good in PvP, but you need to be damn good. We have a glaring weakness i.e the deadzone where from between 2-8 yards we can do absolutely nothing. It becomes easy for classes to get in that deadzone, root us and blast the shit out of us.

Dont get me wrong, i love playing my hunter. Its edge of your seat stuff in PvP, not like some other 3hit classes.... I just wish we'd get a buff so we dont have to fight super hard against a mage whos probably using one hand and not taking it seriously.


elly, i can agree that there certianly a lot issues with the hunter class (heck, there are issues with many of the classes), but i think the buff you're asking for is already coming with the talent trees redesigned. the new options should not only improve the cookiecutter builds that most people use, but also allow for some new builds to have some success

...huh? Are we playing the same game here? Hunters are the KINGS of group PvP.

I'd just like to note that this applies solely to group PvP. When stuck either alone in the world or even in a large battle without more than one other group member paying attention to their situation and helping them out, Hunters are pretty much fucked PvP-wise (unless, of course, they get the jump on the enemy and know how to keep that advantage on their side, but that applies to nearly any class). I mean, sure, Hunters can rack up the second-most HKs and CPs or sway that Battlegrounds match more than any other class next to Mages, but seriously, Hunters have very few options for controlling a one-on-one fight successfully, even specced Marks/Survival with Imp. ConcShot/WingClip, Scattershot, and Counterattack.

I'm slightly happy with the new talent trees, but in my opinion they really haven't changed very much. The only real difference is that new Survival talents will make it longer and more tedious to kill Hunters (although most of them won't help the Hunters keep control of a fight and, you know, survive in the long run) and a BM build just might be possible to use in PvP now (although I'm not going to waste a re-spec testing out just how viable that build is).

hunters CAN kite very well, its just a lot harder to do than mages. I (as an enhancement shaman) totally WTFPWN hunters that make minimal efforts to kite, because i just run up and smash them to a pulp. however, with some hunters I only get one or two hits at most, and die a very, very frustrating death. im not saying its easy, but it is most definatley doable

Lets stop kidding ourselves shall we? Hunters at the moment are criminally underpowered in both PvE and PvP. We are supposedly a DPS class, yet our DPS isnt that great. Admittedly we are sustained DPS, we can go for a long time, but in PvP that is hardly useful. Burst DPS is vital to a non healing class in PvP. We need someway to do a lot of damage over a small period of time. At the moment the bog standard cookie cutter hunter build relies on chances to crit, which are criminally lower than rogues because hunters need far more agi to get +1crit.

We are supposedly the pullers, whereas most people think its easier to just pull with the MT so the aggro doesnt need fishing off. PvP is laughable at best, yes hunters can be good in PvP, but you need to be damn good. We have a glaring weakness i.e the deadzone where from between 2-8 yards we can do absolutely nothing. It becomes easy for classes to get in that deadzone, root us and blast the shit out of us.

Dont get me wrong, i love playing my hunter. Its edge of your seat stuff in PvP, not like some other 3hit classes.... I just wish we'd get a buff so we dont have to fight super hard against a mage whos probably using one hand and not taking it seriously.

Well.. Hunters do all the pulling in MC for sure. And Feign Death is very useful for escaping from a bad pull. In places like UBRS we also have hunters setting traps for crowd control, and even earlier than that in places like Maraudon. I wouldn't underestimate them in that regard. Their DPS, as other people have mentioned, is quite good in PVE with the proper gear/skills - in fact, one hunter in my guild is so strong that he actually pulls aggro away from our main tank in MC even AFTER the main tank gains aggro (eg. full sunder armor on a mob) just by doing autoshot. Along with Rogues, having a class that can do lots of damage without having to rely on mana is very useful.

Burst DPS.. well, you have Rapidfire and Arcane Shot, among other things. But the real power of Hunters as I mentioned earlier is that they are great at controlling combat which is what PVP is all about. Traps, pet harassing, concussive shot + wingclip, Viper Sting, Scatter Shot, and some AOE damage to screw over Rogue stealth (and multishot itself can hit pretty hard too).

IMO they are a good class that needs some talent tree treatment, which they are getting a LOT of in 1.7. Warlock is much more of a pointless class.

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