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I think it's time I do /account cancel.

Maybe I'll come back around burning legion. Leveling up is a lot more fun.

Yeah, that's why I never got into raiding. I personally hate PvE(for the most part, anyway) and with all the 40-mans out there, all I see my friends do is spend their time in instances. Sure, you get nice equipment, but you practically lose your soul. That's why I can't wait for 1.10. I don't mind doing smaller instances/quests to get gear. It's about time Blizz catered to the solo or non-raiding gamers.

I think it's time I do /account cancel.

Maybe I'll come back around burning legion. Leveling up is a lot more fun.

Yeah, that's why I never got into raiding. I personally hate PvE(for the most part, anyway) and with all the 40-mans out there, all I see my friends do is spend their time in instances. Sure, you get nice equipment, but you practically lose your soul. That's why I can't wait for 1.10. I don't mind doing smaller instances/quests to get gear. It's about time Blizz catered to the solo or non-raiding gamers.

"We're not gonna tell you how to play, but do it this way. Oh and please respec..."

I think I better walk away before I get suckered back in.


Heh. Honestly, this game only gets more and more fun for me. Blackwing Lair is a blast. We're doing smaller groups for Onyxia to make it more challenging, and trying to speedrun Molten Core. I lay waste to hundreds of Alliance each day in BGs. Friday night drunken Arathi Basin over Vent keeps my in stitches all night. I love this game!

  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing to contribute, really... just a few things about my recent adventures.

6/8 Dragonstalker - Tauren hunter here, I'm missing the shoulders and the BP. One of our hunters got Ashjre'thul from a recent Chromaggus kill (Time Lapse + Corrosive Acid).

Nefarian down - Dropped him Friday evening, black/green Drakonid combo. He didn't drop the Dragonstalker BP, but my guild awarded the head to me. :D

Ahn'Qiraj open - Gates opened Monday night. We spent most of the time grinding for faction. Afterwards, we zoned into the temple (AQ40)for a preview. Good stuff.

I'm still having fun in WoW, and it's only gonna get better. I'm already looking forward to Naxxramus. :)


Voice chat definitely improves the WoW experience, vastly.

I don't know... I was kind of excited to start raiding, but honestly I don't see how Blizzard expects people to fight through the same dungeons endlessly for fun. If the expansion comes out in the next month or two I might stick around long-term. I'm definitely not going to PvP. Guildies wait for 4 hours to even get into BG. I thought questing to 60 was great, and there are still areas I haven't seen yet (and I haven't experience the Horde side at all) but dang at 60 it seems to get a bit pointless unless you like posing in your epics standing around IF...

Voice chat definitely improves the WoW experience, vastly.

I don't know... I was kind of excited to start raiding, but honestly I don't see how Blizzard expects people to fight through the same dungeons endlessly for fun. If the expansion comes out in the next month or two I might stick around long-term. I'm definitely not going to PvP. Guildies wait for 4 hours to even get into BG. I thought questing to 60 was great, and there are still areas I haven't seen yet (and I haven't experience the Horde side at all) but dang at 60 it seems to get a bit pointless unless you like posing in your epics standing around IF...

First of all, they're constantly adding new dungeons, and it takes an AWFUL lot of time to get it down to the point where it's trivial. By the time you do, there's a new one out, and all of them are different and fun.

Second of all, play on a different server. I've never waited more than 15 minutes in a BG queue. In fact, people BITCH if the queue is 5 minutes long, saying "is the queue broken or something? Why's it taking so long?" - most times, we get in in less than a few seconds!

  • 2 weeks later...

So, what does everyone think of the new priest talents? I personally can't wait to respec Holy again. Seems the priest class is finally going to be the master healing class(never liked Disc tree. Too PvEish for my taste).


The new priest talents are sick as hell. They added everything I wanted and more, the most notable bieng more PVP survivability.

My current build is 22 holy 29 disc, and i'll be changing to 34 holy 17 disc. Most of my gear is PVEish (full proph), but with the new changes it'll be a lot more viable for pvp.


True - WoW has added more content than other mmo's I've played, certainly.

Admittedly, I am not on a PvP server which is probably why the BG que is so long. I am on an older server; the qeue just to log into my server is often 250+ long at peak times.

If Blizzard can continue to produce, I'm going to stick around for at least awhile longer.


The new priest talents are pimp. I like the one where you're rezzed as an angel for 10 seconds and then can promptly cast healing spells for free for 10 seconds...talk about useful.

Aside from that, Blizz best keep the stuff coming...I might actually go and try out EQ2, if things stay boring right now. :?

The new priest talents are pimp. I like the one where you're rezzed as an angel for 10 seconds and then can promptly cast healing spells for free for 10 seconds...talk about useful.

Aside from that, Blizz best keep the stuff coming...I might actually go and try out EQ2, if things stay boring right now. :?

Undead Priests are going to look awesome as angels then.


I have been playing priest for a while and I love it. Got a discipline NE priest, but now I'm playing a holy Troll priest since the NE exclusive priest skills sucked. I thought I'd try holy that everyone seems to resent, and then switch to discipline with the free talent reset. But after checking out the revamped holy tree I'm not so sure anymore.


I just recently re-activated my account. I'm an Undead Warlock by the name of Vairnoul on the Dark Iron server. I've just hit a nasty snag, as I can't seem to get any quests done by myself, nor find anyone to help. I probably just don't know what I'm doing. Much more practice is needed on my part.


Does anyone run on a server where everyone is lvl 60? I mean, in IF I literally don't see a soul anymore at any time, day or night, who isn't 60. Once in a great while I'll see a lvl 1 standing by a mailbox, and that's it. (Obviously someone's alt mule.)

Yeah, new Priest talents made me cry irl.

edit: with joy

Yeah, they look pretty awesome. I'm absolutely loving the Holy tree right now. Now I'm waiting for them to release all the details on the revamped dungeons and the "casual"(I hate that word) epic sets. I'm not really into raiding, so 1.10 is looking to be my favorite patch. 1.11 may come close because I have a 60 mage as well. I think Tseric will do the mage class justice.

I just recently re-activated my account. I'm an Undead Warlock by the name of Vairnoul on the Dark Iron server. I've just hit a nasty snag, as I can't seem to get any quests done by myself, nor find anyone to help. I probably just don't know what I'm doing. Much more practice is needed on my part.


Undead Priests are going to look awesome as angels then.

I think they're all gonna use the same model...hell I don't even know if they're gonna use a model. I think the talent mentioned something about an angel or something though.

nerfed hunters, buffed priests

Priests are now going to be like they are in RO *except for the fact that these priests can kill things*.

Gj blizzard. :roll:


Yeah, I don't miss the game at all.

Always the same crap, buff one, nerf one, promise buff on another.

With 10 classes, this rotation can go on for a while.

They usually nerf the class buffed 2 patches ago. Priests are getting buffed, then next time they will get a minor adjustment (balanced readjusting) then they will get nerfed.

By the time of class adjustment 10, they will release the expension, and start all over again with warriors, while they will nerf shammies, and readjust rogues.

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