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I've never seen WoW played on a crappy computer before. I saw my friend playing WoW on his old laptop and I thought WoW could never look so horrible and skippy lol.

I think it has an intel celeron processor too :x

I kinda like how it looks now... I kinda upgraded my PC recently...

I'll try and bring up a SS.


Sorry about the size ;)

Oh and I love the look of my hunter.


Look at the background. Note, this is on, say, a 3 year old laptop.



Anyways, I'm thinking of migrating to an RP server from Alleria. Problem is, which one. I like Shadow Council, though. BUT, there's always that problem with transfers, what I keep and what I don't. Plus, most of my friends are on Alleria. Well, maybe just ONE real freind, mostly just in-game friends.


I rocked a few battlegrounds on my mage last night and had a great time. It's interesting to see the strategies of the other servers in my battlegroups and how they work. It was also pretty sweet seeing a preform alliance group from my server get smoked by our pug (i was the only one from the same server) because there were three or four people who actually had some T2 or better gear.

There was some weird shit going down on my server; the ghostwolf riding a wyvern (which was also ghosted)around Org was pretty strange, and there was a DC, but i think within a week, the pvp is going to be awesome. Especially exciting is the PVP potential for my 56 troll, since there is usually 2-3 games *a week* in that bracket. It was fantastic seeing around 20 WSG and 9 AB instances up.

I have a 60 rogue too that has been collecting dust that I might respec and have some fun with, we'll see.

HOly shit the rogues got some crazy dmg thingys.....the locks get felguards....the shammy get dual wield....it seems like fun for every class

looking forward to the burning crusade

I'm thinking it might be a sweet idea for rogues to do a seal-fate/steup/hemo build. Possibility of generating combo points faster than you can use them!


It's nice playing with other servers. A lot of alliance in Frostmane that do BG's are stuck-up, but a lot of dudes from the other servers are much more gung ho. In AB last night the lumber mill was captured and being defended by at least 8 horde and a pally, warrior, and I just rushed into our suicide with some mass whirlwind and sweeping strikes. We were able to weaken them enough that with the help of only two reinforcements we were able to cap the lumber mill. Unfortunately we lost ten seconds after.


Ok, I'm getting very excited for the new Warlock talents. The last one in destruction looks incredible. And the last one in Affliction is very...tricky. I like it.

Holy WOW Summon Water Elemental! That is like totally old skool and magilicious. Also Magelock' date=' lol[/quote']

That's the one thing that seems strange to me. Shamans can summon Earth Elementals? Mages get Water Elementals? Bah. Pets are for Warlocks and Hunters.


I played WoW for the first time friday night and it did not hook me or make me addicted. I'll admit it was fun but not as fun as people make it out to be. If I actually owned the game myself then maybe I would be addicted. Also, if there was no subscription fee then I would play as well.

*runs back to Fable: The Lost Chapters*

Holy WOW Summon Water Elemental! That is like totally old skool and magilicious. Also Magelock' date=' lol[/quote']

That's the one thing that seems strange to me. Shamans can summon Earth Elementals? Mages get Water Elementals? Bah. Pets are for Warlocks and Hunters.

Shamans get Earth Elementals? For mages it kinda makes sense, since Conjurors in Warcraft 1 could use that ability. But were Shamans able to to this before WOW?

Doesn't matter anyway, I guess because the lore is changed to fit the game so often. Blizzard has to just make up a reason, something they are very good at.

Holy WOW Summon Water Elemental! That is like totally old skool and magilicious. Also Magelock' date=' lol[/quote']

That's the one thing that seems strange to me. Shamans can summon Earth Elementals? Mages get Water Elementals? Bah. Pets are for Warlocks and Hunters.

well, warlocks and hunters get pets no matter how they spec; mages have to go pretty heavy into ice (though my BC mage build will be 1 arcane, 60 ice) to get a pet that will probably be much weaker than the hunter or warlock pets. Just be happy for us. :D

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