lazygecko Posted October 16, 2006 Posted October 16, 2006 Now that tens of thousands of bot/farmer accounts have been banned simultaneously, the low to mid-level areas are getting cramped with powerleveling farmers that are starting over on a new account, because they know it will take at least another 6 months before they risk getting banned again. Great strategy there, Blizzard. Quote
Zutnunzor Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 So after waiting a week, I finally got all my stuff back. And the best part was that some of it was de-soulbounded. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 Mmmm. Figured I'd finally post here.I've got an Undead warlock, and most people bitch and complain about them all day and night. Paladins and hunters are my worst nightmares, and I'm level 53 as of this moment in time. Gonna PM the rest of my crap later, but I'm not on any of the servers listed here As hunter, as long as i have good distance i can own a warlock, but if you start close, you stand a good chance. I know this is a Horde bias forum, but im a Alliance player. And though most people shit on shadow meld and Night Elfs(mostly because its made up of mostly young annoying noobs)i for one love it. Not just for hiding but for fighting purposes, defensive wise in BG its great for surpise attacks, throw you pet in prowl and you can send him to distract and then wont notice me going out of SM to set up an AIM shot. I also just chill in the path of who ever is carrying our flag so they run right into me, i time it so i plant a trap just as they get to me, they never see it coming. SM is the reason i went Elf over Dwarf. And though i hate the fact we always lose in AB and WSG, Alliance aint all that bad, i kinda wanted to be horde but all my friends were Alliance,and i kinda like having everyone hate me, makes the game more fun when i kill See ya guys in Azeroth!! Detheroc/DjMighty/Alexandras/Proud NightElf/Hunter Quote
Zutnunzor Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 I finally gave in and made a rogue twink for the 20-29 bracket because I love AB so much more over WSG and I'm having too much fun. My cousin did the same, making a lv. 29 rogue, it sorta reminds me of the splinter cell co-op... except not as tactical... hah. Anyone else ever delved into the twinkish endeavors? We all can't stay innocent If you wanna play together sometime, I got characters on Anethron, Delvyngar, Silverhand, Vek'nilash, and a few others I can't think of at the moment. Quote
lazygecko Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 I made a twinked 29 fury warrior. No fancy crusader enchants or anything though, just enough to hold my own. Quote
chocobo150 Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 Detheroc/DjMighty/Alexandras/Proud NightElf/Hunter Just a heads up, Thangnam is my brother. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 Detheroc/DjMighty/Alexandras/Proud NightElf/Hunter Just a heads up, Thangnam is my brother. Horde or Alliance? Quote
chocobo150 Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 Detheroc/DjMighty/Alexandras/Proud NightElf/Hunter Just a heads up, Thangnam is my brother. Horde or Alliance? He used to be Alliance's Grand Marshall and stuff, now he just do 40-mans. Quote
Deej Valen Posted October 22, 2006 Posted October 22, 2006 Eredar/Deej Valen/Deej/Tauren/Hunter I'd just like to say that *most* alliance that I have run into in the wild have been nothing but asshats. I'm fishing, look over because I see a tracking blip appear, then wave and resume pulling up fish. Next thing I know, he's beside me attacking me just because I wasn't a frilly night elf. Law of the Horde: If they start shit, then you can camp or do whatever the hell you want to them. Remember that. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 22, 2006 Posted October 22, 2006 Eredar/Deej Valen/Deej/Tauren/HunterI'd just like to say that *most* alliance that I have run into in the wild have been nothing but asshats. I'm fishing, look over because I see a tracking blip appear, then wave and resume pulling up fish. Next thing I know, he's beside me attacking me just because I wasn't a frilly night elf. Law of the Horde: If they start shit, then you can camp or do whatever the hell you want to them. Remember that. I can say that EVERY Alliance that has attacked me in the wild was either: A) With at least 1 other person. At least 4 levels above me. C) Waited for me to have no health. In no way has any alliance that was the same level as me seen me just walking with full health and mana and tried to attack me. Honestly the "with at least 1 other person" thing doesn't bother me so much, because there IS a chance I fear and kill at least one of them before I'm dead, but the other 2 just annoy the living SHIT out of me. There's no sense of satisfaction in killing someone who's AFK, or 4 levels below you, or about to die anyway. It's just being flat out gay. Quote
lazygecko Posted October 22, 2006 Posted October 22, 2006 Shit, they've found their way into threads now. Quote
Blake Posted October 22, 2006 Posted October 22, 2006 It's same for both sides. It's not like choosing a certain faction determines your behavioral traits. Quote
Zutnunzor Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Watch out for those people who pretend to be "afk" in the wilderness. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 >.> ....that really wasn't humorous in the least bit... Quote
The Author Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Waiting for weakness should be concidered a skill for rogues. Seriously, you have every skills needed to wait in the shadows and attack when you know you will win. Quote
Blake Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Waiting for weakness should be concidered a skill for rogues. Seriously, you have every skills needed to wait in the shadows and attack when you know you will win. Though it pissed me off to no end when I used to grind, it's true. Quote
The Author Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Rogues are just like that. Assassins. A third of their skills are based on hiding, why should the smart rogue not use the wait to his advantage? Should the hunter never lay a trap nor send his pet to attack? Should the mage never use frost nova? Should the priest never shield? Should the shammy not use totems? The list is long. A rogue is an assassin. It is supposed to come up behind you and open you up when and if you show weakness. Quote
Rodin Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 I tend to act as honorable as I can in world PvP. In other words, I don't go after someone who is low on health from fighting a mob, I make sure they WANT to PvP before attacking, don't corpse camp, etc. That said, I play on a PvP server and don't expect any mercy, although corpse-camping someone just for the sake of camping them has always struck me as being a jackass move. People should earn a corpse-camping. Also, if you steal my minerals/fish/herbs/quest mob, it's ON. My favorite was encountering a level 30 ally fishing Deviate fish in the barrens. I walked up to him, did /boggle /no /shoo at him, and then beat him to death with my fishing pole 3 times before he got the hint and left. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Rogues are just like that. Assassins. A third of their skills are based on hiding, why should the smart rogue not use the wait to his advantage?Should the hunter never lay a trap nor send his pet to attack? Should the mage never use frost nova? Should the priest never shield? Should the shammy not use totems? The list is long. A rogue is an assassin. It is supposed to come up behind you and open you up when and if you show weakness. The other 2 thirds of rogues skills involve dual wielding swords, poisoning, paralyzing, and a flurry of other things to kill their opponent in a 1v1 full health battle. Quote
Zutnunzor Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 I stopped playing an honorable way when a hunter would not stop bothering me when I was lev. 28 on my warrior (This was before I had intercept). I had to do a quest in the Wetlands for the warrior-only quests, and he kept going after me, and I kept fending him off and killing him, got me 8 honorable kills. His answer to me trying to do a quest? Him getting on his 60 gnome mage and camping my corpse for over TWO HOURS. I checked periodically and he was sitting there everytime, waiting for me to respawn at the GY in the middle of the Wetlands. That wasn't a fun day. Quote
The Author Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Rogues are just like that. Assassins. A third of their skills are based on hiding, why should the smart rogue not use the wait to his advantage?Should the hunter never lay a trap nor send his pet to attack? Should the mage never use frost nova? Should the priest never shield? Should the shammy not use totems? The list is long. A rogue is an assassin. It is supposed to come up behind you and open you up when and if you show weakness. The other 2 thirds of rogues skills involve dual wielding swords, poisoning, paralyzing, and a flurry of other things to kill their opponent in a 1v1 full health battle. You're a hunter right? I will let you use traps, pets and melee skills, but no ranged attacks, as they are unfair. You have survival skills, you should be right up there meleeing all the time. For heaven's sake, he is a ROGUE. His first skill is BACKSTAB. He has a skilled called AMBUSH. His main ability is STEALTH. To win, a rogue has to make every hit count. Yes, vanish can correct mistakes, but for a rogue to win, he has to calculate every mouvement so that he optimises his output. When your talents are divided in subtlety (to reach a target), assassination (to cause as much damage as possible on a target) and combat (to survive a target that fights back), you are supposed and expected to chose the moment you strike and kill the person as fast as possible. Because for all you know, that mage there can instacast a pyroblast. That priest there will fear/pain you into submission. That warrior will overpower you. And that hunter will trap you. When I explained how to play a rogue to my friend, I told her: "Think before you act. It may seem easy to be a rogue, but in fact, you are up there, meleeing away with about the same armor as a buffed up mage." Even druids have a better armor because they have buffs. The only one truly worse off damage mitigation wise than a rogue is the warlock, and they make up with a hellish level of single target damage dealing. Play a rogue before complaining about being ambushed. It's what the class has been built to do. Quote
lazygecko Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Rogues are all about getting the first shot in. I can't really stand playing rogue, because I hate missing all the damn time. I know it's for balance, but still I hate it. Can't stand playing hunter either because the pet tends to clog the left speaker with its damn footstep noises which messes up my stereo image too much. Yeah, I must have some sort of OCD. Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 Alright I'm done for good. WoW can lick my fucking balls. Two reasons: a) Burning Crusade ain't coming out till at least January 23rd. Burning Crusade (and WoW after the expansion is applied) is no longer 56k friendly. Fuck you blizzard. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 Burning Crusade (and WoW after the expansion is applied) is no longer 56k friendly. Can you elaborate on that? Never heard anything like that. Quote
lazygecko Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 Oh no, a 2 month delay! Totally unexpected coming from Blizzard, too. Quote
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